A Beginner's Log (v3)


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Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
So I shall start with stats, since you gotta know the tama before reading about it.

Name: Saia

Gender: Female

Generation: 1

Type: A Billotchi

Training: Full bar!

Today I awoke Saia (who was a young Mameitchi) to discover she had evolved~!

She looks like a black duck with a white spot on her belly. Aww~! :huh:

Anyways, I could finally use much of my items! Her favourite toy is her doll.

She even sleeps with it! She wore a lot of clothing today, but stuck with a little costume I

put on. But she was cross when I thought she could wear a bowtie! She even pouted.

:huh: Besides that, I am very happy, because she has a little boyfriend. His name is Sammy,

and he is quite fond of her. Anyways, it will soon be her bedtime!

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Today was horrible.

One, she woke up with 3 hearts.

and 2, she was stolen. It all happened in Gym Class.

After she was fed and played with I set her down by a bush with a paper

of mine. When the baseball game was over, I wandered near where she was.

The paper was scattered and ripped about, and there was no Saia.

After looking 3 times throughout the day, I gave up. She wasn't lost.

She was stolen. Someone picked her up before I got there. But you know what?

The funny thing is, the person that picked it up, knew about Tamagotchis.

They even checked her stats and taunted me with them. But they still refuse to cough her up.

This is a very trying time for me. I was planning on getting her a little playmate, but now..

The hopes of her returning safely are thin. So, if you want to give me hope, pm me.

I pray that she is well.


I think I know who took her, and it was the owner of Sammy.

I have no idea why, but I heard beeping during class.

I'm suspecting a girl named Melinda took her.

ARGH! I am so mad right now!

After much looking around the area where she was taken, I gave up.

Then later one day, I found the Tamagotchi in my desk, paused, overweight, and on full hearts.

Saia was never overweight in my care, nor do I put her in my desk.

Oh well, she is home again. And during her return, she was greeted by the matchmaker.

Now, I have a baby girl, and Saia is taking very good care of her.


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