A log


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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2007
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My kuchipatchi action figure I got w/ my v4.5 HAS GONE THROUGH A LOT OF THINGS!!! So I'll tell you about him.

When I started school, he came! (I'm in third grade.)

He went to gym!

He had a little too fun playing because he slipped out of my pocket and landed on the gym floor. oops! :D :D

When he came home, I threw him in my yard.

he jumped off the porch and landed in the grass. It took a minute to find him but then I found him.

we was so sad but when he came back he was sooooo ^_^ to me because he was scared.

you may post topics here but if it's off topic then pm me or I'll tell you not to do that thing.

~ Kuchipatchi5 ;) ;) :lol:

here's more:

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After kuchipatchi ate dinner and then he played on tamatalk with me. this IS right now. he likes crossing out things. yay bold!


|stop going off topic!|


... ^_^

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*Topic moved to Tamagotchi Logs*
Not to go off topic in my own topic but this is about an ACTION FIGURE!!! not about the virtual pet tama! I guess you can put logs that aren't about tama (virtual) on tama logs.


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