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Yay! Anarchy In NeoTalk!

*dances on dead neopets*

I have a question, if you hate neopets why are you posting in NeoTalk?

good point.other ppl love neopets and technicly your criticizing them.also it just plain stuped.ppl are going to get mmmaaadddd. :) :mametchi:

Thanks for making other others feel bad. It's your opinions. And why are you posting in NeoTalk if you hate it? Post it somewhere else, like WOYM (What's on your mind)

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Everyone is entitled to there own opinion... I wouldn't be offended if someone hated Tamagotchi. It would be making them feel bad if they said "Everyone who plays neopets is stupid". Like on another forum I go on, some people like the origional game and others like the sequel. No reason to be offended. I also think it is very boring.

personaly i dont like it but your right it is there oppinion.but i just dont get why there posting it on neopet talk.

I'm a neopets user and have been for 3 years. And I find this board kinda offending. (Even though this happens alot on, yes neopets users critsize themselves. It's a nutty website.)

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but trying to provoke a fight is not nice.


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