Are you concerned about Global Warming?


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Yes, not only global warming but pollution in general. Did you know that in other countries (and even the US) people are creating really great cars! There's one in...i think denmark, maybe finland of norway, that's battery powered, and it used wind to charge the battery, which is smart because there's a lot of wind when you're driving. But do you see any of those here? Nope.

I'm surprised in the poll results, most people aren't concerned about global warming. Maybe it should have been different, like whether you're concerned about pollution in general.

Hmm, I personally don't believe that global warming even exists.

The world goes in a cycle. It'll be cold, then it'll be hot. I read somewhere that the water up and down at the poles where freezing again, so I'm not too worried, it's super cold up here in M.O. but hey, that means snow! Plus, it always gets cold over here during this time of year.

Eh, thats my thoughts on it. =D


I'm a total eco-freako, and Im constantly nagging people about saving "The world, the enviroment, and the animals"

Global warming only exists to the Lefties (Democrats) you will never hear a Republican talk about it. *fun fact*
Global warming by humans does not exist. Dig deep in to the research not funded by Lefties.

Umm, what else did I want to say? Oh, the high today here was 1 degree. Tomorrow will be the same. Minnesota will be colder than Syberia and will be one of the top coldest places on earth this weekend. I am in Southern Minnesota.

Saturday's high should be around -10 and Sunday will be -15 or lower. Please global warming, come here.

Cars on the Iron range freze out while driving. I am sure they would love a few degrees more.

I'm not even going to try to start my car this weekend even though I should go to work. Too bad!
When it's hot, it's global warming. When it's cold, it's global warming. xP

@About the car- how efficiant are they? How much do they cost? Many people can't either 1. afford these cars or 2. it's not efficiant in the way it runs in the first place.

Also, with the corn-to-fuel deal [what's that called again?], just to let you know, it would take more energy and resources to make that and it's not as efficiant as gas. We see those commercials sometimes and my dad [who's an electrical engineer just incase you're wonder who knows xP] It takes a lot to make that much corn and process it and the outcome isn't to great to begin with.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

I wish the warming of the globe would come here! I am so cold!!

But seriously, I am not worried about it. I don't think it's as big a deal as people make it to be though.

Global warming only exists to the Lefties (Democrats) you will never hear a Republican talk about it. *fun fact*
Global warming by humans does not exist. Dig deep in to the research not funded by Lefties.

Umm, what else did I want to say? Oh, the high today here was 1 degree. Tomorrow will be the same. Minnesota will be colder than Syberia and will be one of the top coldest places on earth this weekend. I am in Southern Minnesota.

Saturday's high should be around -10 and Sunday will be -15 or lower. Please global warming, come here.

Cars on the Iron range freze out while driving. I am sure they would love a few degrees more.

I'm not even going to try to start my car this weekend even though I should go to work. Too bad!
Precisely why I'm not really concerned with warming effects on terrestrial areas. We are seeing temps down below 10 degrees at night here in eastern Kansas, and highs in the teens. And we have 4 inches of snow on the ground. It is going to be this way until sometime next week I believe. I also didn't get out to go to college today because the temps are so cold. :rolleyes:

This is one of the coldest, snowiest winters I can honestly remember. I'm not really seeing the effects of warming on land whatsoever this year.

I wish the warming of the globe would come here! I am so cold!!
But seriously, I am not worried about it. I don't think it's as big a deal as people make it to be though.
I worry

Penguins, even polar bears can go extint.

You don't WANt it to come to you, trust me.

I quite enjoy the cold :D xD

It's really warm in the summers here in oHio

mametchi ;)

Precisely why I'm not really concerned with warming effects on terrestrial areas. We are seeing temps down below 10 degrees at night here in eastern Kansas, and highs in the teens. And we have 4 inches of snow on the ground. It is going to be this way until sometime next week I believe. I also didn't get out to go to college today because the temps are so cold. :D
This is one of the coldest, snowiest winters I can honestly remember. I'm not really seeing the effects of warming on land whatsoever this year.
Well, Global warming is more than just "warming", basiclly, it means the srewy uppieness of our ecological environment.

For example, There was a flood in China ( I believe), tonnes of rain, while in some other country, there is a bone picking drought! While this may not be considered Global Warming by some, it is The Green House Effect, which is basiclly Global Warming.

Somewhat, it could just be another throw off theory. (NOT THAT I THINK THAT!) I think it is a real issue, growing bigger thanks to the wasteful manner of humans, and so much more.

If I ask my parents the same question your asking us, I get;

Mom: People have been talkin' this since the 1950's surely it's nothing to worry about NOW!

Dad: (Over flows me with all these scientific theories I drown)

Yep, I feel random right now. If you got any of that at all,

Thanks for reading my stupidity...again. X_X

Well, Global warming is more than just "warming", basiclly, it means the srewy uppieness of our ecological environment.
For example, There was a flood in China ( I believe), tonnes of rain, while in some other country, there is a bone picking drought! While this may not be considered Global Warming by some, it is The Green House Effect, which is basiclly Global Warming.
I know it's not as simple as just an all around warming of the Earth! hehe I spent a LOT of time researching it during my Oceanography courses, and of course being in several conservation-minded circles I hear a lot about it. Some areas will warm, some will cool. Some will dehydrate, others will flood. The rotation of our deep ocean water masses from the poles through the equator also have a huge effect on our Earth's climate, they regulate temperatures for both the land and the sea. If those were disrupted, for instance, then some areas would suffer warming, others would have temperatures drop.

I'm more focused on the possible effects on our ocean than I am on land. There are some effects beginning to show up in the marine environment, and not so many on land right now, so any amount of unusual warming clearly affects these creatures well in advance of the land animals.

Perhaps it is cyclical, I'm quite inclined to believe it is. But, increased environmental awareness and conservation efforts certainly can't hurt the process.

And, about the Bush comment...I certainly hope you're joking. If you research the conservation movements and awareness efforts made in recent years, there have been many more during Bush's presidency than there have been previously. I personally did not know this until I had to research it in depth for my Oceanography course, but I was quite pleasantly surprised to find out!

That was pure ignorance. No bliss there. :/

If you are going to make a statement that out there, go do some research first. If you did your research you'd realize how screwy that statement was in the first place.

I don't really think Mr. Gore even believes this stuff. Who is the one with the huge house? Who's the one that has private jets? Who's the guy that doesn't ride his bike to work? If he really believed what he preached he wouldn't be putting on the 'do as I say, not as I do' face.

That was pure ignorance. No bliss there. :/
If you are going to make a statement that out there, go do some research first. If you did your research you'd realize how screwy that statement was in the first place.

I don't really think Mr. Gore even believes this stuff. Who is the one with the huge house? Who's the one that has private jets? Who's the guy that doesn't ride his bike to work? If he really believed what he preached he wouldn't be putting on the 'do as I say, not as I do' face.
Sorry if I sound stupid but whats Mr.Gore -.-

Mr. Gore - Al Gore.
Al Gore is not a scientist. He's in politics. He just wants your money from his scare tatics.
Exactly. Sure, he went to college- Ivy League if I'm not mistaken- but he is a politician. Nothing more, nothing less.

I am concerned about global warming. The Polar Ice Caps are melting way too fast, and I think the changes of water current and such started the dry season WAY too early in Florida; Lake Okeechobee was down to 8 feet (instead of the normal 12).

Mr. Gore - Al Gore.
Al Gore is not a scientist. He's in politics. He just wants your money from his scare tatics.
[SIZE=7pt]Can't he be both? Just because he is in politics, doesn't mean he can't be passionate about the environment. :\[/SIZE]

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