About both of my tama's ♥


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Sep 1, 2008
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[SIZE=14pt]Hi there :blink: [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]I love tamgotchi's and pucca~ ♥[/SIZE]

First i'll introduce you to BOB. He is a v.4 tamgotchi B)

Obviously he is a boy and he is 2 years old but already an adult! He is a simasimatchi. He is so adorable ;)

But too bad they don't have an emoticon of simasimatchi. ._.

Well, Now that you got to know BOB roughly i'll tell you about LISA.

LISA is still a teenager but i think she'll envolve tomorrow. I wonder which one she'll involve to? :nazotchi: ...

PLEASE BE A VIOLETCHI OH PLEASE... *^-^* Heh.. :) Oh, she is a v3 tamagotchi and Obviously (again) it's a girl tama. It's 1 years old. A year younger than BOB. I hope they'll marry each other when they grow up x3

[SIZE=21pt]Ohh, and my name is Missy.. :wub: [/SIZE]

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[SIZE=14pt]Ughh... I gotta go back to school and now my tamgotchi's will die.. :) [/SIZE]

[SIZE=15pt]Maybe I can teach my Mom how to take care of my tamagotchi? hehe..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]Hmm... You know it didn't work out how i wanted to. First my mom says she's not bored enough to play a children's electronic and then she says i gotta go to the washroom and now she's in her room i think.[/SIZE]

What else can i do? My friend says i should make my tama sleep while im at school but it's like im forcing it..


