adventures of sadie,june, and mary


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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2006
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once there where three tamgotchis named sadie,june,and mary they where best friends and they lived in fine houses one day they where seperated becuse they spent to much time together and there parents needed help around the house one night mary ran away because her parents limited her to every thing. so she went to the tamagotchi UFO area and she went to earth.this was a job for tamas to go to earth and become pets to humans

she was put into a silver v3 she was boght by a young boy namned day brandon got another tamagotchi a blue camo and they both connected.mary asked the tamagotchi her name and she said june. mary said she had a friend named june and june had a friend namned mary and they relized that they where friends at tama plantet.back at tama planet sadie asked marys mom where she was and she said she ran away.sadie went to junes house to tell her but she ran away too.june went to the kings statue and asked if there is a way to be back together then left that night sadie ran away too and went to earth.

part two soon


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