And she used her pink polka dotted...


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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
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Hurrah! I just got home from buying my first Tamagotchi v5!

I bought the pink polka dotted shell. I went to 3 stores to find it, and when I did they didn't have the shell I liked, but I lived and chose this one :3

After finally opening it up in the car with the help of my dad and his car keys, I struggled to figure out a name for my family, we decided on The Jonas Family, which now consists of two daughters and a son,

The first daughter born was a Omututchi The next born was the son, Futabatchi and finally my other daughter, a Mimifuwatchi. I have a blended family, but I don't mind really, they are lovely.

Even though you can't name them, My first born daughter is named Pip, my son is Chris and the youngest is Frill.

I can't wait until they are adults, have parents and such, I am really excited. Sadly, I accidentally threw away the English instruction manual, so I will have to use the one on here, which is fine, but unfortunate when I need it. I might print it out for use.

Anyway, I ONLY feed my babies bread, for now, until they can eat.. er, the macaroni? Heh... I have yet to work off that last peice, so when something happens I will update you!

My dad bet me $60 that I couldn't raise them until August 7th without killing them.. right now I don't have 60$ to loose. Heh...

Love- Pip, Chris and Frill.

Yay! :3

My loves evolved before falling asleep for the night,

Pip is now a Belltchi

Chris is a Mattaritchi

And frill is a Sukura-Motchi :3 I think she is cutest! [no offense]

I also got some coded items, yay, :) Until tomorrow,

-Tara.. and sleeping Pip, Chris and Frill.

Tamatown and Updates :3

Today I woke up and hour after my Tamagotchi, I woke up to a shrill beep and my family crying. I quickly fed them, to raise their hearts, and cleaned up their poo. Then I went downstairs and watched Good Morning America, Frill, Chris and Pip watched too, from the arm of the sofa. After that we all had some breakfast and went upstairs. We browsed Tamatown, earned some points, and IMed ~TearsxArexLikexStorms~ for a bit.

After that Mum called us down to go water the plants, I kept everyone nice and dry in my hand, and we climbed a tree. Now we are here, :3

Oh! Before I forget,

Please Do not reply to this topic, PM me and I will put anything you want me too up here, Tamagotchi related, or something to do with my Log :3

Alrighty, I'm going to go do something... active.. xD


Nothing really big has happened today with the Jonas family, but the kids want to say hi! I'll let them talk, about themselves, and sow off their personalities. :3

Pip: Hi! I'm Pip, the oldest of my siblings, I am sort of shy, but a really nice sister, that's what Chris says. I love my bow, and I will be sad in a day when it disappears for good, but hopefully I will be a pretty teenager, right?

Chris: Uh, Hey.. I'm Chris. I look like a daredevil with my smile, but i'm not, Pip and Frill say I am the softest of the three of us. I don't know what to say about that. At school I am considered a geek because I like school, and I get all A+'s but It makes Mommy happy, so I ignore them.

Frill: Hi! I'm Frill, the youngest of the three of us, and I am always hyper, and happy! When I turn into a teen I want to be an Ichigotchi :3

Pip: I want to be a Shelltchi :ph34r:

Chris: I want to be a... Mamekatchi. -blushes-

Pip: You want to be part of the Mame Family? Whoa!

Chris: Uh, yeah?

Frill: Cool! I want to be a part of the Voilet Family, so a Chamametchi would be good too..

Pip: I want to be in the Meme Family! Which Is possible!

Chris: COol!

Me: Alright guys, time to wash up and eat some dinner, say goodbye!

Pip: Bye...?!

Chris: Buh-Bye


Me: Heh...

So, now you can tell what they are like, Pip bounces the most, which is fine by me, and Chris does the second most amount of jumping. I have no idea where I am going tomorrow, I hope somewhere out that I can take them, if not, I guess thats ok. I am expecting them to evolve tomorrow right before they go to bed, and then I will make sure I know my goals by the next day. I say after this generation everything will be smooth sailing. :3

Well, Talk to you guys later!

