Blue Waves V4


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Active member
Feb 22, 2007
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Today i looked up the shop codes and got little TI the pen, clone, honey, cell phone, CD3, play house, and slide. I played jump rope continously untill i had 9000 gp so i could buy the stereo. I made TI play with everything he could and played some more jump rope. at about 5:30 he turned into a teenage androtchi. :hitodetchi: B) I was so happy.


Training: 6

Intelligence: 72

Arts: 45

Social: 21

Age: 1

Gen: 1

Today i found out about potty training and i was paying attention so i got TI to use the toilet 3 times... only 1 more and he should do it on his own. I also looked up a growth chart and saw i could get androtchi if i work on my arts so time to play dance a bunch. ill post again later


Training: 10

Intelligence: 91

Arts: 170

Social: 21

Age: 2

Gen: 1

well i did as i planned.... i played lots and lots of dance, and sure enough i got androtchi!! awesome. TI is doin just fine.... he got offered a job today i was so excited. He worked really hard to get up his art points so he got his job as a rock star with no problem. I'm starting to shop for him and try to get all the re-usable items so he can have a bunch of stuff to play with. well awesome... i was just looking in the shop and they had a cuckoo clock up for sale, one less item on his list. I made up a list of 27 items that are reusable and look really cute when your tama plays with them, and it leaves 3 spaces available to buy tickets and shovels and stuff. PM me if you want me to type up the list for you i would be happy to let people give me feedback. TI and i will be posting again soon, later all :)

Today i made up my own list of reusable items that i wanna start collecting on my V4.. all the things you can get for them that look really cute, and wanna pass on to lower generations. The list totals 27 items. PM me if it is anything you might be interested in lookin at ill be more than happy to give it to you.

Im keepin my little tama way up past his bed time but i wanted to make sure he was doing very well in his career. As a reward he got to go on a trip to France :) i got to sit and watch him standing there with his little backpack looking at the scenery then he flew back and got his souvenier eiffel tower and he looked really happy... anyway thats really all the exciting stuff, his stats are really high now, ok later all :)

Look:White w/ Blue waves

Name: TI

Age: 4yr

Training: 10

Intelligence: 106

Art: 291

Social: 74

Okay today was way too busy of a day. Usually I have my V4 to look after and then my V3(who i dont log about) which i can do easily. I woke up this morning to the familiar beeping of a tama needing attention. I started looking around and realized my sister was not home, and she had left her tama's in my room in the basement!! Lots of responsibility today because i had to look after her 2 v3's and her v4..... so i was looking after 5 tama's total. I'm used to just 2 which is usually not too bad to handle. Well at least they are all sleeping now so i can take a break, have a much needed cigarette. Well anyway because i had her v4 hanging around today it was an adult maidotchi girl named missy. So..... i had her and TI hang out (note i used a love potion 2 days ago) and off went the fireworks. Now i have 2 baby boys. I might have myself a problem tho... cuz my sister still has not come home and now im gonna have to care for 3 v3's and my two new v4 babies. ok well now for that cigarette.... if anyone reads this and might want to trade somethin for a glow in the dark V4, and/or grafitti v3.... PM me cuz if my sister doesnt come back i'm not gonna be using them... anyway night all

ok I haven't posted for a while about my V4 because i was trying to take care of too many tamas at once. I tabbed my V3 with 2nd generation mimitchi..... Kinda sad but i really wanna focus on my new log for my V4 because it is now my favorite tama.

Well my last post about my V4 i had found love with my sister's v4 maidotchi and had a baby boy. Well my sister has started neglecting her tama so i decided i will find love for my tamas through the matchmaker. Well when it was finally time for my 6 year old Androtchi TI to leave, i was left with my new baby boy.... His name is Jonny, chosen because my name is John. We kept very busy feeding, eating a few snacks, and playing jump rope several times. Since TI mated with Missy, they were both from the Mame family so i ended up with a baby from the Mame family. I decided this time I really wanted to try to grow up a secret character and since Jonny is in the Mame family i would try to have him grow into Tensaitchi!!! (I picked Tensaitchi because i had a baby boy, and he was my favorite boy secret tama)

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I am going to do some catching up in these 2 logs because i was lazy. If you want to learn how to get the secret character Tensaitchi, the little scientist with the crazy spiral glasses, then keep on reading my log and do exactly what i did. Well I paid very close attention to Jonny when he was a baby and made sure to clean up all the poops, and made sure i always fed him untill he shook his head no, so he would not drop any hungry hearts. I played a lot of jump rope to help him build up his stats, but mainly so i could get some gotchi so i can buy him things from the list i already made. Finally Jonny took his nap and shortly after he woke up.... he was Harutchi!! He looks soo cute. Jonny inherited all kinds of toys from his father TI so i had little Jonny play in the play house, its cute to see him peek his little head out of the window and look so excited. Then i had him go down the slide a few times and even had him play with his clone. I love the clone item because if you really like the way your tama looks... then the clone makes two of them on the screen for a little while. Shortly after he went to bed, and i was excited to see what he would turn into the next day.

