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Berry evolved this morning while I was sleeping!

She's now Himetchi! I have to say, not my favorite... but I'm growing attached to her already. I do like the little crown, and she is cute. But I've said it a million times I like the quirky alien designs of classic Tama more than these types. But it's not like I hate these ones :) They're still cute.

Like Barry did before her when he evolved, all she wants to do is cry in the corner. I think it's because her happy meter is less than half full, but that's the max before she evolved, so you're kinda stuck with that to start out. I bathed her, cleaned the house, played a little hula hoop, gave her honey toast (which ended up being her favorite!), took her to the park, played some games at the arcade... basically gave her a ton of attention and now she's not crying in the corner. Oh yeah, I gave her the fruit balloons to hold too:

Caught her mid-jump and too lazy to retake the photo XD But it's very cute!

Went over to her Character Room and she turned it into a kitchen! Maybe she'll become a chef this time :) Looking forward to seeing how that turns out.

Her happiness is still barely above half so I'm gonna go spam some arcade games to get it up more. You have to do more of them (I think it's 2 games per happy point) but you get Gotchi Points while doing it so I feel like it's worth it XD

Oh and speaking of Gotchi Points:

I broke 20,000. I may be a little obsessed with this little device hehehe.

Oh I also discovered two new recipes, cabbage roll and burrito :) Fillin' in those notebook pages!

Also in the general tamatalk forum I posted a pic of my Tama Code to become friends, so if anyone is playing with a Pix and wants to try that out, please do!!

Oh I also started playing My Tamagotchi Forever again and got this adorable little baby:

And my Kuromametchi became a DJ :) He just had to eat a bunch of hot dogs to do it XD I for some reason have like 60 broccoli so this little guy is getting a diet of nothing but broc. Though I did give him 2 sushi rolls that I got from daily login bonus XD I have a love/hate relationship with My Tamagotchi Forever so we'll see how long I keep up playing this time XD
