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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2006
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emoland :D
Today was my first detention and never wanted a detention :mellow: first let me tell you the story Yesterday me and my other 2 friends just came out of gym clase and we was walking all of a sudden comes out the assisnt princeable :lol: (or how ever you write it)and says to me and my friends ''why are you so late walking in the hallways?'' (at least i didnt know it was late :lol: ) thanks for him he gave us DETENTION :lol: my hand hurts of writing today!!!

Have you ever got Detention?



No, I've never gotten a detention, but that really bites. Maybe you should reason with your vice princaple, and say to him that you didn't know that you were late.


ooo, sorry bout that.

that stnx!

no, i've never gotten i D-hall before.

if your parents get mad at you (or whoever else) just tell them what really happened and stuff.

at least you really didnt do anything bad! that would be worse! lol


umm no

at my school in TN we used to have ISS and i no alot of ppl that were in that

well,...its wazent ur falt!ur assistan is dumb

well hope that helps

Yes, once I flicked an elastic across the classroom so I got a detention to sort out the elastic bands. Wierd.


I have had 3........and 2 ISSP's, I am proud of it too!

First Detention: Cheating on my test (It was on Babylon, I was reading on Feudal Japan in my History book)

Second Detention: Shirt Coming Untucked, got in trouble

Third Detention: Unauthorized useof Technoligy (Computer)


First ISSP: Pushing friend into a boy, she gave the boy a purple knee (I got ISSP! She got Detention! NO FAIR!)

Second ISSP: Pulling friend up stairs by hair

uh well i'm still in elementary (hey i'm in 5th grade ok!!!!!) so we don't really have detention. but he have "time-outs". its when u don't go to resecces (i dunno how to type it) because u did something wrong. so no not detention but i have been to "time-out" usually its because the whole grade level has too. i've been in "time-out" yes but like 1 or 2 times........i'm kinda a goody goody......but with attitude!

I got detention last year due to people over exagerating a verbal fight. I said one badword and people said I saying a hwole bunch, but I wasn't, the other girl wanted to fist fight me, and I denied, so a verbal fight we had, then she punched me and I worte her up, next thing I know she is free because she has more friends, and I'm in detention.

Ugh..I've never gotten detention. But, I once had to see the princaple just because of my mom. I told her that we only get five minutes for lunch time. My mom told my princaple. I had to go visit her. I just went out for recess/lunch anyways. Then she started nagging me about why didn't I come. I just told her "I forgot". Today is a new year. She must've forgotten..or she put it down on my permanent records :) .


No I'm still in elementary too. I am in sixth grade ok?! But I know that if you don't wear your ID in school or you don't bring it you get detention. Also if you're late. But I don't know the rest.

Well I didn't get detention, but I got lines, here's the story.

Ok so at recess we weren't allowed throwing snowballs, but we did anyways, and we got introuble and told not to do it again. But then some other people decided to do it again, so some of my friends and I threw a couple, but then decided to watch. The teacher came by again, and the kids who threw most of them moved so it looked like we did it! So the guys, and 3 of my close friends got brought into the office.

Us girls denied throwing stuff, (even though we did) so the teacher asked the boys what happened, and they lied for us, saying we didn't! We felt so bad, so we decided to stay and write lines, even though they insisted we left.

After we thanked the guys, my other girl friends fessed up because they didn't want the guys mad at them.. Figures.. Anyways, it's something stupid I won't forget.

Oh. That's too bad. Trust me, I've gotten detentions LOTS of times for passing notes in class. :(

Today was my first detention and never wanted a detention :( first let me tell you the story Yesterday me and my other 2 friends just came out of gym clase and we was walking all of a sudden comes out the assisnt princeable :wacko: (or how ever you write it)and says to me and my friends ''why are you so late walking in the hallways?'' (at least i didnt know it was late :eek: ) thanks for him he gave us DETENTION :unsure: my hand hurts of writing today!!!
Have you ever got Detention?


I never got detention. But me and Mandy almost got in detention for starting a food fight in high school. But we proved ourselves innocent and we didn't go. We didn't start the food fight.


uh well i'm still in elementary (hey i'm in 5th grade ok!!!!!) so we don't really have detention. but he have "time-outs". its when u don't go to resecces (i dunno how to type it) because u did something wrong. so no not detention but i have been to "time-out" usually its because the whole grade level has too. i've been in "time-out" yes but like 1 or 2 times........i'm kinda a goody goody......but with attitude!
Yeah,Mostly the boys get in trouble though XD They are running in the classroom DUH!!!

no evence boys :huh:


i did get detenchion 1 time........for forgeting my recorder in music class 3 times!!!!! how lame is that!!!!!

Well I didn't get detention, but I got lines, here's the story.
Ok so at recess we weren't allowed throwing snowballs, but we did anyways, and we got introuble and told not to do it again. But then some other people decided to do it again, so some of my friends and I threw a couple, but then decided to watch. The teacher came by again, and the kids who threw most of them moved so it looked like we did it! So the guys, and 3 of my close friends got brought into the office.

Us girls denied throwing stuff, (even though we did) so the teacher asked the boys what happened, and they lied for us, saying we didn't! We felt so bad, so we decided to stay and write lines, even though they insisted we left.

After we thanked the guys, my other girl friends fessed up because they didn't want the guys mad at them.. Figures.. Anyways, it's something stupid I won't forget.
Awww,That sound like somthing I would do 'cause I always talk in class and this kid (One of the 6 :huh: ) that like me sat in frount of me at my table,And he got ibn trouble I felt so bad because he looked at me and bailed me out.But I think I helped him when i pulled a mean girl away from him after he spilt milk al over himself (She was laughing) And i yelled at her,Me and my friends felt sooo bad and that day were the spelling bee finals and he was 3rd and the day of the spelling bee (5 days l8tr) he got suspended and couldn't be in it. I felt sooo bad,But anyway no more sappy :wub:


I've never actually gotten detention, at my schools we have ISS (in school suspension) and you have to mess up like 4 times to get in there, or cuss out a teacher or something big like that. But if you ask me you woudl have to be pretty dumb to mess up 4 times in one class period, so I've never gotten it.

Never had a detention.

Although I wouldn't mind seeing what it was like...

Michael, Daniel, Lilli, Emily, Jean, Sarah and a few other people got really angry at a kid that was being mean to me and he said they were trying to strangle him.

They weren't. So they had to sit down and not talk for the rest of the break (I'm happy they didn't get detention) But I felt so bad and started crying.

I guess I owe them BIG TIME!

and Daniel even more.


Never had a detention but want to see what it's like.

Lydia told me it's really bad but I don't think it would be that bad.

Good luck anyway with that detention and I hope it's not that bad.

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