Aurinko's Tama Log


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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2012
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Right now, I am being ambitious and running three different Tamas at the start of finals week....including an umino! I'm crazy I know :)

Anyway, instead of creating seperate logs for each pet, I will just update this log with posts for all the pets I am/will run. Right now I am running the purple umino, white morino and white IDL English. I have a green Tama P on the way, as well as a few other vintages in my collection.

First off, my impressions of the Tamas.

Morino: I'm not a huge fan of the grub animation, but so far I am enjoying this tama. I missed him being attacked by a predator and thought he was in a cocoon instead of in bandages! Needless to say, the poor little guy died and I has to reset. This pet is really low maintenance, even in the baby stage. I have noticed the leaves in the hays seem to be in the first two leaves the majority of the time. I have only had this running for about a day and have yet to reach a cocoon stage. Definitely am interested in this aspect of the game! I have yet to see the frog predator, but think this aspect is fun. Not a huge fan of the screen saver but since I don't care for the grub animation it doesn't bug me too much.

IDL: I am on my fourth generation right now, only having gotten a boy for my third generation (Kuchipatchi, one of my favorite characters! Heck yeah!) Some of the characters for the toddler/child stage are pretty ugly. Namely, the fruit basket boy and the paint tray girl. I didn't realize that the parents didn't stay after marriage and instantly have a baby, so my first adult (Lovelitchi, please excuse my spelling!) didn't get all of her stamps. I assumed the generations went at the same pace as the TamaGo, but they're a lot faster without the parents sticking around. The way marriage works on the IDL reminds me of a shot gun wedding ;)

Sorry for the multiple posts! Writing from .y phone and it gets wonky if it gets too long. Hopefully it is OK if I double post since this is a personal log.

Back to the IDL: I am waiting for an infrared phone I won on eBay, it should be here in the week. I got a usb to irda and couldn't get it to work at all! I should have listened to what other people said! I am so excited for the downloads.

Umino: So I won this on eBay, brand new purple version. It wasn't my first color choice, I really preferred the clear even though I'm general I prefer the opaque shells. But I love this shell! It really grew on me! Especially since it is brand new and unscratched. I want to make a little jellyfish using shrinky dink plastics with glow in the dark paint for the chain. I absolutely love the Umino, such a great tama! I like that the sound is not constantly going during the treasure game, much less annoying that the P1/2. The predator and water cleaning function make the game play unique and more involved that other tamas. I thought the sound was broken at first, when I pulled the tab it started with no sound. It took me a while to get the sound on. I noticed when you change the sound you have to hit c just slightly before the a. Also, I have noticed when playing the game, I seem to win or lose in chunks. I'll go on a winning spree then a loosing spree with the darn octopus inking me a lot all at once. I have paused it a few times but so far it has not died. It is still in the jellyfish stage which I love! Jellyfish are one of my favorite sea creatures. I have noticed it drains hearts nearly constantly but so far it hasn't died. I try to keep the hearts constantly full to avoid care misses. Right now, this is by far my favorite tama, although I do not have a lot of experience. I have only somewhat recently gotten back into the Tama Scene and am excited to play other versions! So far, I really prefer the vintage tamas without connection although I think the download content will really enhance the IDL. I also love my IDL, just I'm a different way than the vintages.

IDL: So my irda phone came two days early (yay!) and I cannot believe how much easier it was to get content onto my IDL! I didn't think I would have issues with the IRDA usb dongle but I struggled for a couple hours before I gave up. I shouldn't have wasted the five bucks on the dongle and just gone straight for a phone. I got the Palm Treo 700P, which you don't need to activate to use the IRDA feature (and boy, do I feel like a suave business person using the stylus on that thing....). I'm still downloading content on it now, but am so happy I got the phone. Now to decide if I study for my final exam tomorrow or mess around on my IDL.... I used the Palm guide featured here ( and after a little initial confusion, easily figured it out.

Morino: Nothing too exciting to report on this front. I missed a predator attack today at work, and still haven't managed to catch the frog animation. He is still in the grub stage. Hopefully tomorrow he will get into a coccoon, I am interested in seeing how the temperature feature of this Tama works.

Umino: Between work, school, and studying I have still managed to keep my Umino alive! I think the animation before little Kuragetchi poops is just too funny! The first time I caught him doing that, I got excited that he was evolving. He finally did evolve yesterday, into Otototchi. I have paused him a few times and messed with the clock so his age is at 6 right now and he evolved at 5, my understanding being that he is a bit behind schedule. So far, I am happy with my progress, after reading what everyone had written about the Umino, I was worried he would die on my instantly! I have given him a few ice creams, usually on accident. Yesterday I was able to leave the sound on, and I did safe him from quite a few bear attacks, somewhere around 4 or 5. Today I have not noticed any but he was sick earlier so perhaps he got nom'd on by a polar bear just a little. After he evolved yesterday I did notice that his discipline meter dropped off and he was naughty quite a few times, calling when his hearts weren't depleted or refusing food. He always did this when I was trying to take a nap too....little devil. I love how the screen has pixel bubbles, and that Oto swims on and off screen. I think that the little poops and sick skulls (or troublesome skeletons as the IDL English manual would call them) follow the character around. All in all, I think this pet is my favorite virtual pet right now, hands down.

Yesterday, I also tracked down an old virtual pet that was boxed away at my mom's house. She has been moving boxes from our garage to a storage shed, and while rummaging through a box, I found my sister's old My Lovely Bear. It takes the larger batteries than the vintage Tamas, so unfortunately I couldn't see it it still functioned or try it out at all but reading about it online, it seems like a fun little pet. My brother also had one, I got the My Baby Bat instead (I loved Bats when I was little, has anyone else read Stellaluna? Pretty much my favorite childhood book, made me love bats when I was young), which I have been hoping to stumble upon but so far haven't been so lucky as to find my original. I did however recently purchase one on eBay for about fourteen bucks with shipping. My originals was blue/purple and the one I recently bought is black/grey, which I don't like as well. I did take apart the Lovely Bear, which was super easy, I remember the two pets being really similar so I plan on perhaps modding the Baby Bat when it does arrive....I just can't figure out a color scheme yet. I'll post updates when I mod that pet to this log, as I will be running this log as a modge podge of my various v pet adventures.

Now, time to slack off on studying for a final I have bright and early tomorrow and put more downloads on my IDL. Goodbye hideous stock wallpapers!

Motion: Unfornately, the Marino died about two days or so. Finals week has not been kind to my tamas! It never made it past the grub stage. I am thinking about starting it up again this weekend.

IDL: I just started a new generation, I got Momoirotchi. I paused her during the baby stage earlier so I could finish my finals up. I have the plum blossom background which is perfect for the snowy weather we've been having around here lately!

Umino: My Umino died last night but I did get him to an adult stage! He evolved into KeroPyontchi and I kept him alive for about three days in the adult stage. I was surprised I was able to keep him alive all the way to an adult on my first try! I am probably going to start running my Umino again this weekend now that I am done with school for the quarter.

My Lovely Bear: I found two Lovely Bears that were my brother's and sister's growing up. I started running my brother's yellow and brown bear. I think that it ruma similar to the My Baby Bat, which I had growing up and just won a new one on eBay. It has cute animations and an alarm option on the clock screen. It was awake for about 30 minutes before it took a nap...
