A new chapter...


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan City, IN 46360
Well, today marks a new chapter in my tama caring. First off my friend came over this morning and took me out for lunch and to also go to Meijers so i could get some blank cd-r disks, while there i wanted to see if they had any new connections there and they accualy did have them!

So I looked through the color choices and bought a green snake skin pattern V3 Connection (was the only good colored one there). So far this little guy has been fun to care for... he got sick 15 minutes after hatching and has already taken his little nap and had to be praised soon after that.

Right now were gonna go visit tamatown.com so i can get some items for him (like the golden tamagotchi!) and i'm gonna introduce him to my V2 connection when he changes so they'll be good friends.

(p.s.- comments are welcomed in this log so don't be afraid, come on.... you know you want to^-^)

Ok, since my first post was done before my V3 changed i'll now post about the rest of his day.

First off i forgot to say his name in the first post so his name is Haku, after i posted last he changed into a tamatchi (from the Gen1 or P1 tama's from 97) and i find this tama to be very fun! More options than the others (not dissing them or anything, just stating the truth) and very cute!

He got a chance to see the grey cloudy sky's over my house from the rain we got early in the morning and some of the leaves changing from green to orange (i just really enjoy the fall season). Tommorow i'm planning on having him watch as i try and make a site about him to add to DVP so i think he'll enjoy that.

Well back to today though he ended up getting a discipline before i ate supper and then got to watch some really funny flash video's on newgrounds.com before going to bed.

Today started off to a late start (didn't wake up till after 11 am) so by the time i checked on Haku he was mad at me (his hunger hearts were empty) so i quickly gave him 4 bowls of cereal and played the Get game (i catch 100 every time) and filled his happy hearts all the way.

After going outside for my morning smoke I ate breakfast and got to work on my V3's site and after about 30 minutes the front page was complete and right now i'm working on finding some sites with info and such on V3 Connections (if anyone knows of any pm them to me) and i'm also working on making my own family tree for haku and his many children to come.

Around 3pm i heard the familiar changing sound and found haku changed into a patapatachi^-^ Very cute, after he changed i tried my hand at the flag game and managed to get to round 5 before messing up so it'll be awile before i get good at that one.

As for disciplines he got one right after i woke up, another around 12, 2, 4 and a few more between then and when he went to bed (8pm).

Today was a good day, i woke up around 10am and cared for haku followed by my morning cigarette. Then i went to newgrounds to watch some funny videos i found the night before (haku didn't see em cause he was asleep). Around 11:30am i gathered some item to sell at EB Games for some extra money (for blank CD's and whatnot) and headed over to Meijers to buy some stuff. While there i ended up buying another V3 connection, this one's light blue bith bubble's all over it and teal buttons, I hatched a girl so haku will have a mate when there both old enough too^-^

As i was saying though her names Chiro and right now she's a happy healthy tamatchi and is best-friends with haku already (haku is the same with her)! I'll post more tonight after they've gone to bed.

This morning i woke up around 10am and went around to getting the lawn mowed for my parents (and so i could have 10 bucks for my camping trip this weekend) then went on to find some sites about the V3 (pic's info, charts, etc) but found little to none if that... i mean doesn't anyone have a good V3 site out there?

*sigh* oh well, ok so around noon chiro changed today into a obotchi. I find this funny, haku is a male and looks like a female character (patapatachi) and chiro is a female but looks like a male character (obotchi)! Before she changed her discipline bar was at [|||] but after her change and before she went to bed it was at [|||||].

Here are there stats:


Character: Patapatachi










Character: Obotchi









Not so much went on today with my and my two V3's. Woke up before 11am and cared for them both, then went off to the bank to see how much is in my account (not enough) and came home. I accualy didn't visit tamatown.com today (cause i can't find any new items) but i did manage to donate 5,00 gp to the king^-^ but no code as of yet.

Then around 1 my friend mike came over and treated me to Dairy Queen (peanut buster parfait!!!!! Yum!) and i went with him while he got his hair cut. After he dropped me off i went to check on haku and chiro only ti find haku changed into a Pyonkitchi (i think thats his characters name... i'll update later with his real name) which was wonderfull!

Then this evening we found some great tamagotchi vid's on Youtube.com and well... here are some links to them:


Tamagotchi is the Best!

Those are a few of the good one's i found (makes me want to make a vid like that!). Speaking of which, this comming sunday me and mike are going camping and i plan on writing my own ficional story i've been wanting to work on for the past year and i'll post it after i finish it.

Today was interesting! I woke up right at 9am and checked on haku and chiro only to find they needed nothing (at least till my morning cig was done) then we went down stairs to burn a cd for the drive me and my sis had to do. See today we went to visit my Mema (grandma on my dad's side) and of course my parents had to ride the bikes there while we drove (easier on me if you asked yourself why!) which was a 40 mile ride for them! This didn't happen till around 10am for them but me and my sis didn't leave till after 12:30pm (and we beat them there too^-^).