PM Me if you wanna know any tips about getting secret char Tensaitchi

Oh wow.... its already the morning. So i start out the day giving Jonny some cereal and letting him play on his slide and around in the play house. He cried a few times and i praised him so he would cheer up and get some training. He played jump rope some more times, then an important letter came, time to start preschool!! :) I had Jonny go off and try to dance around with the teacher, but my poor little buddy got fustrated because he kept falling on his face instead of doing the dance correct. I took Jonny to tamatown because i wanted to see what souveniers i could find for him. I got 9,900 gotchi and decided to buy him an action figure to sleep with, and save the rest. I gave little Jonny his robot doll, he looked suprised at first but then sat down and being very cute talked with it :p by then it was starting to get late and he was about to go to bed so i played some more jump rope. Finally he went to bed after playing in his playhouse 2 more times.

At the end of my logs im gonna say what i specifically did to try to get Tensaitchi, today what i did was make sure his happy and hungry harts pretty much stayed full, maybe dropping one, or all if he got a poo in the mail. I played jump rope a lot to get his stats up, but jump rope just gets them all up which DOES help in the end. Stats are the key.

Ok.... I woke up again today and rolled over and picked up Jonny to see how he was doing (he is energetic..... he always wakes up before me :ph34r: ) I fed him some breakfast (cereal) and then i just kinda let him run around while i watched tv. Then he started beeping a lot and i realized, he was changing!!!!! The screen did its flashing and when it was done....... i had a young mametchi. I was so happy because Mametchi is my favorite right next to Mimitchi :) :p I was also happy because that means Jonny is still on the path to becoming Tensaitchi. So I had Jonny play with all the different items in his basket of goodies (items under games icon). Then i got an important letter, and the preschool teacher took away my backpack :wacko: but then shortly then after, i got more important mail and it was my graduation cap for high school, yay, I chose the turtle guy for my teacher because he helps get intelligence GUTS points up, and Tensaitchi is a VERY intelligent tama so i need to get my intelligence way up. Once Jonny turned into young mametchi though, he could play the rest of the games, and i played several rounds of shape to help get his intelligence points up, infact i had him pretty much play untill he went to bed again.

Things today i did to get Tensaitchi: Kept up happy/hungry hearts, Played lots of shape mini game to get up Intelligence points(the pencil). Kept playing games to also keep weight down because over 60 lbs is unhealthy.

Jonny the teenager day two... I had jonny go to school several times, and play shape a lot to get my intelligence points up even more, but nothing really exciting happened. I have been treating him well so if everything keeps going the way it is, tomorrow i should have the cutest tama... Mametchi.

Today what i did to get Tensaitchi: I kept playing shape a whole lot, i tried to have 200 points in Intelligence before he went to bed, and i did have 208. Kept Jonny full and happy too of course.

Everyone who reads this... PLEASE PM me and let me know what you think. I am really considering getting out my digital camera and taking some pictures to show what my tama is doing at times so you can see the pictures and maybe make everything more visual. If you think this is a good idea PLEASE LET ME KNOW. anyway later yall.

Today Jonny woke up before me (as usual) and i felt bad cuz he had poo'ed and he was hiding off to the left.... eww... Anyway i flushed it away for him, and then gave him his morning cereal for breakfast. I ate some breakfast too, and while i was munching away... Jonny starting beeping like crazy. Well i remembered he usually changes about this time so i looked over and saw Mametchi dancing around on my screen!! I was so excited, my little boy was all growed up, and could play with all the cool items i had worked so hard at picking out for him. I had made a list of cool re-usable items so Jonny can play with them over and over. There wasnt much for Jonny to do after playing with everything because he probably wont get a job offer untill tomorrow. I was looking around tamatalk here and at the jobs and decided Jonny needed to apply to be a scientist if he wanted to be Tensaitchi. Not much else went on and Jonny went to bed, he is gonna need some sleep, because tomorrow when he gets a job he is going to be working a lot to build up his intelligence. I also went out to Wal-Mart after Jonny went to bed and bought one of the little stuffed Mametchi doll with the backpack on his back that holds my V4 because i dont want it to get tore up. I will conclude the rest of my story of getting tensaitchi tomorrow... later all.

Things i did today to get tensaitchi: I played shape quite a bit, and i also played dance and flag some, because those two have to add up to 100 to get tensaitchi. From now on the most important thing is GUTS points for trying to get tensaitchi, and his scientist job :eek:

PLEASE PM me and let me know if you think trying to put in pictures would be helpful to you all.... thanks, John

Today Jonny woke up and didnt really have much going on. Finally in the afternoon he got some important mail, and he was offered a job. I had gotten his intelligence up above 200 so he took a job as a scientist. Luckilly he was offered this job to help become Tensaitchi. I made him go to work several times, matching beakers and jars left and right, and by the time he went to bed he had about 270 intelligence. Tomorrow he will work non stop to become tensaitchi.

