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Oct 19, 2008
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I dont no how you spell it..

well im 13.. and i have a pain near my side and it really hurts when i walk it comes every 10 minutes and its verry painful i have told my mum but she just said.. Lie down.

Its easing off a bit but im sure it will come back. I dont no what it is.. but is it possible its a appendix or appendicties..

This is the second topic like this in the past couple of days :eek:

I understand you are worried and looking for some reassurance, but none of us on TamaTalk are medical professionals (as far as I know).

We can't diagnose something like that. We can't tell you it's not your appendix, we can't tell you it IS your appendix. We are not your doctor.

I can give you a link to the answer I posted in the other thread:

The same suggestions apply. If it is really bad, you must see your Doctor.

Edit: Appendix IS spelt correctly :rolleyes:

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Well, I had my appendix removed about a year and a half ago.

Everytime I ate, I just ended up puking and such. It did hurt.

If the pain doesn't go away, I'd suggest getting it checked, just in case.

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