Braces - Big Decisions


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
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Please read the whole post before replying. Thanks. :]

I knew this day would come - The day I'd have to get my second set of braces. Me and my family are planning my braces for this June when school gets out.

Braces are already very expensive, so I am looking for braces that are as discreet as possible, but at a good pirce. Invisalign is out of the question.

After research, I found out about the Damon braces system. I also found out about Inspire Ice (not sure how much it costs, though). I'm looking for braces that are clear (not the wire, the brackets). If anyone's had these before, please tell me if they're worth it.

I've had braces on my 4 front teeth (top and bottom) when I was maybe 8 or 9. Those teeth are straight, but not the other ones. How long do you think I'll have to have braces?

Here's a pic of my teeth at the moment:

(sorry if that grosses anyone out. lol)

So based on the info above, can anyone tell me how long I'll need them?

If it helps any, here's the websites I got some research from:

Also, if you have any experience with braces, please share. I'd love to hear your stories and I'd also like to be prepared for what I have to go through. What brand were your braces? How long did you have them? What did you cheat and eat?

I'd appreciate any advice from anyone. Thanks a bunch! :]

Here's one piece of advice: be careful with sticky candy. If you eat it and you break your braces, the orthodontist will be tiiicked. >.<

They were ticked at me, then, when I got them fixed, they were all, hugging me and such saying I was the best patient ever. o_O

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Oooh, braces.>.< My sis' went through that, I have to say, it don't seem nice.:/

I would actually prefer the other braces.But Im not too sure.I say that because you can have different colors on them.Even rainbow :)

I know someone who wants braces.

Her mom's paying to get them done. Her teeth aren't that bad.

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Lets try not to be pessimists!

Ok tenniswinner, I think you should go for whatever your orthodontist reccomends.

If you are wondering about the pain, I'll tell you a bit about it:

It does not hurt when you are getting the actual braces on, but when you come home they might feel a little weird, and perhaps tight.

When you get your braces tightened, it will hurt quite a bit. It goes away after time, though.

Oh, yes, and when you get them off, it doesn't hurt at all.

They take a tool that just rips it all off, and it only takes about 3 minutes. Then they clean up your teeth, and you might get a retainer.

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I hate my braces >:[

I had to get the elastics connecting my top eye teeth to two of my bottom teeth, and I couldn't even open my mouth. But then last night while I was brushing my teeth one of the hooks fell off so I don't have t wear the elastics anymore until I can go back to get it fixed ;D

The best part is that they probably aren't even open for the holidays. At least I hope they aren't...

I have never had braces, expanders, or any other kind of metal in my mouth at all, but quite a few of my friends do, so I can repeat what they have told me.

"Braces hurt SO bad at first! But after a while you get used to them and the pain just goes away."

Also, a little tip from my point of view - it's way cuter to get colours. Particularly if you wear them a lot, or have any jewellery that would go with them.

One of my best friends has blue-purple colour scheme, and another has pink-orange. It looks great, and something about just seeing a wire around someone's teeth is a little odd. (That's just my opinion on those Ice Clear Braces), but it all depends on what you think will look best on you.

Sorry about treating this just like a fashion parade!! Hope everything goes well. :furawatchi:

If I were you, I'd get the normal braces. Clear ones would be.. I don't know, weird. But that's your decision.

You won't have them on forever, and there's like 580840 other people that have them. You may think the normal ones are ugly and noticable, but they're really not. Plus you can put different coloured brackets on. xD

They hurt for 1 week, then it's not bad. They can be annoying, but it's all worth it.

Then you need a retainer. Blarg.

The dentists tell you not to eat a lot of foods, but I did anyways. Nothing happened.

Good luck with your braces.

I have metal braces and although they have done wonders for my teeth I still don't like them anymore....

A couple of tips

-Follow the dentist food guidlines they really will help

-Enjoy gum before you get them on chances are you won't chew it when you get back

and all the other tips mentioned here!

Thanks for your opinions, guys. :)

It sounds like pain is a major con for braces. I remember my first set of braces, and they did feel funny, but I don't remember having too much trouble with them.

As for the colors, I think the transparent ones look pretty cool. I'd rather have just the wire showing and not the brackets, but that's just me. :D

Thanks for the stories, and keep 'em coming! :D

My braces were payed for by the NHS?

I had my braces for 2 years and I had them off last friday. IDK when you should get them off because I dont know how bad your teeth are. I have a retainer now it's clear.

My braces where pink and white I have not seen the invisable ones but yeah like Sqidward said stay away from sticky candy and hard food. Mine broke when I ate cucumber. o_O

Oooh..good luck with your braces. My friends have braces on, and my sister's orthodontist wants to put all of these utensils into her mouth. My friend said that her device is really painful. She has an overbite, so they want to bring her jaw forward.

Your teeth look pretty straight to me, but don't ask me. I'm no orthodontist. :furawatchi:

Here's one piece of advice: be careful with sticky candy. If you eat it and you break your braces, the orthodontist will be tiiicked. >.
They were ticked at me, then, when I got them fixed, they were all, hugging me and such saying I was the best patient ever. o_O
That's probably because they got paid lol. Money makes dentists and their staff happy. I know I smile more when my paycheque gets handed to me ;D (I work in a lawfirm).

Well, I've never had braces before (to my previous disappointment), but always wanted them for some reason. I guess I thought they looked cool, which they sort of do, but later I realized they can hurt a lot.

I suppose I'm thankful for straight teeth now. ;)

I know this may sound a little wierd, but I kinda want braces. Why? Because I have really ugly teeth and braces would cover them up. Not to mention that you can get colored braces that look cool. My 2 best friends have had braces - one got them off earlier this year and one just got them about a month and a half ago. They hurt for a while but after the first few days you get used to them.

I have braces lol they're not actually that bad but gross when you tak e them out to clean (retaainers)

Oh yeah and don't have bubble gum, once i ate it with my braces even tho i wasn't supposed to and them it kinda got stuck there and the braces had a disgusting feeling in my mouth ewwww lol

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