another log; version 4!


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Active member
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
tama name; kylie

age; 1

generation; 1

weight; 21 lbs.

hunger; 3/4

happy; 4/4

training; [||| ]

gender; girl

kylie is a Hawaikotchi.

check out my V4.5 & V5 logs.


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omg kylie didn't get up until 10:07am! my tama V4.5 & V5 got up at like 9:30am. haha well anywayss kylie is still a hawaikotchi i wish she would evolve already i don't like this characterr.ughh! kylie is doing something weird she is like turned to the side & there are like little circless. hmmm....oo yeh and kylie is 2 so she goes to school but idr who her teacher iss.sorry.


hunger; 4/4

happy; 4/4

training; [||| ]---3/10

skill pnts; 18-37-20

age; 2

generation; 1

weight; 22 lbs.

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king just brought kylie a fishing pole :]



she wants to talk;;

that king guy is super duper niceyy he broughted me a fish pole! later me&mom gonna go fishing.we will tell you what we catchh.okey dokeyy.bye guyss.


we caught a;





now kylie has a total of 1850gp!

will update more laterr :]

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sorry i didn't update yesterday. let me get you caught up!



kylie evolved into a maskitchi. ughh i don't know what happened. does that mean i took bad care? well i'm going to try harder to get good characterss but sometimes i wake up and there already awakee.




name; kylie

tama; maskitchi

age; 4

weight; 34 lbs.

gender; girl

generation; 1

hunger; 2/4---need to work on that

happy; 1/4---need to work on that

training; [|||||| ]--6/10


art; 25

smart; 64

social; 33



update more later


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hmmm.....i just got a [!] mail and Mr.Turtlepedia came and then i got another [!] mail and kylie went to this place and no one was there to talk to her or give her anything so she made a mad face. what happened? if you know pleaseee PM me.

now were playing games so kylie can lose some weight.

we just played DANCE and got 0gp cause i wasn't paying attention haha.

just played JUMPING ROPE and got 0gp. whoopss i'm doing bad todayy.

just played JUMPING ROPE again and got 400gp. yehhhh :]

just played DANCE again and got 50gp.

just played FLAG and got 0gp.

just played FLAG again and got 50gp.

just played JUMPING ROPE and got 50gp.

just played DANCE and got 0gp.

played MIMIC ang got 200gp. yehhh :]




Kylie weighs 33 lbs. noww.

ughh just can't get that weight down. i'm gonna try some more laterr.


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