A Star Is Born!


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tamagotchis rock

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
Reaction score
:huh: hello, Beth here :huh:

i have been saving any finally got enough to get that dark blue with stars V3 i went to Zellers, NOPE! so i begged my mom to take us to wallmart- i couldn't find them so i got sad then all of a sudden,,,,,BOOM! there they were so i picked out the one i wanted and left!

When i got home i started DREW! he was a telechi, then after about an hour he changed into a.............Mizatamachi!

it was very cute but i didn't get to play with it beacause, as soon as it changed it went to sleep! i don't want to pause this tama! yet i want to get a good one like mimitchi or mametchi! well i'll do stats!

hungry 3/4


training 1/9

0 yrs


name DREW!

Gender boy

Gen 1G

point 610p

username BETH!

wel that's all for now i gotta go

DREW! looks so cute sleeping!


:huh: Hey, Beth here, again! :huh:

sorry i diddn't write yesterday, but my computer crashed, i am currently writing to you from my Grandmas house(i am here for 2 weeks for an acting camp)!!!

well as for DREW! he changed this morning, into a ..........................Young Mametchi!!!! I worked so hard! I hope if i take good enough care of DREW! i will get a Mametchi!! i will work hard and take DREW! everywhere (By the way i am in Toronto so that shouldn't be to hard) i will work my butt of in the meantime, i'll do stats now

Hungry 4/4

Happy 4/4

training 3/9(need to improve that!)

Age 1


name: DREW!

points: 90( i bought soda a cupcake a sandwich cheese a cap and a ball!!!)

Username BETH!

i'll try to update daily if i can!


P.S. have i told you that i have my eye on the pink one with cherries that was just realeased??? Well i do! i really like it and hope to buy it soon!

:furawatchi: Hello Beth Here again! :furawatchi:

so sorry i haven't written in the longest time but my grandma's computer crashed and so i was delayed a bit! Well DREW! turned into an adult, it was not what i wanted, it was not even close! i got a pykontchi(or whatever the one with the pointy ears is called!0 i was upset but i don't know if this is a good or bad character, could somone plz PM me, thankx! DREW! is now 4 with perfect hearts and training and weighing 47 pounds this character is SSOO cute! i love DREW! but will try to do a better job for the next generation! Even though my time with Drew is almost up i will to continue to write here for future generations!


p.s. i would really appreaciate comments on PMS plz and thank you!!!!


Hello Beth here

DREW! is now 6 with a baby girl! he should be leaving soon, so foar his stats are perfect!


:p Hello Beth again :D

sorry i haven't been replying and that my replys haven't been that good latley! i'll do stats (drew's baby is still with drew!)

happy 4/4

hungry 4/4

training 9/9


weight: 68

name :DREW!



points: 469

i think he leaves with his bay girl tonight!


:( hello Beth here again :(

well DREW! diddn't leave last night so he should leave tonight i can't give u stats cuz he's out in the car but (i hope) i can give them to you tonight later on, all i know is all the hearts are full and so is training he weighs something in the 70's and he is 6 years old!!!! oh and just because this is just a log for DREW! i didn't mention it, but i have 13 tamas all together!!!!!!

i won't write about them unless you want me to, please relpy and please dont delete the replys without the replys i feel like i am writing to myself!

till next time

:( tamagotchis rock :(

:lol: Hello beth here again B)

no replys! how sad! oh well i'm sure i'll get some soon!!! toatally off topic but i just passed the 700 post point so this should be my 701st post!!! Now onto DREW! i axcidently forgot to unpase DREW! last night so he is still with his baby but i promise i will let him go tonight!!! i'll do stats now for probably the last time!

happy 4/4

hungry 4/4

training 9/9

age 7

weight 75

name DREW!

gender boy

gen 1

points 69

username BETH!

i haven't visited tama town for moths so i am going to go do that right now!!! i'll update tommarrow!


:unsure: Tamagotchis Rock :wacko:

P.S. i think i'll name DREW!'s baby girl star!!!

:furawatchi: Hello Beth here again :furawatchi:

well DREW! left and i named his bab6y girl STAR!, STAR! was a shiroteletchi, but is now a toddler, a mohitamatchi like the mohawk one i'll do stats now!!!

hungry 4/4


training 2/9


45 pounds

name STAR!

gender girl

gen 2

points 119

username BETH!

well thats all for now i'll update when STAR! changes!!!


tamagotchis rock :furawatchi:

Star! Is a cute name! Another name thing my friends and I do is we pick a subject like...FRUITS. And name our Tama's after fruits. Like Apple, Pear, Grape, etc!

:) hello Beth here again ;)

i am going away for the next three weeks so i won't be posting at all, as for STAR! she is still a toddler but i can give you stats cuz she's paused and packed!!!


~Tamagotchis Rock

B) Hello B)

I know that it has been a long time but the battery died and it really hasn't changed much, Star! became an adult a Tekatchi! it was very cute, but then it had a baby and left, just last night. I have named star's baby girl Ellen, she is a teletchi, here are her stats

happy 4/4

hungry 4/4

training 1/9



name ELLEN

gender girl

gen 3g

point 7849p

that is all for now! I will write when ELLEN changes!

feel free to comment!

~Tamagocthis Rock! B)

Hello! ;)

About 10 minutes after my last entry Ellen, changed into her toddler stage, which was a tamachi, which personally i find quiote boring! but hey, there's always next time! This morning about 1 minute after she woke up ELLEN changed into a teenager and went right back to sleep, she changed into a.......Nikatchi! so now ELLEN IS 1 and a nikatchi, more later!

i hope that she becomes a good adult!



ELLEN is still a nikatchi, i will post stats!

Happy 4/4

Hungry 4/4

training 9/9/ (yeah!!)


61lbs (i'm a little busy)





well write later, hopefully ELLEN will change into an adult soon!

bye! :(

Hey! :D

Ellen changed this morning at exactly 10:00am!! I think that it makes sense to use a lot of furwatchis, because, that is what Ellen changed into!!! :( :furawatchi: :furawatchi: ! I am so happy because :furawatchi: is a good character! well i'll post stats and hopefully Ellen will have a child in a couple of days! 4g here i come!

Happy 4/4

Hungry 4/4

Training 9/9

4yrs old

78 lbs





well i'll write again later, YAh to Ellen for changing!

:furawatchi: Tamagotchis Rock
