Ahhh, the V4. My new log ^_^


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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2005
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Okay. So here we go. I went and found my old log (pg 68 O_O) and after reading it, I didn't enjoy it. No one really cares about stats and times right? Well, I don't know about you, but I find it pretty boring to just read about the Tamagotchi stats. So I'm going to do my best with this log, and try to cover everything in a Non-boring way. Let's hope this works :mametchi:


So I'm going to go ahead and start this log about my Version 4. It's a little late, considering I got the matchmaker today. Currently, I have a Gozarutchi with a little girl. I'm not sure what to name her yet either. As you can imagine, they're both asleep :mimitchi: . So i've got nothing at the moment.


I'll post tomorrow.

l8tr homefrys.

WOOT. Good afternoon people =].

My Tama is doing fine. He's taking a bath :D . He's been on pause most of the day because I've been doing stuff. :blink: So not much happened. still waiting for him to leave his little girl.

Andd... On my part, I've not done much of anything today. Played rook, and devoured a bowl of punch. Hah :D

Ugh... I'm so nitpickey these days. I'm very very sorry about not keeping this one up to date, I've been debating on what to do. Okay so I've shut off my V4, and put all of my Tamagotchi's away except one. My pearl pink V1.

:) Yes, I got a little nostalgic about not having to worry about checking the mail, and the wider variety of characters. It just seems easier to 'bond' with a V1, because you know all the characters, and it's not involved with the Internet, and you don't have to worry about mail, and all that good stuff. Just plain old Tamagotchi.

So this log is going to be transformed into a V1 log about my Marutchi named Jazz. She's doing fine now, no missing hungry or happy. She's doing that rolling thing a lot too xD Not much to update about her at the present moment, so I'll post later.

Here's a Picture of her :D https://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t97/bea...10/IMG_4543.jpg

Today I made Jazz a cradle from my Play-Doh. :lol: Haha, I sound like I'm 2... but hey, it's okay to play with Play-Doh at 14 years old. I'll always be a kid inside :ichigotchi:

And she's not done pretty much anything so far. Which I'm kinda loving it since you don't have to look after a V1 every second of your life. xD

As for me... I've done nothing at all today, but sit and stare at the computer screen. It's giving me quite a headache too >.<

Jazz just fell asleep. I turned out the lights, and she was full on everything, with 5 training bars, at 0 years.

Well at least she can sleep.. I need sleep =/ ^_^

Jazz turned into an Ichigotchi this morning! I'm going to attempt perfect care to get Mametchi. xD Since i wake up late every morning, I hope I don't mess it up =/

Well, It's time for me to go and get a shower. Post more later =]

Okay. I just got back from church, and as you would have probably guessed, nothing is happening xD She was singing just a few seconds ago :furawatchi:

Today I think I'm going to a cookout... and of course Jazz is coming with me. My friends will probably think I'm nuts carrying a Tamagotchi around. Lol, but that's okay it's all good. Jazz also gained another training point today.

Okay... It's now time to go play a game of jump xD

More later. Caio =]

Aha, well we didn't end up playing a game of jump... like I had said, but instead I got distracted and found another log of mine. Well... :rolleyes: I read it and I actually enjoyed that one, so I'm going to improve this one as much as I can.

The one that I found also had like... stuff about my life, and extras I would put in. So I'm gonna do that. ENJOY IT I SAY!

Okay, enough of this. I must retreat to the kitchen to go on a mission for food.

Wow I'm lame. xD

More later. Caiooooooo <3

So I woke up this morning at 12:30. Well... actually I had set my phone alarm to go off at 9 so I could care for Jazz when she woke up. Okay so it went off, and I got up and got her and took her back to bed with me. Well I fell asleep, so my efforts didn't quite help much.

When I checked, she was down 2 hearts in both Hungry and Happy. I fed her, and played games with her. And now she's singing. xD

I hope this hasn't ruined my chances of getting Mametchi =[ Eh, it probably did. Oh well, If she's not a Mametchi, I'll try harder next time. :D

My life: Well I went to the cookout yesterday and had a bunch of fun B) My friends cat is very very entertaining. And we played Rock Band and Badmitton and Football. And we lit a random sparkler xD

Extras: https://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t97/bea...op/redtiger.jpg

It's something I did on photoshop :huh: hope you like it :)

WOOT WOOT. Update :( *finally*

Gosh, I just cannot keep up a log to save my poor little soul. BUT ANYWAY.

I'll try to update the best that I can. Jazz is doing fine. Although I do think I have ruined my chances of getting Mametchi, due to my late sleeping-ness. She's still an Ichigotchi, because my friend has been over for the past week, and she thinks my Tamagotchi's are ridiculous. So I have to keep Jazz on pause while she's over, and she only gets to grow in her sleep. =[

And one of my other friends just recently bought me a new one as a 'Going away present to remember him by' because he's a Senior, and he'll be leaving this year when school ends. He's getting all of his friends a present, and of course, I chose a Tamagotchi :(

So I waited a few days to start it up, it's a V4.5 with the Lava Lamp design. I just started it tonight. I was going to wait, but I was really bored. SO. As of now, I have Jazz the Ichigotchi, and Nicki the 'I'm not sure' because I didn't see her change before she went to bed. xD So I guess we'll find that out in the morning. :p

As for me: I've done absolutely nothing this whole week but hang out with some friends and ride ATVs.