Things i did today to get Tensaitchi: I got him a job as a scientist... and went to work a lot to raise his intelligence.

Johnny today is going to become Tensaitchi.... i hope he is excited, i know i am. I started the day having Jonny go to work, and when he got there Nazotchi brought him his pay. Wow! 3427 gotchi!! After being paid Jonny then went to work as a scientist several times, over and over untill he reached 390 intelligence. He was dancing around on his screen, then everything started flashing..... and...... TENSAITCHI!! Very first thing i did was push C so Jonny came up to the screen and i could look at his crazy spiral glasses :) I already had plenty of items so i let Jonny play with toys, RC UFO, Soccer ball, his stereo, his cd's, and had him call his parent, good ol TI the androtchi. I also had Jonny try on his jeans, sunglasses, which looked really cool over his spiral glasses, and his hat. After playing for a long time, i got on tamatown and started getting a lot of gotchi because i wanted to have enough money to get him the U.F.O if it ever became available in the shop. Finally i saved up the 50,000 and by then it was bed time so Jonny fell asleep.

Today what i did to get Tensaitchi: I had him work a whole lot to get his intelligence points up to 390, because Tensaitchi comes from a very intelligent tamagotchi.

Not much happened with Jonny except taking quite a few rides on his new UFO and playin with other toys. After one more day though the matchmaker came. I really wanted to try to get Makiko next so i wanted to marry a female from the Meme group. It was perfect too because Mrs. Busybody came with a Memetchi!!! I read that if you push the button when the book is closed you get a girl, so i did that, married the Memetchi. And..... i had a boy. I was kinda bummed out, so i guess the matchmaker's book has to be OPEN to get a girl. I was ok with it though, and waited patiently for another day for Jonny the Tensaitchi to leave his baby for it to grow up on its own. Finally a day later he woke up at midnight, took one last look at his baby, then headed back to Tamagotchi planet :D I am excited though because now i have a new baby that will be ready to be named tomorrow and taken very good care of again.

I woke up this morning to a crying baby boy, waiting to be named and loved. I decided to name him JC after my nickname. I started feeding him some cereal and oranges so he would grow up healthy. He was like a typical baby and got sick very quick, and had to take him to the doctor even tho i know he cries :lol: :) But then i played jump rope with him a few times to help him stay a healthy weight and keep the little guy happy. Before i knew it he had laid down to take a nap, and i took it as the perfect opportunity to jump in the shower, just like a real parent. After i got out there he was again, hungry and unhappy so i fed him some more and played more jump rope. Then all of a sudden i heard the familiar changing beeping and the screen was flashing and he turned into Puchitchi :D I got excited because none of my other tamas had turned into Puchitchi so this was a very pleasant suprise. After he changed i had him play with all of Jonny's used toys, watchin him in the playhouse was cute, it always is. Then he got some important mail :D :D and JC got his backpack and was enrolled in preschool. Finally it got late and he went to bed. I cant wait untill tomorrow to see what he will turn into, JC will be the first tama ive gotten in the Meme family. Anyway keep readin for more adventures of JC!

I actually woke up before JC did this morning, and got ready to take care of him. When he finally woke up i fed him some morning cereal, and an orange to go along with it. I was keeping a close eye on him, and noticed that he was about to go poo and i got him to the toilet on time. I always like the training toilet when they are infants, the little duck lookin thing they use. I let him play in his playhouse some and go down the slide a few times. Then i played a couple games of jumprope to get him some gotchi incase somethin good was on sale in the shop. After that i pretty much let him just hang around and feed him some sushi a few times. Then i remembered i should have him get in some schooling, he danced around with the teacher, but couldnt get the dance right and fell on his face every time. Oh well he will eventually get it. Not much else went on, he hollered at me a few times when nothin was wrong, and he got in some training, and also cried once, and of course i praised him so he got up to half his training. Then i heard beeping and looked down and he changed into Gourmetchi!! I love it because i have never had him before. When you push C and he comes up close to the screen he looks really cute. Shortly after he got an important letter :D and he left the preschool teacher, then got another letter :D and it was him meeting his teacher. I really want him to grow up to be Togetchi so i chose the flower sensei, help bring up his Arts GUTS points. I had him go to school twice and he picked the right box both times :D :lol: Then i looked in the shop and he had ice cream and a mirror ON SALE, which is my sister's Harutchi (Juls) favorite food, and her little girl needed a mirror for makeup too. So I had JC be a nice young man and give her both of them. By then it was late and Gourmetchi JC went to bed. Tomorrow will be a fresh day of lots of school, so its good JC is gettin some sleep. Ok later all!!


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