Barry the V4.5


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The Tamagotchi Guardian

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2008
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Last night I started a new V4.5 called Barry and I thought I should do a log on him. At the moment he is a Tsubutchi. He is eating food faster than I can provide it! Nothing in the shop he can play with yet. He is very energetic and bouncy and I can tell can't wait to turn into a toddler. He had a toothache so I gave him two spoonfuls of medicine and that cured him.

Barry has grown up lots since last night. He is currently changing into a new character! He is now a Kurobotchi.

This is what he looks like

And this is what he could have looked like

He has just enjoyed having a game with the ball. He tried to balance of top of it. At first, he couldn't stop failing but now he is almost a natural.

Today he has gone to the toilet more than ever before but hasn't eaten nearly as much. Also today he had his first game of Climb. He enjoyed it so much getting a perfect 30 and with the money he earnt, I bought him a couple of treats and a spade for him to dig with. Instantly he started digging and he managed to get himself another 200GP which I will spend on something for him later. We understand each other very well and work great together.

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I have just noticed that his weight is 25lb. I think that is far too heavy so I have been excersizing him a bit by playing Climb with him. I have had several games and earnt several points. With the money I bought a ticket for an aeroplane for when he is older and I have managed to get his weight down to 11lb. Due to his weight increase, I won't be giving him any treats for a little while longer but he doesn't need to worry because I will make sure that he does have some sometime.

Barry is now a natural at Climb. He enjoys slowly jumping from cloud to cloud before speeding up. As when I posted a few minutes ago, his weight is 11lb which is an amount that I am happy for it to be at. I have just had to feed him two meals and one snack so to burn off that extra weight, we are playing some more Climb. You might think I sound mean, getting him to continously play Climb but he really enjoys it. His weight is now back down at 11lb and I have bought him a trumpet to play with. He doesn't want to use it yet but when he gets a bit older, I'm sure he'll have a lot of fun with it.

Barry isn't ready for school yet so I won't make him go. I know that when he does go, he'll really enjoy his time with the music teacher. He doesn't yet know about the trumpet but once he's done quite well with her, I'll give it to him as a little present for his progress.

I have just introduced him to Tug of War. He is not yet very good and often looses on Round 1, 2 or 3 but still finds it fun. He does prefer Climb still but once he's a bit better at Tug of War, I'm sure he'll enjoy that more.

Barry has gone to school for the first time. He really enjoyed it with the music teacher even though he wasn't that good. When he came home he played with the ball and grew a plant that I bought for him in the shop getting 100p. He has also played a bit more Tug of War and is getting good.

New stuff in the shop has just arrived! I bought him a couple of treats which he ate, (his weight is now 14lb which I am perfectly happy with) and I bought him a pencil that he really had fun drawing with. I've just sent him back to school and this time he's done a bit better in Music.

My friend has just arrived at my house with his Generation 6 Tsubutchi and immediately we started connecting. We played 3 games and Barry won 2. Congratulations Barry! After that me and my friend both decided that we would give presents to each other. I went to the shop and bought a drum and then wrapped it and gave it to him but unfortunately he gave some poo back which really upset Barry. To cheer him up, I had a game of Tug of War with him.

Barry is now amazing at Tug of War. Like I thought he would, he prefers Tug of War now. I know that sometime soon, maybe today, Barry will turn into a Teenager and when I get it, I will post a chart of the things that he may become. Right now, I'm about to have another multiplayer game with my friend but I won't accept any presents!

I had a total of 11 games with my friend. Clever Barry won 7 and a devistated Lilun (my friend's tama's name) only won 4. Before I could do anything about it, I got sent a present and it was a U.F.O! Barry can use it soon.

Barry just had a skull and crossbones and a toothache. I don't why he had a skull and crossbones, I don't think I was feeding him wrong or neglecting him but oh well, two spoons of medicine cured the s+c and one spoon of medicine cured the toothache. I've been playing a few games of Tug of War, bought a treat and fed it to Barry and now have 14,850p which I will spend on something once new things appear in the shop.

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Barry is now a Crackertchi. Once again, I am trying to find a growth chart which I can use to show you all of the families and everything. He is in the Ura Meme family. More soon!

I forgot to tell you that earlier, I had a whopping 36... yes 36... games with one of my other friends. This time that Barry was younger than my friend's but still won 19! Just over half. Now Barry doesn't really want to go to music school, he wants to go to the new school for older tamas. Since he has probably finished his time there as he doesn't want to back I've given him the trumpet and he has really enjoyed playing with it. In the shop, I have bought him 3 spades (the only decent things there and with the first one, he got 150p, second 50p and third 500p! I was really happy. After that, I gave him a few meals (sorry, I forgot to post when I fed him his meals before), 3 meals and 2 snacks to be precise which brought his weight up a bit so I played a bit of Tug of War with him. He now has over 25,000p!
