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Aug 13, 2019
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Hello everyone!!

I just got my first couple digipets about a week ago - a 20th anniversary mini, and a 168-in-1 "Pixel Pets" from the clearance bin at Hot Topic. I've been known to be active on at least a dozen different virtual pet sites at any given time, and I love keeping exotic animals, but I've never had a digipet before now. Like with anything else I get into, I couldn't help but research the hell out of the Tamagotchi hobby, and now I'm hooked!

I can't promise I'll do anything more constructive than stalking everyone's logs and taking notes from the troubleshooting board, but I'm excited to be here and learn more about this super neat community :)

Welcome aboard, dwarfmun! :)

Once you get into Tamagotchis and other virtual pets, there seems to be no getting out of it; In my case, I was around for the originals in the 1990s, but put it aside for a while when life got busy, only to return to the hobby due to the 20th Anniversary Tamagotchi Mini (with a brief time prior to that spent with a Tamagotchi Connexion V4 in the 2000s), which led to me signing up here at TamaTalk, and I've heard a few other similar stories, too. Your being hooked on it probably isn't going to go away, now! :lol:

I hope that you have fun here, and with your virtual pets, too. :D

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