A Music star log! :D


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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2008
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Hey Everybody! I'm makeing a New log about my Music star tamagotchi Noah. I got him yestorday at Wal-mart. He started out as a cute little baby boy and then he transformed into a Kuchitamatchi. He is so cute! He got into pre- school and does well at practicing with his guitar. So here are his stats!

He is a boy

0 year old

16 LB

name: Noah


happy**(Got to make him happy!)

stress 07

tone 66

Rythem 44

original 128

Classical music


gen. 1

3000 gotchi points.

So that is what you know about him! :wacko: He is adorable, lots of energy, and does well in games. The design on my tamagotchi is dark pink, with some black and pink stars. So that is about it and I will type more tomorrow. Bye! :wacko:

p.s I'm not sure if I'll write tomorrow right away, because I may or may not have school tomorrow.

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Hi Everybody! I am home today because It is a snowday! The bad news is I have to go to school this Saturday! :p :p Thats because we had too many days off and the Law says that kids have to go to school for 180 days other wise they can't graduate. :p Does this mean we have to go to school on Sunday too!? UGH! :p Anyways Noah turned into a teenager this morning. We played lots of games last night and I think that is what tired him out. I dident want to wake him up, even thougn it was only eight O'clock. He turned out to be such a cute looking teenager! :D He also got a Accordion this morning and some gotchi points from the king. Yestorday we also went to Music star city and played for an hour! Noah loved it! I even decorated his room. I gave him the green bed so he can go to sleep. We are going to go there there this afternoon. I'll show his stats now! :D


1 year old


name: Noah







R&B music




So those are his Stats. I also took the guitar pick he came with and put it on the little chain. It looks really cool. B) I think that what its for and to put the code in the Music city website. It's green and it has Kutchipatchi on it. He is wearing a poofy wig. LOL! :D Thats about it. Check more on my blog for new updates. Bye! :rolleyes:


Guess what!? Noah turned into a Mamatchi today! ^_^ He is so adorable! He also formed a band last night. There names are Lydia and John. He is really good with music! he has alot of fans! there is more then 5 Million fans! I'm so not kidding! I also learned that he loves omlet. :D He has been geting alot of stress latly because of practicing and concerts! I'm calming him down by letting him play with his toys. We alos tryed logging in today, after school and it kept saying my username was wrong so I went back and tried again...still nothing and then I tried again with a diffrent login number and it worked! But then it got all weird and started flashing with random things. I was really weird. I'll try again later. Noah got a little disapointed because he loves it there. By the time he gets married he will be living there. He told me he is going to miss me and earth because that is were he grew up. He hopes to find his dream girl some day. :rolleyes: Here are his stats.

Gender: Boy (Dugh!)

2 year old





stress:09 (he calmed down.)







9,590 points.

There are his stats. I also took him to school with me today. He was really good. When I went to diffrent classes I would ask the teacher if I could use the Bathroom, just so I could check up on Noah. B) I'm so bad. JK LOL! :D

Bye! I'll type more soon. Mabye I can get Noah to talk. :lol:


Hey Yall! lol! I took Noah to school with me again. :( He likes coming with me, but I'm not sure if I'm going to bring him tomorrow. He needs to learn to get through with it without me being around all the time. He just turned 3 year old today.

Noah: I heard that! I'm 3 and a half by the way! :rolleyes:

me: You cant come with me tomorow because you need to get used to being away from me when you go to tamatown when your older.

Noah: But I dont want to go to tamatown, Its really cool but I want to stay on earth with you. <_< And even if I do go to tamatown, I wont even see you again.

me: I'm only doing whats best for you. By the time your a little older you will be out of this plastic egg and free with your wife.


I think I want to let Noah type in this log. Here you go Noah, type away!

Noah: Hey everybody. :unsure: I dont get why I cant stay with my owner forever!? She always says that changes are hard, and that I have to get used to them. Well what if i cant!? My owner has been there for me since day 1 and I dont get it. I'll try looking on positive things about living in tamatown. I'll be with Lydia and john. (my band) I will have a great wife. Sonn I will see my son/daughter. I wont be stuck in this plastic egg, and I'll be a father on my own. I'm not sure what else to think about. Tamagotchi411, was like a mom to me. Plus she doesent do anything bad to me. Ummm....I think i'll show my stats now. :mellow: I'm still sad.

Boy! (why wouldent i be?)

3 years old









R&B music

type: Mametchi(And proud of it!)



The reason I have so much Gotchi points is because, my band manager gave me my paycheck. it was over a thousand. I spend some of it. Oneof them was a sterio and a wig. You couldent keep the wig though. :blink: Also some food. yum....food. I think i'm gonna go now. I just need time to get used to the fact that, I'm not going to live the rest of my life with my owner. *Starts to tear up, the runs away* :wacko: :angry: :ph34r:

Hey, its tamagotchi411 again. I'm gonna go now because Noah isent in the best mood....Bye.


Hi tamagotchi people! It's Noah. I just turned 4 years old today. :D I want to stop geting older. My owner is geting ready for school, so she doesent know I'm on her computar. I have a plan to go to school with tamagotchi411. I'm going to sneak into her backpack. She's gonna never know. :p I'll type down my stats to save her a trip after school.


4years old









R&B music



Gotchi points:987250

I got full hearts yay! *claps* Also yestorday I got my first reward! It's the R&B music trophy. I also met the king himself. Is'ent that sooo cool!? I thanked my Lydia, and john. There really good friends. Me and tamagotchi411 went to music city yestorday, and it was really fun. There was this game were I had to hop on music notes, and there was another game were you had to beat this other guy and get the right music notes. Thats about it. I have to do my awsome "PLAN" now. TTYL! :D


Hello. I figured out that Noah got into my back pack yestorday. :p He soon got into my boot, and then into my pencil case. He is going to stay home today. He is still 4 year old so I canged the time to his bedtime, that way when I get to school, he will be 5. I'm not going to show his stats, but I can tell you what happend yestorday. He did recieve an istrument. It's the saxaphone. He's pracice on it and is geting really good. He was in trouble though because he follwed me to school, when he was suppose to stay home. :) There isent much to type so that is about it. Sorry if it is too short. :p


Hey Everybody! Guess waht!? Noah got married yestorday to a beautiful Mimitchi. She looks like this :mimitchi: . Her name is Delilah and she had a baby boy. He is soo cute. He does everything that noah does. They even go to the bathroom at the same time. (Like father like son, how sad is that for mom.) LOL! :huh: :D Noah wants to speak in his log witch will mabye be his last.

Noah: Hey Guys! I married a beautiful Mimitchi. My band manager set me up with her and I loved her that very moment. We also have a son! Is'ent that sooo cool!! My band manager was trying to fix me up for days. There was a Maskatchi :) named Mandy but she scared me. She wouldent even show her face. :p Me and Delilah are not sure what to name our baby yet? Here is a list of names.


2. Noah Jr.

3. Duncan




Thats what we have so far. I also won two awards. One for Classical music and one for Rock "N" Roll! So My wife is happy for me and I hope it would make an inspration to my son. He'll get his talents from his Daddy.

(Wich mean me, not my owner.)

Delilah: Hony! Can you help me in the kitchen?"

Noah: I'll be right there!

I have to go now you guys this is my last entry. Hoped you guys liked it. My son might start a log himself. Bye! :eek:
