3 tamas with nothin to do


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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2007
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hi there well i have 3 tamas with batteries in them 2 v.1s and 1 v.4.

Tama v.1 #1




Age: 2 years old


Generation: 1


Age type: Teen



Traning:[l ]


Tama v.1 #2




Age: 0 years old


Generation: 1


Age type: Toddler



Traning:[ll ]


Tama v.4 #1




Age: 0 years old


Generation: 1


Age type: Toddler

Hunger: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Username: Ino

Pencil points: 4

Star points: 2

Flower points:0

Points: 2885p

Traning:[ ]

Man that was alot to write well elf (tama v.1 #1) is light pink with red buttons he's plain the tama sign was blue because i thought it would be cool to put glow in the dark nailpolish all over him like 3 years ago and didn't like it so i tried to get it off with nail polish remover... bad ide it caused the out side of my tama to become rough i mean like it lost it's shine and the screen is beat up and u can barly see anything on it, anyway the nailpolish remover "ate" the tama sign at the top well thats the story. Mika (v.1 #2) is magenta with the inside sreen like where it looks like the egg is cracked is an ocean blue. it has orange and light pink swirls all over the front. I put stickers on this one, i have a blue ball sticker on the front the word sweet, an ichigotchi sticker a Mimitchi sticker, a baby girl sticker the word madd( it used to be the word maddy , it used to be my friends tamagotchi but she gave it to me.) and i have Mametchi kissing Memetchi. that is on the front on the back i have a blue star a yellow star a green star a yellow spiral and the word pie and the number 6. Ino (v.4) is black with siver sparks a red x near the bottom red buttons a red tama sign a black antena and on the tip of the antena is a red ball. Well thats it tune in tommorow!!!

Hello! I'm listening to "iI write sins not tragadies" right now, see brendon will be my husband right now i promise! any way, right now elf is on pause because he is a teen and the love of his life is still a toddler so i want them to grow up together!!!!! any way elf has 1/4 hugry, 3/4 happy still 1 trnig point 1yrs old 18lbs blah blah blah! MIKA is STILL a toddler and has1/4 hunger 1/4 hAPPY and 2 trning pts 0yrs old and13lbs. boring. but ino has changed!!! she has 1/4 hungry and 3/4 happy AND she got a trning pt!!! she has 9 pencil skills 19 star skillz,lol and 5 flower skillz! 0yrs old and 17lbs but i now have 6460 gotchi pts! woohoo! any way i enered all the passwords and got a pen a clone honey(love potion) a cell phone cd # 3 and steak!!!! from the king i got a mirror honey a plant and oh thats it ! oh i have a letter its 4:22 and 16 seconds as i write this of and people it's pm thank you very much let's see what the letter is .. AHHH THE ROBBER!! HE TOOK 100PTS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!well thats over! PM me if you like my log i really hope u do!!








l8r g8r

se ya l8r allig8r

se ya wouldn' wanna be ya!

smell ya l8r!



buh bye!

Hello! well ino grew up into a universal teens named Hawaikotchi, the one that looks like a tooth with the pink hearts on it's head. And mika grew up into a Hinotamatchi, the same as elf. Elf didn't change, he just is exiceted to grow up and for mika to grow up so they can fall in love! Any way herer are there stats, Ino, 3/4 hungry 4/4 happy 3 trning pts, 33 pencil 43 star, 12 folwer pts, 1yrsold 21 lbs 4040 gotchi pts. I donated 10 gotchi pts to the king last night. Elf, 3/4 hungry, 1/4 happy, 1 trning pts. 2yrs old 21lbs. Mika, 2/4 hungry 4/4 happy, 3 trning pts 1yrs old 22lbs. See I really want Ino to grow up into a Makiko which is the purple one with curly hair and u have to have 350 star pts and a total of 450 ether star, pencil or flower pts to get her to turn into a makiko. I don't care what elf and mika turn into but i really don't want them to be footballs because i have had footballs like EVERY time! Well it's off to school i write this log @ 8:27 am march 2nd 2007 easterntime (thats in florida) my school starts at 9:15! gota go!

PM me if you like my log i really hope u do!!








l8r g8r

se ya l8r allig8r

se ya wouldn' wanna be ya!

smell ya l8r!



buh bye!

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Hey whats up it's 9:02 pm eastern time!!! woohoo! well im here to give all you blpog/log readers something to do! Ino is still a teen and hasn't evolved and here are her stats! 3/4 hungry, 3/4 happy 4 trnig 40pencil, 44 stars and 15 flower pts! 2yrs old and 28lbs, 3940 gotchi pts and she is still lookn fur love! Elf & mika are doing fine, they are both asleep, elf has 4/4 hungry pts and 1/4 happy pts, 1 trning pts is 2yrs old and weights 15lbs Mika has 1/4 hungry 2/4 happy 3trning 1yrs old and 15lbs..... Not much happened well earlyer today around 6:45 the king came and left ino 1100 gotchi pts!!! and in 5th period, math class, the robber came and took 100 gotchi pts, that was earlyer. I went out with my dad for about an hour and then we went 2 blockbuster and rented "just my luck" I wanted my dad to drive really fast because i knew my tamas were in trouble and may have died... nut they didn't elf and mika were sick ino had 0/4 hungry and happy and elf had 2/4 hungry and 0/4 happy, mika had i think 1/4 happy and 0/4 hungry and they all had made a poopy. See i think that if you don't clean there poopy up it gets them sick more often.?. Just a thought?. But when they were all better i showed them the movie i rented for me and my friend allison, mika thought it would be really romantic watching it with elf, he didn't care much and ino was exied but upset cause she had no one to watch it with, i said i would watch it with her. Man i typed alot.... well im gonna tyoe alot more now that it's the weekend! See i can't wait till elf and mika grow up and have kids and then there kids have kids and so on and so on. With ino she wont connect and get married i think the matchmaker will come but if mika and elf have a baby thats the opposite gender of ino's kid it will work out well. but anyway. well tune in later for more loggys!!

PM me if you like my log i really hope u do!!








l8r g8r

se ya l8r allig8r

se ya wouldn' wanna be ya!

smell ya l8r!



buh bye!

Good morning everybody!!! well i'm here to give you ino,elf and mika's stats,

Ino: 3/4 hungry 4/4 happy, 4trnig pts 40 pencil, 44 star, 18 flower, 2yrsold 26lbs 8140gotchi pts.

Elf: 3/4 hungry,0/4 happy, 1 trning pts,2 yrs old, 15lbs.

Mika: 2/4hungry, 0/4 happy, 4 trning pts, 2yrs old, 18lbs.

well i just got a letter from the king and he gave me a pencil. It's bormig so far but tonight there going to a hockey game!!

I'll check back in w/ u guys l8er. Probaly around 4pm!

PM me if you like my log i really hope u do!!








l8r g8r

se ya l8r allig8r

se ya wouldn' wanna be ya!

smell ya l8r!



buh bye!


NOO ELF AND INO DIED IM SUCH ABAD PARENT!!!!! well now i have a new baby boy to replace elf and a new baby boy named shika in inos place and mika is the same and she is on pause so the new elf can catch up to mika. here are there stats: shika:1/4 hungry 2/4 happy 1 trning 0yrs old 10 lbs he's a baby. elf: 1/4 hungry, 0/4 happy 0 trning still a toddler 30lbsMika on pause.


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