Yikes, there is a lot that I haven't gotten to post yet. For this post, I'm going to conclude the updates for my Familitchi and Tamagotchi Friend.
I had a Mukugetchi, Hatugotchi, and Lovezukintchi on my Familitchi.
Personally, I think Mukugetchi kinda looks like a cute yeti or Bigfoot (if they existed). Hatugotchi is the cutest among the three.
Anyway, Lovezukintchi married Sunnytchi and they had a girl that evolved into Hoshitchi. This concludes the log on the Familitchi.
One thing I don't like about the Familitchi is that it takes a long time to earn points on it to buy things.
Next for my Tamagotchi Friends.
I had a Coffretchi that married Spacytchi.
They had a baby girl too.
This concludes the log for my Tamagotchi Friends.