[SIZE=21pt] ok, i love this song..... i just dont really no anyone else who does. SO WHO DOES? if u do, why? and if u dont, WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! [/SIZE]
no, because its rap, my mom plays it too much, and it doesnt make sense to me. why make a song about a drink. its like saying "imma buy you some chicken".....O_O
It's the music that's corruping our youth. Teaching men to treat women as objects. DON'T SUJECT YOURSELF TO THAT.
NO, All rap isn't bad, but that kind IS! It's teaching bad morals to teenagers. STOP SUPPORTING IT!!!Yelling YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH and WHAT isn't talent. A monkey could do that for pete's sake.
i dont exactly like the song, i just like misic and not the words... it gets stuck in my head, so i kinda am used to it becasue my freinds are always, AND I MEAN ALWAYS SINGING IT
I hate that song. Mostly because it treats women like objects.. <.< Almost every song does these days. And, it doesn't make sense. It's so stupid. IMA BUY YOU A DRAAAAAAAAAAANK... Who the heck would want to listen to that for 3 and a half minutes??
^^ Thank you, spongeboby! It's not talent, it's just talking...and wearing your pants down to the FLOOH'. It's all just catchy stuff that gets in your head to brainwash you into treating women like objects. Yeah, that's it. Brainwashing Jibberish!