After arriving i introduced my family to both haku and chiro (most of them don't understand virtual pets so i had to explain what there for, why i care for them and so on) then was asked by my cousin nathan to do some yo-yo tricks... mainly cause i'm the only one in the family with enough talent to yo-yo (i'm pretty good at it!).

My tama's had a fun time though, and durring this time chiro reached age 3 and haku finally reached age 4 (paused him last night), along with chiro's 5 disciplines... which made her bar over filled to the MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tommorow i'm going camping so i'll post again monday night (plan on taking pic's for all to see) when i get home.

P.S.-Thanks for the feedback bratztroxg, i'm glad you enjoy my log and the video links i posted^-^

I didn't post a log yesterday for a few reasons (was depressed, to bored to sit at computer and whatever excuse i can think of) so i'll talk about yesterday and today in this log.

Yesterday i working on dvp most of the day (it's up but not fully done) and cared for haku and chiro. Around 1pm i heard the familiar changing tune so i grabbed chiro to find she changed into the exact same character haku changed into!!! I don't know how i managed to do this but i think this characters cute^-^

So after sunday ended they were in love and ready to mate and i figured it would be tuesday before they accually mated though. Then this morning i woke up at 9:30am and checked on them and they didn't need anything. I went online and searched for some more V3 info and found some really pointless information (basicaly stuff i already knew).

Well around noon i descided to have them connect again (chiro's been giving haku gifts most of the day) and what kind of gift did haku give her? well... they mated! At first i didn't know what was happening, they both shook there heads like they were saying no and then haku went over chiro's screen and fireworks went off^-^ A few seconds later there were two little baby girls :D I'm still comming up with names for them (if anyone can help with names then pm them to me) but hope to have them before wensday hits. Speaking on wensday remember how i was going camping sunday? well plans were changed to wensday and thursday so those days i'll be gone but will keep a journal of there progress to put up here.

It's been a few days since i last posted and for many good (and some really bad) reasons. First off wensday morning when i woke up the parents were gone and i descided on Mel for haku's daughter's name and Jenny got chiro's daughter's name. The usual hour of care took place followed by them both changing into kutchitamatchi's^-^

Yesterday i kinda was ignoring them most of the day after they changed (trying for different adult instead of getting the same on both), i haven't found there names yet but when i do i'll post that. Well everything was going well and me and mike hung out most of the day and around 7 we went to Carlson's which is a nice drive up resturant and had something to eat then went and got his girlfriend chrystal and went over to our friends mel and carries house to relaxe (would say what we accualy did but if you want to know pm me about it). After that we cruised around for a bit and when i got dropped off i realized i left Mel in mikes car....

Good thing was he noticed it and paused her for me and dropped her off this afternoon. And thats where thing are going right now, there both asleep and will be till around 9 am tommorrow.

It's been over 8 days since i last posted a log and what has happened? I'M SICK AS A DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Literally, last week i started comming down with a cold and it's almost over now but i still feel like crap. Besides that though i have alot to talk about with my 2 v3's. After my last log they both became adults and like the last generation they both became the same characters again! I can't remember there names but i'll update that later...

On thursday the matted with someone the matchmaker brought to them and today they left, so right now i have Kah and Baa (didn't name him, put in pocket and he beeped for me and there was BAA!) and for once there different children!!!!!

Wow, it's been a loooooonnnnnnnnnggggggggg time since i last posted here that it's not funny! nd why do you ask? cause i've been working on a freestyle for this yo-yo contest that's comming up in a few weeks in my state of Indiana! But this log isn't about yo-yo's is it? no it's about my tama's (who for a while have been paused) and i started them up again or unpaused them this morning. There 4 yrs old, one is a maskitchi and the other i don't have the slightest idea... lol^-^

I'm gonna try and get a boy and girl this time though when the matchmaker comes to visit them.

Know what? If anyone here wants to see a vid of my yo-yoing then

//www.tamatalk.com/IB/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png! And if you want to leave a comment on the vid pm me.
ugh... this log may be a tad depressing for some people so if you don't like depressing logs skip this one...

This month has gone so bad so far for me... first off on wensday november 1st the batteries died in both my V3's so i was without any tama's, or i would of been if i hadn't misplaced webster. Next my car has screwed me out of 5 different interviews, most in my town, 1 in Laporte and another in Merrillville... so i've been stuck at home for the past week and for me this would be no problem but it is since i have to source of income and with flat feet i can't really walk very far without my feet killing me (and my closest friend is 1 mile form me)....

Another thing that has not a thing to do with tama's is i've been practicing for the Indiana State Yo-Yo Comp and it looks like i won't be able to go to that either, for many reasons but mainly cause of my car.

