;) Another newbie!


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Jan 19, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC

I'm new to tamas and never expected to get hooked! My son bought the Blue Hawaii v4.5 design for his sister, then I started playing with her. After a week I went with my daughter and bought a purple puzzle v 4.5.

My daughter's tama was

baby (g), Kutchitamatchi, Urayoungmemetchi, Purimatchi

Mine was

baby ( :D , Kutchitamatchi, Daiyatchi

This is a great toy and I've learned so much through this website!

But, I was a little surprised when my daughter's adult had a baby with my teen. :)

I posted an open question and will add to the thread on the topic. I have some questions.

Hi all


Most likely, you've experienced the V4-V4.5 glitch of adults and teens having babies. It's a common glitch, so no worries! Next time, post your question in 'Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners' or 'What happened to my Tamagotchi?'. You'll get more answers that way. ;)

Anyway, welcome to tama talk! I hoper you enjoy staying here! If you need to know more about this site, feel free to visit A User's Guide to Tama Talk and make sure to read The Tamatalk Rules

Happy Tama-Talking! :)
