8 Teens beating up a 16 year old girl


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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2008
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Okay, sooo... browsing youtube.. as always, checking how many commetns and rates my videos get.. and so I look at one of the related videos, and it says

'8 teens invite girl over to beat her up' clicked on it, and found some chick beating up this poor girl, until she was unconscious.. and then when she woke up, they beat her some more. 2 boys were watching the windows and saying if they police were coming or not. It's really sick how they would treat someone like that.. really I hope they get about like 8 months in jail for that... she's just a chick and they said that they all took turns in hurting her and the only reason they did it was to be famous on youtube, how STUPID to basically put it up for the whole world to see...

When I was in 3rd grade, these 2 girls Julliette and Victoria stuck a note in my cubby, and said to meet me at their house for a fight. So, I told on them and then the girls were like.. "We didn't do it!" even though like.. it SAID THEIR NAMES ON IT. Which was totally effing st00pid if you ask me.. and It was pretty funny how simple-minded that attempt was!

Anyway, I feel bad for the girl, and I'm happy she didn't fight back... because she might have been charged too.. I wished that she would have done something though.. even though she was nearly unconscious at some points. Sad, what a bunch of chicks!!

Still mad > :)

*This story is very upsetting but please remember to watch your language- TW/P*

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I saw that too, its really sad because her face was disfigured and she is now skared for life.

Bah, this is old to me. XP I read it yesterday.

I really badly wanted to attack these girls. Why? They seemed cruel, it was over a Myspace message. Lindsay (The victim) Was mad because from what I heard, her Boyfriend broke up with her for one of the other girls that was beating her up. I mean the girl friggen blocked the door just to beat her up!

I saw that too, its really sad because her face was disfigured and she is now skared for life.


I didn't see it, but I read about.

I checked to watch the video and it said "This video has been removed due to terms of violation".


That's horrible though. It's a horrible this to do to a person. It's not like she did anything to them anyways.

People that do horrible things to others make me want to scream. >.>


EDIT: I should make a YouTube response to this. Some of the comments made about the incident there are totally ticking me off.

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I just found a news report about it. I will not post a link because it shows Lindsay being beaten.


They had a reason for beating her up, Lindsay was doing something on the internet they didn't like.


That's wrong. Seriously, I mean, the internet?! People are such idiots. >.>

That's just wrong x_X


If I saw this I would have hunted the people down and killed them. But make them have a dramatic and scary death.. Okay, just kidding. But if someone I knew had experienced something like that I would take action D:<



Yep, they deformed her face, and she lost part of her eyeste and hearing, they blocked out the faces, and it's not scary, no blood but they are hitting her very hard in the face and they ask, "why are you crying?"


"Woah.. does this mean we'll miss cheerleading practice tomorrow?"

YES *removed*!!!!

Edit: TamaMum

I know this is an upsetting situation, but please watch your language on this forum.

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Woahh.. I'm just going to stop the whole conversation for a second...

Why did they beat her up? What did she do on the internet? Can some help me out?

This kinda crap happened ta onea my friends, and lemme tell ya, when I got a holda the jerk, he started cryin' like a baby.

In my area, I'm not known as "Jerry the Ripper" or somethin' as cliche, but only as "The Guy Ya Don't Wanna peep Off". I was being nice though. He only spent four months in tha hospital, after all. After that, I had a message sent ta him with onea his friends sayin' that if he went for revenge or ta hurt her again, tha onlay thing they'd finda his remains would be an unpleasant smear on tha road.

And I haven't spent time in jail cuz I have only act in the defense of another, usually those close ta me.

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Woahh.. I'm just going to stop the whole conversation for a second...Why did they beat her up? What did she do on the internet? Can some help me out?
Because like I states, on Myspace the girl was being rude to one of the other girl's friends. Because apparently this girl stole Lindsay's boyfriend, so she started to send rude text messages and Myspace comments.

Apparently the snob told the rest of her friends, they invited her to a sleepover and began to pound the living crap outta her. She was knocked unconcious, then when she woke up, they beated her even worse until somehow she got out. She got hearing damage, and eye sight lose. I also read she was scarred for life.

'8 teens invite girl over to beat her up' clicked on it, and found some chick beating up this poor girl, until she was unconscious.. and then when she woke up, they beat her some more. 2 boys were watching the windows and saying if they police were coming or not. It's really sick how they would treat someone like that.. really I hope they get about like 8 months in jail for that... she's just a chick and they said that they all took turns in hurting her and the only reason they did it was to be famous on youtube, how STUPID to basically put it up for the whole world to see...
Was the girl alright? That's just sick.


I heard about that on the news. It is just sick. Something that makes it even more sick is that they video taped it and put it on the internet. I feel really bad for the girl that got beat up.But I think she should of defended herself and fought back even though she would of gotten in trouble.

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Yeah, in that situation YOU MUST FIGHT BACK A LIL BIT! she shouldnt knocked em out and ran. it's her right.

That poor girl suffered : A messed up eye socket, hearing loss and other things. :D

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