New member
Hey, everybody! I'm Lil - New to the forum but not to raising Tamagotchi!
I've recently bought a handful of my younger self's dream devices, including the 1997 Angelgotchi. I'm having a lot of fun raising Tamagotchis again after a long time away from it. Unfortunately, Angelgotchi is pretty difficult to find information about online, at least not comprehensive information about actually raising the Tamagotchi. That's not to say that I'm not keeping it alive and healthy, but I'd like to understand it better.
I'm a little lost when it comes to the snacks and Angel Power or "TP" features, particularly after recently having my original die twice from overfeeding snacks - I grew up with the Connection series devices so I regretably wasn't initially aware that they could die from too snacks.

I've recently bought a handful of my younger self's dream devices, including the 1997 Angelgotchi. I'm having a lot of fun raising Tamagotchis again after a long time away from it. Unfortunately, Angelgotchi is pretty difficult to find information about online, at least not comprehensive information about actually raising the Tamagotchi. That's not to say that I'm not keeping it alive and healthy, but I'd like to understand it better.
I'm a little lost when it comes to the snacks and Angel Power or "TP" features, particularly after recently having my original die twice from overfeeding snacks - I grew up with the Connection series devices so I regretably wasn't initially aware that they could die from too snacks.
- Can someone familiar with the device please confirm whether it's possible for the Angelgotchi to die from too many snacks?
- Is the Angel Power / "TP" something I should be deliberately filling up by feeding my Angelgotchi regular snacks?
- Is there anything else I should be mindful of when raising the Angelgotchi that may not be immediately obvious to something used to standard Tamagotchis?