Why don't you go out and play? asked their Mother. Ok Mama, said Mod. Ow! yelled Alisa. What happened? asked Milly as she ran over to Alisa. She fell on the pave ment, said Mod. Ow! I think i broke my leg! said Alisa. I'll go get my Ma. After all, she is an nurse. said Milly.
* * *
Ahhh! Mom! screamed Milly. Mod, Alisa! Ma's dead! No, way! I'v got to call 911 rite away! said horrified Mod. What are you doing Mod? A prank call on the police, fire department, hospital? No prank calls in this house yung lady! said Mother. You don't understand! Ok, heres the story: Me and Alisa were talking about our party. Then, you told us to go outside. We did. We were playing hopscotch when Alisa fell down on pave ment. She thinks she broke her leg. Then Milly came over and ran home to get her mother. Her mom was dead. I ran in and tryed to call the hospital. You tryed to stop me and bla bla bla bla bla. said Mod. Oh, really? I'll go see.
Oh, i guess you are rite. go ahead and call he hospital. said Mother. Hurry up Mod! She's starting to bleed to deth! said Milly.