"...And then, I noticed something."


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Aug 25, 2007
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[SIZE=7pt] True story.[/SIZE]

Have you ever been talking to someone? All happy and what not? Then the worse happens...!? Huh?! HUH!? Okay, maybe not. But what i'm trying to say is, Have you ever been in the middle of a sentance then swallowed a bug?

Oh yes, i have.

I was in the pool. I was talking to my brother. This is how the conversation went.

"So I was walking down the road, all like 'HAHAHA, One legged pigeon!' Then i noticed something about the pigeon-"


"*coughcough* I SWALLOWED A BEE! *choke*"

Then i drank a ton of pool water trying to wash it down. xD

So has this ever happened to you?

No but I ate an ant once when I was little I thought it was a crumb from my cookie lol!

YUCK! I never ate a bug before, but I almost ALWAYS get bugs in my eyes. It's nasty.

[SIZE=8pt]I once stuck a cricket in my mouth when I was a baby... and when I go atv-ing, i always swallow all sorts of gnats and insects. (by accident) I don't get too bummed out cuz they don't taste like anything... and I heard that bugs are 80% protien. More than beef! but a bee? did it sting?[/SIZE]

I never have swallowed a bug before but like tenniswinner said, they get in my eyes all the time. Especially when I ride my bike..


Ewww...gross! I've never stuck a bug in my mouth since I was born!!(well i don't remember!).


I think one time after soccer practice was over, I went to drink my gatorade and I swallowed something. I'm not sure what it was, but I think it was a bug.

I don't mind accidental bug swallowance.

In some countries, eating bugs is perfectly normal, and maybe even considered a delicacy, i like traditions of other places in the world, so i like investigating them.

Therefore i have eaten an insect before, a spider.

Accidently, a bee once also.

But think about it.

It is said that an average human eats around 8 spiders in a life time.

You should get used to some buggy treats.

More on topic,

Once before i encountered an accident like this.

Once i was chattering to my friend, drinking milkshakes and the usual for me, and i noticed after i drank a gulp, i had swallowed a fly.

Edits: Corrected spellings.

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I dont think so, but once I fell in a ant pile when I was 2. Man, I still have 4 marks on my left hands


Well something like it...

I was in the beggining of sentence like this...

Hi my name is.... *I threw-up right then*

Lol thats true :D , It happened when I was 5.

HAHA YES XD this is funny at band...i was sitting there...and talking..and right when he went out for half time..i was playing and trying to kill a bug with my drum sticks and the moth went right in my mouth..im like..AHHH...and with the thingy in are mouths you kind cant swallow so when we came back i spit it out and before it flew away i smashed it

i probably did.

but like filter said you eat 8 spiders in a life time.

i always walk into spider webs on accident so god knows what goes in my mouth then. lol

Wow, a bee? Sounds painful.

I swallowed like little bugs and mosquitoes, and one time this fly got like in my mouth, and I coughed and it came back out and flew away, it was so gross.

Ewww a bee. xP Erm, no, not that I can remember. But little bugs have probably flew into my mouth and stuff like that. I've just never noticed. :furawatchi:

I have swallowed a cockroach egg before (Yuck!)I therw up 5 minutes after that.
Ewwwww... Gross. I have swallowed a fake rubber cockroach, but not a real one. (or an egg)

I have never swallowed a bug, but Ive got one in my eye before. (Yuck!)

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