Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog (Comments OK)


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Mar 26, 2008
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The Stars
Hey everyone! :kasatchi:

Long time no see! I'm TamaLove754, or Vis_Mage in most other places nowadays. Some of you that have been around the community since way back in 2008-2012 may even recognize me. I was pretty active on here back then, but ended up posting less and less once life started to become busier and busier. I never exactly left, but over time I sort of started lurking and checking in every so often, occasionally posting and catching up on any new tama news.

Usually, once or twice during the year, I'll get the tama itch again for a little bit, but this time, it's really been sticking with me! Part of which can definitely be attributed to unlike before in high-school/college, I'm now fortunate enough to be able to work from home, and have way more time to devote to the little cuties!

A couple of months after joining TamaTalk in 2008, I started up a tama blog, that I would continue off and on for about 6 years. It originally had the highly creative name "V1 Yay", but later on, I changed the title to Bella Luna, a homage to one of my earliest friends on the site, Belgia. I was originally going to continue on that blog, but since I haven't posted in it in 8 years now, and anyone new would have to wade through 29 pages of elementary school-level writing, I figured it was time to start anew. If anyone is curious at taking a peek though, here is my original blog:

Anyway though, a couple days ago I started up my original V3, that I got ~15 years ago now, and have been getting more and more into it as I've gone. It's been a while since I've ran most of my collection, but I've really had the itch these last couple weeks. Spent a few hours giving them all a nice cleaning. Seeing the prices now, I'm definitely happy that I was adamant on keeping my collection all these years.


Here's my full collection, mostly gotten in 2008-2012, with a few extras since then. I have one other music star, but couldn't find it at the moment. Mostly connection-era tamas, haven't dabbled too much with the color tamas yet.

One other neat bit of possible interest; In the years since I've last been active, game development has become one of my main hobbies, and the reignited interest has even inspired me to start working on a tamagotchi-like game for mobile! Not really sure why they decided to remove the old mobile tamas for years back, but it's the sort of thing that I'm hoping to achieve. I don't plan on the blog to become a dev log or anything, but if things start coming along nicely, perhaps the little fella will make some appearances alongside my tama updates. :)

Anyway though, always open to chat, and comments are well welcomed. Be it about some of the older tamas, the old days on the forums, or that mobile project of mine, feel free to ask here, or shoot me a PM.
Good morning everyone!

Continuing from my first post, I've started up two tamas for the time being, a V3 (the first being my first tama from way back in 2007), and an Angelgotchi!


The V3 was a teen when I popped the batteries in, and about a day later the little guy became a dapper lil' Mametchi. The shell is a bit worse for ware after ~15 years of being carried in my pocket, haha. Had to open it up and clean up the button contacts, since the buttons weren't registering very well. Besides that though, I'm really happy that it otherwise still works great even after so many years! He's on gen 3 currently, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that their friends list still contained a bunch of tamas me, my brother, and a couple of friends had raised like 10 years ago!

The Angelgotchi is currently the good health teen. The poor little fella has a faulty sound wire, so they don't make any sound, and the "sound" sensor that they use for raising their TP also doesn't work. I love the little fella all the same, though! Funny enough, the shell was actually originally silver, but over time, has become this milky-golden color. Not sure how well that shows up in the picture, but I actually quite like how it looks in person.

Have a great day!
Hey your little banner has two of my favorite tamas on it!

The golden color looks really cool on the angel. It's like having a special limited edition one XD

V3 was my first Connection tama, I have fond memories of it :) Look at that handsome Mametchi ^^ Enjoy your time with your Tamas!
Hey your little banner has two of my favorite tamas on it!

The golden color looks really cool on the angel. It's like having a special limited edition one XD

V3 was my first Connection tama, I have fond memories of it :) Look at that handsome Mametchi ^^ Enjoy your time with your Tamas!
Hey, and thank you very much!

I've been having a lot of fun running them again, now that I fortunately have more free time, and less general stress.

Those two little fellas are favorites of mine too! For the longest time, my avatar was Kusatchi, before eventually switching over to my little custom fluffy fella. :kasatchi:
My god I never realized that the name of this emoticon is "KASATCHI" :kasatchi:
Ahh your V3 looks very well-loved indeed. warms my heart a lil
My god I never realized that the name of this emoticon is "KASATCHI" :kasatchi:
Ahh your V3 looks very well-loved indeed. warms my heart a lil
Haha, thank you! :kurbotchi:

And I noticed that too! I think it might have gotten changed by mistake at some point, since my signature used to have the little guy in it, but I noticed recently he went missing.

My Mametchi has a little baby girl now! I'm thinking of naming her May, named my first ever tama, a sweet little Kuchipatchi! :wub:

Not much new with my Angel, been trying to give perfect care to see if I can still get the Twin Angels secret character even without TP/deeds.


As a side note, I gotta find a better light source to use for taking pictures. They're a bit tricky to photograph without shadows or glare.
Not that I take great pictures or anything, but have you tried actually using less light and a sensitive camera? The camera on my phone works good in low-light environments so I actually take my pictures with the lights off sometimes and it helps avoid the shadow and glare.

