are you a girl


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Im a gentalman
I dont belive that girls are smat and boys a strong

Some guys are the smartest people in the world

And some girls kick butt :p
I kick butt xD

Meh a female. But more of a tomboy so i'm not the type of girl who goes, "Lets go shopping!" =D

Im a gentalman
I dont belive that girls are smat and boys a strong

Some guys are the smartest people in the world

And some girls kick butt :(
yay u!

i agree, ima gurl but i think that ppl are all da same :)

well its that most boys have left brain desieze dont worry it just menns you have the same knolage as girls just your smart side goes off onece and a while and they have better muscle development but girls can be realy fast because there muscle development isnt so big

im a tomboy.

i am a girl that does things that boys do

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Im a gentalman
I dont belive that girls are smat and boys a strong

Some guys are the smartest people in the world

And some girls kick butt :rolleyes:
That's me all right. Don't believe me? How 'bout we play some basketball. You go for just one rebound, and you might change your mind. xD Oh, did I mention that I also like shopping AND I kick butt? If someone picks up the last shirt that I wanted...well let's say they'll regret it. xD

Seriously, though. Don't assume that guys are stronger and dumber and girls are weaker and smarter. There's guys who I'm stronger than and guys who are stronger than me. I'm smarter than some guys but other guys are smarter than me.

You also said that girls are capable of being really skinny...can't guys be thin also?

I know that boys and girls are different but we are EQUAL.

I M a girl, but I kick butt, and break noses (...) Dont ask.......

I am also very strong, not so fast, and very, very smart =)

I think it is a tad bit sexist, couldnt you just say 'Boy or Girl' not all the steriotypical stuff?


I'm a girl, though most people here would think I'm a boy :D

Yeah, people have misjudged me a fair bit out on the sporting arena. I'm like making boy's representitive teams for cricket ^_^ They can also be a bit sexist out on the field, but eh. It's their problem.

well i'm a girl.but i still kick butt.only to defend my friends.and i can make pancakes without the recipe(sorta) and i am only NINE!!and i come up with how the earth (ground-type) is realated to antartica.and i don't even KNOW the answer!.pm me it ya wanna know what i said.but therefore i am smart and girly yet i still kick butt!

This is a really sexist poll.... You do know that men are some of the smartest people on this planet. How about that Bill Gates, huh? And what about the Olympics. There are plenty of women in the Olympics. You have to reeeeal strong to do some of the stuff they can do. Like seriously.

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