Tara, Pip, Frill, and Chris.

My lovely family is going to be going to bed soon, in about 15 minutes, I would suspect. So I will have them say goodnight, and then I will tell you about the last of my day, and theirs. Go on, guys :3

Pip: Bye! We're going to be teenagers this time tomorrow, I'm so excited n___n, Goodnight!

Chris: I hope being a teenager is fun, and Peacesign takes us out to do something FUN tomorrow :huh: Good night, all.

Frill: *yawns* I'm so tired... goodnight, loggers.

Me: *pats Frill* Good night you guys!

Awh, their starry goodnight animation came up, They are yawning, it's so cute, one of the first animations I have seen, besides the talking fridge.

Anyway, I got a few pictures of my Family taking a bath/shower. Hopefully with a little help from dad, I will get them up tomorrow. In another two days, I will have enough money to get another v5, so I will order it off Amazon, so I get the design I want.

Night all :3

The Jonas's and Tara.

:3 They are supposed to evolve tonight!

Right now, Frill, Chris and Pip are bouncing around, earlier they were getting spoiled, I made them a little pocket, a sleeping bag and a pillow for traveling. I am going camping next weekend and I am bringing her, so she needs a sleeping bag :3

Other than that, not much has happened. 'Cept I dropped my Ipod in the toilet TT.TT but It is ok!

My babies didn't evolve last night, but when I woke up, they had changed!

Pip is now and Ichigotchi, Chris is an Bakutchi and Frill is a ChaMametchi!

I was so excited when I saw, but I was also very tired, to I just went back to bed. I am real excited for camping next week, while we are there I will more than likely start my next generation, if I get a nice character from Frill or Pip I will use them, if not, Chris will be used.

:3 Alrighty Guys, I have to go. Type more later!


The Jonas Teens and Tara.

Wow! Thanks everyone, for 56 views, and only 6 replies!!1!

Nothing new, I just kept my babies up today, I woke up an hour late, so they were hungreh D:

Other than that, I am leaving until Thursday.. D: Byee~

The Jonas's and Tara.

I sure do have a lot to tell you guys! First, I am back from camping, which is good. It rained everyday, no damage to my tamagotchi, don't worry ;D

Well, while I was camping, Pip, Chris and Frill evolved into adults, Pip was a Unputchi. Chris was a Mumutchi, and Frill was a Violetchi. I married Chris to a Watachi, named Tanya. They now have three children named Ty, who is a Mamekatchi, Marie who is a Chamametchi and Jack who is a Korokotchi. I'll let them talk now, :3

Ty: Hi! I'm Ty. I want to be a Mametchi!

Jack: I bet you do. I want to be a Kuchipatchi!

Marie: I want to be a.. a.. -starts crying- Chantotchi...!

Chris: Why are you crying, Marie?

Marie: B-B-because, I thought everyone was going to laugh at me!

Chris: No... they wouldn't! When I was younger I wanted to be what Ty is now. Instead, I was a Bakutchi.

Marie: -stops crying- Really?

Jack: Oh stop, I have better things to-

Tanya: JACK JONAS! Your father was talking to Marie, not you, now you won't get any desert!

Jack: Awhh! MOMMM!

Tanya: No. Young man, go to your room.

Jack: But!

Tanya: No buts.

Jack: -grumbles and walks away-

Ty: . . . Wow. I wanted to be.. a Bakutchi! Dad and I aren't very alike.

Tanya: I was a Chamametchi, and I wanted to be a Violetchi, instead I was a Watatchi, and now a Mememamatchi, which is my favorite stage so far, because I have Chris, and you guys.

Ty: Ew... I'm going with Jack.

Chris: I love you honey bun.

Marie: Ok. I get it.

Heh.. That could go on for awhile, so I'll leave them be!

That's all, but sometime this week I am going to convince my dad to take me to Walmart to get another v5. Hopefully Cookie Dough design?

