Brain-Eating Log


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Well-known member
May 30, 2008
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Mar's! I live on top of a mars bar!
Hi. My gourzatchi died just when I was about to pick it up(yesterday) and gourzatchi was at quite good health. His mommy and daddy were both memetchis( :marumimitchi: ). Then I got an egg. I paused it while it was still a egg. I will unpause my egg in 3 seconds. (3...2...1...0!!!). Okay its unpaused. It just became a shiroteletchi and I named it BADY. I just fed BADY some food. BADY is so cute! When BADY grows up I plan to marry it to MADI, my male V3. BADY is just walking around the screen and not doing anything. Hurry up BADY! I had to pause BADY because I have to go to school now.

Um... Hi. I got back from school and unpaused my tamas. Now I decided I will add my V5. Im on 6G on my V5 and 1G on my V3. My V5 is a Mikazukitchi. Its parents are Planetchi and Mamamemetchi. Its friends are EASTR. My family name on my V5 is PIANO. Um... My V3 got sick but now its better. Um... I dont know what to say now. bye.

Okay. I dont have anything to talk about so I will add me V4 In here. My v3 pooped. Now I will talk about my V4. My V4 is a female mohitamatchi and im trying to get a Makkiotchi. I will NOT unpause my V4. I might debug it though there is a risk that I wont be able to undebug it. Well... I dont have anything to say so I will add Franks V3. It will now connect with my V3 5 times. Franks V3 won 1 games. My V3 won 2 games.... Before my V3 went to sleep.

HAHAHA!!!! Now both my V3 and my V4 are mohitamatchis!!! Its funny because all my tamas that can become mohitamatchis are! Im having a bit of trouble describing what happens with my tamas because I did this all in one day. I cant find anything to post so I have dicided to post stuff later only. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay. Its tommorow and I have a sunnytchi on my V5. I cant wait for tommorow so that my tamav5 can get married to a tama. I hope I can marry it to another sunnytchi. My v3 pooped. Im boreed so............................ BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!h!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!co!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!g!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Find the secret message.^

In my last post the secret message was........... TAMAGOTCHI!!! MADI(my brother(Franks)tamagotchi V3) got married to a paparatchi and now has a baby boy. He look sorta like this: -_- . BADY is still really cute and has not evolved. Um...I need my tamagotchis to see whats happened. Please wait a few minutes.

Now my tamagotchis mom is planetchi. The dad used to be a planetchi but my sunnytchi got married to a kuchipatchi(I love kuchipatchis)and now I have a blended family with 3 babys. All furbatchis exept my mimifuwatchi. The daughters are a furbatchi and the mimufuwatchi. It just pooped.

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I will unpause my V3 in a few seconds. Okay, its unpaused. My V5 very recently evolved and the mimifuwatchi became sakuramotchi the furbatchi male became mattaritchi and the other furbatchi became tororotchi. I think tororotchi learned how to talk!!! She was talking to the fridge with her dad. Wahoo!!! Mattaritchi learned to shout!!!...But when will my poor sakuramotchi learn to talk? YES!!! They can all talk now!!! So sakuramotchi will whisper in bracets, mattaritchi will shout in capitals and tororotchi will talk normely. In my next post they will have a conversation.

HeLlO. ToRoRoTcHi WiLl Only talk when I say talk. Then she will give permision to everyone else to talk.


Hi, we are currently showering so please dont disturb us.


(hey!!! Matteraritchi just dropped the soap on my head. WAH!!!)


(*Sobs* It broke on my head.

Now we are bathing.


Im sorry that I havent been talking about BADY or ABCIE but I proboly wont talk about them too much because I want to talk about my V5 because soon my moms going to return it. Im currently working on a V4 charecter chart because I usully need one.

Conversation in V5:





Yeah, then they can take us apart.


I cant wait either.


Talk over time.

But mom and dad are eating bannanas.


The talk is over so mattaritchi doesnt go crazy. BADY is a teenager and ABCIE is a kid. ABCIE want to become a makkiotchi. BADY wants to became a mimitchi but will proboly become maskutchi or gourzatchi or dead. My V3 my V4 and my V5s tama parents will talk. Kychy my papakuchipatchi will do a lot of spaces between words. Sunnplan my planetchi will talk like this: HeLlO. And my V3 BADY will not even talk. My V4 will also not talk.

OH MY G..!!! I cant belive I still havent told you that on my V5 my family name is piano. I got it when I won a piano compattition... But when this one gets returned I will change the family name to glitch. Dont you hate V5s??? I hope you do cause I do.

HI... Soon im going to get the new V5. Because the other V5 is preety old its too old to return. But im still going to get a new V.5. They will proboly then both be included in the tama log.








Please I want to be returned.


(Can you chop our house up? Then he can stay with you and we can go to the store again.)


Hehehe!!! Just a little while ago ( a few hours ago) I caught my tama parents on my V5 kissing... Now I saw them eating bannanas NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Because there was one "Human" who posted in this log I made a rule: DO NOT POST ANYTHING IN MY LOG OR ELSE I WILL REPORT YOU ONE KA ZLILLZION TIMES. I WILL ALSO TELL EVERYONE IN A PM. My V5 has not evolved wah. Bye for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess what????? I got a new V5! Unlike the other V5 family this family will have GOOD conversations and NOT argue. I just pulled out the tab and I am SO exited to see what happened next. They just hatched! I have a mizufuwatamatchi, a furbatchi and a omutchi. Bye! I will post what happenes later soon.

Sorry I havent been posting practicly anything. :ichigotchi: Its because school ends in 13 more days. I cant wait...

I reset ABCIE because I chose the wrong teacher. :furawatchi: I got a bit of experience from that. In tama school during the teen age in you tamagotchi VERSION 4 toy. When you get the letter that brings you to the place where you screem at your old teacher ( [ ! ] ), you wait a little bit until its over then when its over you get another [ ! ]. You will soon see Mr. Turtlepedia/ Mr. Turtle. If you choose him as a teacher you will get school skill points. But if you press A you will see another teacher. THis one raises shiny skill points. Pressing A again will get you will see another teacher. Use this one to raise your flower skill points. To select a teacher just use A to scroll through the teachers and when you get to the one you like all you have to do is WAIT and DO NOT PRESS ANY BUTTONS. When you go to work in the connection icon you have to play a game. To play the game your teacher will put a skill point in a present box. Then your teacher will add two more present boxes. Your teacher will mix up the boxes and when he or she is done you can move around with A and when you are under the box with the skill point in it, press the B button to choose it. If you choose the correct one you will get 3 skill points. If you choose the wrong one you will get nothing. It will just show a discusting pile of pooooooop. (EW.)
