A TON of V6 Questions


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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2009
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So I've heard that a V6 is really high maintenance; is it really high maintenance because of feeding and playing with it or because there is a lot of things to do on it. (It's summer now for me so I have a lot of time but I was just wondering :p ) Is it super hard to get the judges to pass you? How do you get really high skill points and lastly....What do you think of your V6??

Mostly it's high matinence because of the stress feature- every 15 minutes you have to put the stress down, and it only takes a few seconds, but it needs it ALL THE TIME so it's annoying if you have to leave it during school or camp or something.

I personally never had too much trouble with that, but lately a lot of other people have been having trouble, so... yes and no. It is pretty important that they pass you, though, becase you NEED money if you want your pet to eat- you have to start buying food after it becomes a teenager (Because the baby food will only fill up the first two hearts, and you need storebought food to fill up the rest).

Your pet can either practice on its own, or you can play games with it.

I like the V6, but it's a little too maitnence to me. I like the Tamatown and the concept, but it's too much for me to handle.

Thanks Violetchilluvr3 That helps me a lot. Oh, but I have one more question is there another way to make money besides concerts???

You don't earn money from concerts; You earn money by gaining Pro Debut, and then Guitartchi, I think, will come by every day giving you TONSS of money.

If you don't have Pro Debut, you can work the "Part-time jobs", but they don't earn too much money.

If you're thinking of buying a new Music Star, make sure to get a first wave, because when the parents leave they only take half of the money. On the second wave Music Stars, the parents take all of the money, leaving you with nothing. :<

Is there a way to tell first wave from second wave? LOL sorry for all the questions.

The first wave simply shows the "Tamagotchi" logo on the top of the screen. The second wave shows "Tamagotchi" then a small "Music Star" beneath it.

1. High Maintenance. It's high maintenance because it loses happy and hungry heart quickly, and it has the Stress meter.

2. Judges. It's pretty easy to pass the judges, if you practice with you band alot. ^_^

3. Skill Points. You play certain games to get skill points.

4. What I think about my V6. I love it!

5. Gotchi Points. When you pass the judges or Pro Debut, you immediately get a ton of GP.

6. Waves. The second wave ones have Music Star under neath and the first wave ones just simply have Tamagotchi.

I hope this helped you. ^_^

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Not high maintenance. As far as the judges go it is not easy to pass them but there is a bunch of different circumstances that make it difficult. here is a list:

(A. Skill points

(B. how often it goes to school

(C. How often it has street performances

(D. How often your Tamagotchi practices.

basically if you take it to school at least three times during each faze, Make it practice alot, play games with it instead of using toys to relieve stress, Max out your skill points as soon as you can(actually an easy task in this version), and do as many street performances as you can and you should pass within the first day.

My mimitchi passed the very first day it became a mimitchi after only meeting the judges once before, and I followed all these rules, Now it seems like alot but trust me it wasn't.

I hope you enjoy your new Music Star/ v6. It is one of my favorite Tamagotchi versions the v6 definitely worth the purchase.

Hmm... Music Star... I hate the stress thing. You have to praise it every single time it practices. The thing that I don't get about that is that it gets stressed even though its practicing on its on accord, not you making it practice. O__o Makes no sense. Don't get me wrong. I like my Music Star. It's just that sometimes it's too needy and whiny for me. For one thing, it doesn't like if you feed it baby food, like someone else mentioned, but it's pretty impossible to earn money until your tama is an adult. A feature that I do like is how if you are on 2nd generation or higher sometimes your parents will give you money or gifts. The judges can be very picky sometimes. I have found that you have to go to preschool 5 times, school 5 times, and then your band should be able to pass the audition. I would say that a v6 is a pretty good investment for the summer, but a little too needy when school starts up again.

I don't think the Music Star is bad. It's a really fun version if you're up for a challenge! I think the stress level is a nice feature. I don't see what's no annoying about it. XD

It can be tricky, but if you make lots of money, it's really fun! I love all the cool items you can buy. I also like to collect the toys, instruments, and awards. :3

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