Have a good browse :3

Tara, Chris,Tanya,Ty, Marie and Jack.

I got mail ^__^

I absolutely LOVE your log! It's really cute and creative...keep up the good work! :)  

:D luv2dance :mellow:
Thanks so much! I love mail, so you can PM me with comments/questions about my log, and what you think should happen next~<3

Anyway! Onto updates!

I woke up today an hour after my tamagotchi's did, they had only lost one heart from Hunger and Happiness, but somewhere along the way I fell back asleep for two more hours and when I woke up they were down by three hearts in both categories! :wacko: I wasn't a happy camper right then, so I fed them and played a game of Shoe Pairs with them. Ty and Tanya had fun!

Other than that not much happened yet! :3

The Jonas's.

My babies, evolved! :3

Ty is a Furicotchi! Marie is a Violetchi, and Jack is a Nemutchi. I plan on marrying Marie to a Furicotchi, and getting a full family :3

I got their bonding up too 100% so I should get what I want, in only two days too.

Also, tomorrow my dad is taking me to Walmart to get another Tamagotchi, either v5 or v5.5 which I doubt they will have here, so I will probably end up getting another v5.

Other than that, no updates!

Love~ The Jonas's and me.

Ahh! I'm so excited, my Tamagotchi family should be able to get married tomorrow!

~ not much to say, may get a new Tamagotchi tonight! :3 YAYYYY

I am taking The Jonas's if I go, though. :3


So I woke up today with my alarm clock at 6:58 am. My babies woke up and I tried to do the dating show a few times. No luck, I ended up falling back asleep for a few hours.. xD SO when I woke up, I was laying on my tamagotchi [eep!] so I tried again, Select? The screen asked me, I scrolled until I found Marie, and chose her. The matchmaker showed me two men I didn't like, and one I knew would get me a named family. I quickly grabbed him and watched as Ty and Jack went to Tama-Planet with Chris and Tanya. Marie stayed back and kissed the Sakutchi, and two eggs appeared on my screen, at this point I was screaming with joy, knowing I had a pure family. My first born is a girl, Nellie, and my second is a boy, Todd. I decided the Husband will be Nick, Marie and Nick, whose children are Nellie and Todd, and the pets name for me is Baby. I like the ring of that!

A couple of seconds ago they called for some medicine, which is funny, I have never had to use it, only on my first generation, you remember Chris, Pip and Frill! Ah yes, Pip and Frill~

I do miss the 'Family' feature on here, remembering what everyone looks like~ Ahhh.

I'll let them talk now, they are itching too say hello!

Todd: Hey! I'm Todd! I love to run around and play and be hyper!!! OOHH! CHOCOLATE!

Nellie: hi.. I'm Nellie, I love to be calm, and quiet. I love fruits and vegetables.

Todd: Nellie! You're soooo boring!

Nellie: Nuh uh. Your just tooo active!

Me: *rolls eyes*

So, thats them now, lets see how it goes later!


Marie, Nick, Nellie, Todd and Baby!

My mum just ordered a v5 refresh Tamagotchi off of Amazon for me~ It should come in five days, or so. :3 EXCITING!

Not much, Nellie is a Violetchi and Todd is a Kizatchi! :3

Alright guys, exciting news! Well, lets start from YESTERDAY because I never posted my log~!

Well yesterday I woke up to my lovely alarm clock [ughhh] about, four times, after I finally gave up and got up, I saw my tamagotchi's were hungry! ;.; I fed them real quick and made sure they couldn't go on the dating show yet. Later I took them to my brother's classroom thing, I just sat around and tortured him [What else would I do?] when I got back they were down a few hearts, so I fixed that. I just sat at the computer all day after that so sooner or later they fell asleep.

