A New Start


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Active member
Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
South Yorkshire
I've had my Music Star since Christmas time, but I recently had to restart it so I decided I'd make myself a tama log. I've known about this site for some time, but I haven't really used it that often. This tama log will be written as if it is my actual tama writing it.

I just hatched my new baby Music Star, and it's a boy! I'm going to call him Leron.

I just made sure he was full and happy and now he's not really doing much.

His favourite type of music is currently hip-hop, and he plays the drums. His current toy is a train. I think I better go play some games with him to build up his skills and entertain him.

My next post will be by Leron, after he's evolved. He should be typing in magenta and I'll type in plain black, to cause no confusion.

Hey guys, it's me, Leron!

I just evolved into a KUCHITAMATCHI!

It's apparently a bad care character, but I like what I look like so I don't care. I really want to be a Kuchipatchi when I grow up.

I got ill earlier. MCTOM (MayContainTracesOfMad. I'll just call her Ellie from now on) didn't leave me until she knew I was all better.

We're gonna start working on my skills really hard once I start school, because I want to pass my first ever audition first time!

Nothing else important really happened to me yet, so I'm going to leave it at that and go listen to some hip-hop.

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