Amaris' Log


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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2012
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Hi everyone

I'm gonna start my very own log after reading tons of other ones, I loved them all !

If you want to know who I am, then please check my profile :) .




So you've read it or you did if you did, you should know that I'm female, 23 years old, and just starting my very own collection of tama's.

Currently I have 2 red P2's. One is running, the other one is dead.

The dead one is one I got from my younger brother, the screen is all scratched up by something sharp (what an idiot...), but now I have one for spare parts.

I bought a Tamagotchi V6 music star from hong kong and it's taking like forever to get here...and just a few days ago I also bought a Tama-go with a Memetchi (or is ist mametchi??? I'm still learning all the names).

The tama-go has to come from Canada, so that will be a while too...

So annoying...I hate playing the waiting game...

I'm very excited to get them...but also a bit nervous... because I just know this is going to be a huge step and really different of what I'm used to with my P2...

But when I get them, I promise to take pictures and post them here :) .

Currently my P2 is 10 years old and it's a Zukitchi...I don't like this character very much, because I really tried to get a Memetchi.

But I think it's because it happened about 2 times that his happy hearts sank by 2... So now I'm hoping to get the secret character.

I will take care of this P2 until It dies and I hope I will get my new ones by then. Then I will remove the batteries and put them in a beautiful box, that will be the beginning of a (at least I hope) beautiful collection.

Good afternoon, It's 3.35 PM here.

My P2 is 12 years old, he is a Zukitchi, but didn't become the secret character...bummer...

It's just really hard to take perfect care of a P2, because you can never pause it.

And some more good news :) !! A week ago I followed an auction on ebay to get a cheap new in package, European V4.5 or as it's known around here: V4 plus.

A few days ago the auction ended and I lost it in the last 6 seconds :eek: -_- I felt really sad about it...

But today I got an email from ebay, I got one last chance of buying the item. Probably because the winner of the auction didn't pay on time.

It wasn't a new auction, it really said: buy it now, so .... I DID :D !!!

And an hour or 2 later I got another mail: it's been shipped :eek: ^_^ I'm feeling so happy right now.

So now I'm expecting 3 Tamas in my mail:

V4.5 (UK)

V6 (Hong Kong)

Tama-go with Memetchi (Canada)

Really curious about which one is going to arrive first ;)

It's here, it's here, I can't believe it, but it's here :D !!! My V6 Pink Music star has arrived!!!

But it's so much bigger than my P2 :eek: and they say an ID L and a Tama-go is much bigger than these ones...OMG :eek:

So here is the box:


I carefully opened it, because I wanna keep the box...don't ask me why :huh: I just want to ;) .


And here you can see that a P2 is really small if you lay it next to a V6 :eek:


So after I got it out of the box, I killed my P2, I took the batteries out and put it in a beautiful box to rest with the other dead P2 ^_^ .

The keychain from the P2 is a me to you teddybear with the letter F (letter from my husbands name).

I've been reading the manual a few times about now and I'm getting the hang of it.

After doing that I finally started the V6 and an egg appeared (duh...) it's a girl petitchi with the name Mimi.

She likes classical music, but I'm hoping that I can change this old fashioned taste in pop or something like that, lol.

isn't she the cutest ???​

I love playing the mini games, they are much more fun than the P2 that only had one silly game. Well it's not silly in the beginning, but after a 100 times of just doing that it becomes really annoying :eek: !!!

I've been pausing it a lot (naughty me) because I really want to take perfect care for her. I'm in love, I truly am.

I just know that I will buy another V6 someday, they are just that cool!

I'm expecting my V4.5 in the mail somewhere next week, It's coming from the UK, so it's not that far.

The tama-go from Canada will take a little longer I think, but I can be patient, because I already have my V6....



This is day 2 with my new V6. My little girl Mimi transformed into a beautiful Hitodetchi:


This is because I took perfect care for her as a baby ^_^ .

Yesterday evening she had a little friend over that gave her a present.

I don't know who it was, but I think it was a girl Tama??? If someone has a clue about who it could be, please PM me.