I guess the only good thing thats happened is a few minutes ago i managed to find webster and started him up so i'll be trying to get a mimitchi but i doubt i will.

Welp, alot has changed since my last (very depressing post.

First off i managed to find a new (enough) battery and re-started kah (light blue w/ bubbles V3) who was still a baby when i restarted him earlier. Right now he's 2 and looks like a tonmarutchi from the p2 tama's but has a big stupid grin on his face! Besides that though nothing new has happened... I got my car fixed so now i'll be able to drive to indianapolis for the Indy State Yo-Yo Contest!!!!!!!!!

I'll update either before or on thanksgiving day.

Welp, it's thanksgiving and i'm not too thrilled that i have to spend time with family today (my mom's side are a bunch of pot-heads and red necks) but i do have some good news!

This morning after kah woke up at a late 10 am he asked for 1 more praise while i was having a smoke (in between playing Maple Story and checking my other boards i'm on) and while outside i heard the familiar changing sound and grabbed him out of my pocket to find he changed into Billotchi! I know, not the best adult but i was busy the first day of his life so i got a bad teen but in reality i'm not to upset that i got this character...

He's kinda cute and he'll keep me company while my family tries to make my life more of a mess than it accualy is right now.

Today was a good day for me and kah!

I woke up past 10 (kah woke up at 9) and checked on kah... to find he only lost 1 hungar and happy heart so i fed him a bowl of cereal and a apple and went out to have a smoke. Around noon i helped my mom and dad put up the christmas decorations and afterwards (when it was dark) let kah enjoy them since this is his first christmas since i bought him in the summer.

Tommorow he's gonna go with me over to my friend mikes house toh elp him clean his car out (i'm getting gas money for it so it's cool).

Well, the last few dyas have been fun (and boring at the same time!). Saturday i went ove to mikes house and helped clean his car out and in return was given 10 bucks and a N64 system! Sunday after waking up my parents started putting up more of the christmas decorations around the house... this included the tree. We didn't decorate it though until yesterday and i had Kah with me so he could se his first christmas tree. Something good happened yesterday morning also, i woke up to kah beeping and checked on him to find the matchmaker was visiting him and after a few button presses he got a baby boy^-^.

Wel, tuesday night around midnight kah left his son... and yesterday morning i woke up to a sad little tama... So after i fully woke up i named him Kyle and started caring for my second gen tama. The usual hour took place (eating, sleeping and alot of pooping) and durring this time i spent reading the new logs on tamagotchi planet... man am i glad kat's making logs again, it give me and kyle something to read when nothings happening!

Today i woke up around 10am (after hearing kyle beep at me... his happy hearts were empty) and quickly feed and played with him. Then around noon he changed!

Well, my weekend was a blast!

First off friday my tama changed into his teen form (a day late too but that was ok with me) and it was also exciting cause i was going to indy for my second yo-yo contest! Well at 6pm my friend jason calls me from the train station saying he arrived in my town and i went and picked him up and we were off... after stopping at a gas station for drinks and snacks for the ride.

To make this next part a little shorter we were suppose to get to the bbq that night by 9pm and didn't get there till almost midnight!!! This was cause we got lost (dang you mapquest!!!!!) but after getting there we just wanted to get to the hotel room, which wasn't easy either.

After driving for another 30 minutes we got really lost and had to ask some cops how to get to our hotel (it was funny though, the cops thought we were trying to rob the gas station we pulled into!) and after another 30 minutes we arrived at our hotel.

The next morning we got up at 6:30am thinking they were on central time and there on eastern so we got up 1 hour earlier tog et ready. Around 10:30 we got to the contest and it was awesome (made sure to pause kyle so he wouldn't beep or anything) and i got to meet 2 of my idols there, Takeshi and Steve Brown. I also got a few custome yo-yo's from takeshi for a N64 i had that i traded to him so it was worth it.

I didn't get to do my 3min freestyle till after 2pm and by this time i was pretty nervous but i still got up on stage and after all of it only messed up on 2 tricks. After hours and hours of yo-yoing for fun the contest ended and we left to go back home.

In the end i got 31st place out of the 34 people competing in the 1A division (1A is where you do tricks with 1 butterfly yo-yo on the string) and i'm so glad i did this and plan on doing it again next year!

Well, i have both good and bad news for this post........

First off friday night little kyle died on me (to this moment i still don't know why) and i have yet to restart him. Other than that yesterday i went to chicago to visit with my pal jason and had a blast yo-yoing, eating at a good chinese place (the crab ragoon was awesome!) and walked around for a few hours before i had to get to my train.

This morning though i found out i'll be helping my mom at work to earn some money so i figured it would be good to start a gen2 tama for christmas (this way he has 2 weeks to change into an adult).


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