My extras: Nothing for you atm, just too lazy to put something up for your enjoyment xD

Enough for now. I might post tomorrow if I get the time.

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Good morning world!

Well I woke up. *duh* :D and Nicki is the little round Tamagotchi that makes the kissy face at you when it bobs up and down. I haven't refreshed my memory on the characters in a while, so I forgot. ;)

Jazz is still an Ichigotchi. and doing fine. They are both in good condition. I connected Jazz and Nicki this morning, and they played the eating game.

My Life: Just woke up. I'm not very sure if I'm going to do anything fun today, considering my pal hasn't called. Oh well... It's time for me to go eat breakfast. I'm starving x.x

Extras: Check out my DevinatART. https://sopwnedxcore.deviantart.com/

Good afternoon :furawatchi:

It's a real nice day outside, so I think I'm going to go out there and so something.

Jazz just turned 4, most likely because I screwed up the growth process. She may even change into an adult today!

Nicki is doing good. No lost hungry or happy for her.

Be back In a little bit <_<

WOO!! Guess what?


Jazz is a Mametchi!! Woot. *is excited* :p And also Nicki turned into a younger version of Memetchi. Not sure what she's called, but she sure is cute :)

They're both doing good. Nothing lost.

My Life: Nothing. Going to try and find something to do today besides sit here :p Which probably will not happen.

Extras: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=145374

106 Veiws. :( I just wanted to say thank you for reading this log, to anyone who does. ^_^

Because without readers, what's the point right?

Anyway, this was just a little thanks I wanted to add into my log. Both my Tama's, Jazz and Nicki are asleep at 12:19 AM.

Will post more tomorrow, for now, I'm just browsin' xD


Gosh I'm so horrible. When I woke up, both Nicki and Jazz had only one heart in both of their happy and hungry meters.

*slaps self for sleeping too late* *fixes tamas*

I'm going to have to stop letting that happen.

My Life: I'll probably just sit around and do nothing. As usual... *ugh*

My extras: This is my Bass guitar. His name is Frank :D https://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t97/bea...nk/IMG_3017.jpg

Okay, so here I am switching things up again. :wub:

Yes, I know, it's probably going to get confusing after a while, but I must have just NO patience whatsoever.

So I still have Nicki, but instead of Jazz the Mametchi, I downloaded my other V4.5. It's a girl, her name is Cass, and I'm still not any good on character names, but she's kind of potato shaped if you will ;) and looks like she's holding some sort of drink.

SO. To sum things all up, I have 2 V4.5's going, Nicki and Cass. I really hope this isn't too confusing :lol:

My Life: I just got back from a pool party to kick off Vacation Bible School at my friends church. It was all little kids, so we sat and watched them ride horses and swim. Not too big of a party, but I had fun.

Extras: Jazz

Nicki & Cass

Woot :D

Cass finally got herself a job today. She works at the bakery. Today was the first time she'd went to work.

Nicki is also doing good. Still a teen. I'm so impatient for her to change.. :(

My life: Nothing. Played Call of Duty 4 and pwnd. Hah, guys ain't got nuttin' on me. :furawatchi: Other than that nothing. It's raining and stuff.

Extras: Nothing. I got nothing.

Sorry about the long while for more updates :D Been kinda busyish.

Well, Nicki changed into adult form. Pretty soon if you ask me. o_O 3 years old. She's the tamagotchi you get from UraYoungMemetchi if you have a lot of 'Funny' skill points. I wanted UraMemetchi, so I could try for Makiko, but I guess it's not going to happen this time. :angry:

Cass is still not had the Matchmaker. She's 6 years. Hopefully she'll get it soon.

My life: Nothing. Just playing around outside and stuff.

Extras: Nothing today.

Adios, might post later.


Cass got the matchmaker. And she married a real ugly guy. o_O lol.

I don't know what kind of Tama she married, but he didn't look too nice. So she now has a baby girl. And they're both asleep.

And so is Nicki :eek:

Okay well. Let me just say. From now on, we're going to call this *mimitchi*'s log of pure randomness, cause I don't know what else to tell you. Lol.

So I got two brand new Tams today. A V5, and a V4.

I turned my other V5 back on so they could connect. And the V4 is just a baby right now. Her name is Randi, named after my best friend. :D

Nicki and Cass are in hibernation for now, as I'll call it ^_^


New Tams: https://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t97/bea...10/IMG_4616.jpg

Lanyard: https://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t97/bea...10/IMG_4617.jpg