She gave little Mimi a camera. Mimi already loves the present, she loves to play with it.

When she plays with it you can see little hearts popping up, it's so cute :wub: .

Today she had 2 visits, but both from the same Tama. I've found a picture of this one:


So this is probably Nazotchi. This morning he gave me 2000 points en Mimi was really happy about that.

But this afternoon he gave her a package filled with :eek: poop :eek: .

She was really mad about that and she dropped one happy heart...I was very upset by that, bad Tama!! :angry:

Her music taste is changing by the minute! First it was classical music, then jazz, R&B, Rock&Roll, Hip hop and now back to Rock and Roll.

Oh well we'll see what her final choice is going to be.

It happens from time to time that she plays the guitar all by herself and I praise her for doing that :) Sweet mommy aren't I :rolleyes: ?

These are the points that she's already earned:

Tone: 318

Rhytm: 210

Original: 332

So see you tomorrow ^_^

Another rainy sunday...oh well thank god I have my tama now :) .

Today my little Mimi evolved (thaha pokémon...) into an Ichigotchi. This was totally unexpected because I really thought that I had taken perfect care for my Hitodetchi...


So I was kinda expecting a Chamametchi. :(


Anyway someone rang the door and apparently it was my new school teacher. He gave me a little present and it was a new instrument: an accordion...I don't like it so I'll just keep playing the guitar. Her music taste changed one final time and it's....R&B (not my taste...).

At school I met my band members, both girls.

One is a Ringotchi :wub: that plays the accordion and another band member is a Chamametchi that plays the guitar.

Nazotchi gave me also a few visits today, he gave me flowers, a star, a heart and 2000 points.

Thank god no poo today... ;)

Oh I gave my band a funny name, they're called: The Stars :p

Her points so far are:

Tone: 635

Rhytm: 625

Original: 700

Hi everyone

I'm a little frustrated now, because this is the second time that I will have to type todays log...

Why? because my internet is behaving really bad, just one more time and I'll kick him out!

So another day in Music land today.

Ichigotchi has been practicing a lot with her band members. It's really cool to see them smiling when they've done a good job.

Her points today are as followed:

Tone: 775

Rhytm: 725

Original: 794

Suddenly my little Mimi called while I was checking Tamatalk. I couldn't believe my eyes, she was changing, again!

From a little strawberry looking tama, my daughter (lol :D ) changed into a beautiful young Mimitchi!


I'm so proud, she is a perfect taken care of character. After the changing/evolving/whatever... she started playing the guitar and

I was amazed :eek: . She could hold it now :D :eek: ^_^ , it's sooooo cute. I felt my heart melting at that point.

I haven't seen any of my band members yet, and I'm so excited to show them that Mimi is a Mimitchi.

I'll let you guys know how it turned out :) !

Oh I've just seen that her music taste has changed again :eek: we went from R&B to Rock 'n roll all over again (this is the third time now, I hope she sticks with it).

Bye guys, see you again :)

Hi everyone

sorry for not writing a log yesterday. It's a crazy week, this week. I'm helping my mom out a bit because she is having a very stressful week.

Anyway, good news!

Yesterday the mailman arrived with another package (woohoow) and he had my tamagotchi V4.5 with him :) !!


I just love the color!!! I already hatched it and it's a boy. I named him Kiko. He's now a Tamatchi, no idea if that is a good thing or a bad thing...

Ok next my V6 :) !! Mimi the Mimitchi is doing great. Yesterday her band manager dropped by and (listen to this!!!!) gave me 200 000 points! Isn't that great????? :D

Nazotchi also visited and gave me a little heart :) and a bag of poo :( !!!

We practiced a lot these days and her points are as followed:




And what did you expect? His musical taste changed AGAIN, into rock 'n roll, I hope he sticks with it now!

Now that i'm playing with two tamas, i gotta say it..I really underestimated the work.

I'm playing with one, the other one is calling, my god!

And because all of you are so great, here is another picture: My V6 together with my V4.5:


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