A Log About My Version 3 & Version 4!


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Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
Hello everyone! Welcome to my first ever log! I am really excited. I have just bought a Version 3 & Version 4 and I can't wait to play on them! Here goes nothing...

*+:..:+*Pulls tab on Version 3*+:..:+* BEEP

*+:..:+*Pulls tab on Version 4*+:..:+* BEEP

Yey! Up comes the egg! At least they work ok. I just need to enter the time on both of them.

*+:..:+*Enters time on Version 3*+:..:+*

*+:..:+*Enters time on Version 4*+:..:+*

Ok, they are both set, yey! They will hatch soon!

*+:..:+*Waits patiently until they both hatch*+:..:+*

Come on! Lol. :D

*+:..:+*Watches Version 3 to hatch*+:..:+* HATCH

*+:..:+*Waits for Version 4 to hatch*+:..:+* HATCH

Yey! They hatched! And guess what, my Version 3 is a boy and my Version 4 is a girl! Yey! They can eventually have babies! I'm so lucky!

Now, what shall I call them?

I know! Zack and Zoey! Perfect!

I'll write in a minute!

Zack: Version 3

I fed him some cereal to fill up his hungry hearts. Then, I played some Get with him and he won! Yey Zack! I am really proud of him. :D Oops, he just pooped. Better clean it up and feed him again! He is just dancing around the screen at the moment so I will post his stats:

Name: Zack

Age: 0 years

Gender: Male

Generation: 1g

Weight: 7lbs

Training: 0

Points: 300p

Zoey: Version 4

I fed her some cereal also to fill up her happy hearts. I played some Jumping Rope too and she won! I am so proud of her. :huh: Looks like my little babies are champions! Lol, anways she is just dancing around the screen so I will post her stats:

Name: Zoey

Age: 0 years

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1g

Weight: 7lbs

Training: 0

Points: 800p

Pencil: 0

Star: 10

Flower: 0

I'll keep ya updated!


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