ETA: I didn't notice them until now, but what are those guitar-pick-looking-things in your Collection picture?
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Futagotenshi (Twin Angels) acquired! Seems I was worried about nothing, haha. Interestingly, it appears that Angel Power and deeds really don't affect growth. These little cuties will probably stick around for a while now, but for the next run, I'm already planning on going for one of my favorite Tamas overall that always eluded me when I was younger, the Cactus Angel. 🌵

Mametchi also left on the V3, leaving little baby May on her own. She's a derpy little UFO right now, haha.

Also, I decided to add one more to the group, an UraTama! I love the cooking feature in the En/Ura Tamas, as well as a lot of the cute animations and unique items. Loaded it up, and had one of the secret family babies, who's now a toddler. A bit tricky to get on camera with the blue pixels, though.


Not that I take great pictures or anything, but have you tried actually using less light and a sensitive camera? The camera on my phone works good in low-light environments so I actually take my pictures with the lights off sometimes and it helps avoid the shadow and glare.

ETA: I didn't notice them until now, but what are those guitar-pick-looking-things in your Collection picture?
Thanks for the advice! I'm starting to try out different rooms of the house to find somewhere better lighting without as much shadows or glare. I'm taking these from my phone camera as well, so I'll keep that in mind.

As for the guitar picks, those actually came packaged with the Music Star. I believe there was two waves of them, and on the back of them they had a special code to use on Music City (a multi-player TamaTown for the Music Star and Tama-Go). I've got a couple more of those then actual Music Stars, I'm pretty sure a friend of mine gave me theirs as well.
Not too much has changed with May or the little twins, but my UraTama just evolved into a teen, she looks like a little pumpkin witch!


OK, that Uratama baby is absolutely adorable. I can't wait to expand my tama collection into some of these other ones. Thanks for showing it off!
Haha, thank you! :kurbotchi: Quite the little cutie indeed. I love all the fun little animations that the connection tamas are full of!
Good afternoon everyone!

I've got some pretty exciting news today, three new little fellas in the mail today! A P1 re-release, Angelgotchi, and Keitai.


As for the three I'm currently running, my little twin angels left at the age of 10. I'm kind of surprised they left so quickly, I feel like when I've had them in the past they've stuck around until around age 20, but that might have just been inflated by being paused when I was at school.

May has evolved into Teketchi, one of the few Tamas I haven't gotten on the V3 yet! I haven't given Teketchi much thought before, but they're quickly growing to become one of my favorites. An excellent blend of cute and derpy!

Not too much new with the UraTama. I'm guessing they'll become an adult within the next day though!

Hey, long time no see! :kasatchi:

It's that cozy time of year again, that always get's me yearning to run a tama or three again! Currently booting up my original v3 as I usually do, but I'm currently still deciding on a friend or two to run along with them. Currently debating between an Angelgotchi, v2, Akai or Keitai. I'll probably try to decide by tomorrow morning though, as they'd fall asleep immediately if I started them this late at night, haha!

Looking forward to spending some time with them again though! :wub:
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Hiya, Happy Near Year! 🎉
Well...about a month ago haha! 😅

So, my initial plan to start logging again over December didn't quite pan out, but the itch to start running some tamas again didn't go away.

Over the past couple weeks, I've started running my (silent) Angelgotchi, Keitai, and Uratama. Say hi to the gang!


This is the first time that I'm getting around to running my Keitai, and it's quickly becoming one of my favorite versions to run! It's very laid-back and has a lot of the classic connection-era characters that I love.

I'm planning to raise my Uratama to be an oldie this time around. For how long though, who knows! She's getting pretty close to that age though, the matchmaker has been coming around for the last few days.

As for the Angelgotchi, she's kind of become my go-to for a very low maintenance companion tama to raise alongside one or two others. I really like all of the characters on the Angelgotchi, so it's a treat no matter who I end up raising!

Since my last actual post though, my collection has grown a bit. I've recently discovered the wonderful world of Buyee haha. It's a website that let's you buy from a handful of popular Japanese bidding sites. I...may have bought 9 tamas from there in last week lol! So in the coming weeks, I'll be adding a P1, two Angelgotchis, an Oceangotchi, a Osu/Mesu pair, 4u, Demon Slayer nano, and an Eevee nano to my collection! Quite the way to jump back into the swing of things!

Initially, I was only looking to get a 4u and a cheap compatible cellphone. I've been looking into how to create custom characters, and have wanted to give it a try for years now. I've been working on my own little virtual pet project for a while now, and I'm planning on adding some of the characters into the 4u! I'm sure I'll release them too, in the off chance anyone's interested in having any of the little cuties on their 4u as well.

I've recently seen someone mention creating a spreadsheet to keep track of all their tamas, and when they got them. I've started putting one together, and will probably share it with my next update! I went through my old log to help remember the dates, and yeesh that was a trip! 😅 Was still pretty fun to look back though, even with my "questionable" writing skills back then.

This ended up being a bit longer than expected, but I'm planning on getting back in the habit of logging again, so stay tuned! :kurbotchi:

Take care!
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