Today I woke up to my Dad running in and waking me up, then leaving. Then later my Mom comes in "Ohg, why did she take her posters down? Honey, do you know where the dog's collar is?" and she left. I was all '. . .' for awhile until I fell back asleep. I then woke up to my mom going, "Oh, I guess you lose the bet," which I didn't buy, my Violet Family didn't die, I was just laying on them. I was all "huh?" so when I got up I decided to try the Dating Show, it worked. I married Nellie to a Mametchi named Tyler. Sadly, they had three children, A girl named Ronni, A boy named Logan and another girl named Bri.

Right now they are in the baby stage, right now. When they evolve I will tell everyone! :3

Also, My v5 Celebrity Familitchi should be here tomorrow, or the next day! It's so exciting! :3

They evolved!

Ronni is a Sakuramotchi :3

Logan is a Mousetchi

and Bri is a Tororotchi!

I am really excited, I am aiming for a Mametchi with Logan and a Watachi with Ronni. Hopefully that will get me the Smart family, and then I can think about getting a Easygoing family. I hope to get all of the possible families on here~!

Also, only 5 more days until I get $60! :3 I'm really excited. I am probably going to get a v1, v2. Some pouches, some plushies, and batteries for my old Tamagotchi's with that. :3 I think I will have enough, I will go search that now! :3

I feel like I don't post enough, and I don't do enough stuff with my Tamagotchi, like everyone gets bored reading my log! ;.;

I do plan on getting pictures up, sometime, once my Dad teaches me how to get the pictures off the new camera onto his computer!


I want to know what you guys want to see in my log, more of what? New something? Pictures of their crafts/bed? PM me your answers! I love to hear from you!

Actually, I was just reading Squidward Is Cool's log, and it got me thinking about my first tamagotchi.. A blue camo v3! :3 His name was Ty, and he lived to his second generation, I do believe. I still have him, but the shell was debugged, and messed up, making it go in hyperspeed no matter what you do. I tried fixing it, but no luck. ;.;

Oh well. I will always keep it, :3

My tamagotchi collection!

Well, Here is what everything is, Left to right, top to bottom!

At the top, is my v5, hooked to the Violetchi Lanyard, on its left is my computer set tree, the CD and the figurines. Below it are my two lanyards, Mametchi and Ichigotchi.

From left to right my tamagotchi in order of how I received them and version!

Blue Camo v3, Blue Flowers v3, Green flowers v3, Yellow Spots V3, Pink Striped V4, Orange burst v4, Yellow Spots v4.4 [blinged out!] Earth v4.5 and Purple SPiral v4.5 Next would be my v5.

I do believe I have my Tama's, just not sure where, right now :3

V4.5 Blinged out: Front

V4.5 Blinged out: Back

V4.5 Blinged out: Front, Better.

V4 Orange Burst: Idina, Pyonchitchi.

Those are all of the pictures I have right now, :3 On my computer. I have some good v5 pictures, on the camera. I'll find out how to upload them soon!


Not much, really :3 I am going to Earth EXPO now!

I plan on getting my v5.5 tomorrow or Monday! [Mom says it still may come today, I doubt her logic.]


uydgifuyrfirgt I AM SOOOOO SORRY! ;.;

I was really busy yesterday~ I got some new puppies. :3

Anyway, actually, nothing really happened.... Like, I looked down in the car, and they were evolving!

That's about it!

Ronni: Chamametchi

Logan: Mamektchi

Bri: Ichigotchi!

And, I forgot them today, and I just remembered, so I had to feed them, all of their hearts were down! ;.;

Nothing else really!

Ahhh! Three days since I last updated? Ahh well, Heh.

I got my Celebrity v5! Two boys and A girl.

When I first got it I was sleeping, so my brother hit me in teh head with it. Then I couldn't find any sissors so I'm standing there stabbing it with a steak knife. When I FINALLY got it open I like, pulled the tab as fast as I could. I decided to name my babies, Rain [boy] Storm [girl] and Cloud [boy] their last name is Cocoa.

Now they are teens [not sure what type, character chart needed! PM plz!]

Also, Bri had a baby, with a Planetchi, so now I have Lynn, the teenage Space family!

Oh, and I won the bet :D

That's all.

