1,005 things NOT to do in public.


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memetchi <3

Well-known member
Mar 29, 2010
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The other topic was bumped, so I made another topic of it. :huh: Let's go! P.S. Please don't post ANYTHING inappropriate. :D

1. Throw steaming hot mash potatoes at random people.

2. Crack eggs at peoples face.

3. Hop in some random persons car and beep the horn and jump up and down in the car. (if you can)

4. Pretend to be on the phone at the store or some other public place, then when you "hang up", scream "NOOOOO!!!!! WHY ME!!!! WHY MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

5. Put a cookie in your mouth, chew it up, then spit it on the ground and say, "Someone threw up here." And force everyone to step on it.

6. Go to a lemonade shack and say, "Free lemonade? Oh, I'll have some." And take a cup (Make sure it's not glass. ;) it will hurt) and throw it in their face.

7. Sing Snake eater and eat snakes, then say, "EAT THE SNAKE!" And try to get everyone to chant with you.

8. Sing The Little Mermaid and then throw a tortilla on the ground, and make everyone think that was where Ariel was trying to get out of.

9. Whisper to everyone: "I like you."

10. If you see a little boy, say, "Hello, young master." And bow like a prince, make their mom or dad think you are one.

14: When you get a seat in a bus before someone else yell "HAHA HA HA LOSER" (I've done that before...)

15: Yell "HOW COULD YOU? WE WERE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!!" at random people then say "Oops sorry wrong person"

16: Follow people around then tap them on the back and scream "GET OF ME YOU CRAZY PYSCOPATH"

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17; Lick anything that's red and say it's delicious.

18; Smell anything colorful and say that it smells like rainbows.

19. Throw skittles at random people and say "Taste the rainbow!"

20. If you're somewhere like Target, grab the intercom and announce that a swarm of bees has entered the store. Then go behind racks of clothing and make random buzzing noises.

21. Throw superballs at people while screaming GO PIKACHU GO!

22. Go rampage your nearest Walmart/Target/etc., and possibly the other ones in your area, dressed as Godzilla; while doing this, constantly yell, "GO GO GODZILLA!!"

23. Eat a watermellon slice, and spit the seeds all over people's faces while running by; then yell at them for being in the way of your spitting (No offense to anyone).

24. Blow a vuvezuela (?) at people, preferrably directly in people's ears, and when they notice, say, "Oh, is the World Cup over?" (It is, right? I haven't paid much attention to it, no offense).

Well, I'll leave the 25th to someone else. Good night! :wacko:

25. Leave a trail of orange juice leading from the door of a shop into the nearest public bathroom.

26. Obsessively text.

27. Go into a movie theatre, watch the movie, and afterwards scream spoilers at anyone you see.

28. Go to walmart or any other store and sneak things into peoples shopping carts

29. Cover yourself in fake blood, wear ripped up clothing then lay in the sidewalk during a summer day then when people try to ask you if you're ok scream and chase them

30. Wear a bush costume and follow people around, then when they look at you, pretend you're just a normal bush :eek:

31. Kick someone randomly, then say, "OMG I'M SO SORRY!" and then get band-aids and stick them all over their face and say, "Do you have anymore boo boos? Okay." and then start bandaging their legs and arms, then say, "All done!"

32. Eat a cookie, then get in front of someone's face and say, "It's so good! What a shame that you couldn't have any!" and spit cookies in their face at the same time.

33. Eat your toes, then bite one in between your teeth, crunch them, and then say to someone, "Is it bloody? OH NO THE ZOMBIES ARE TAKING OVER MEEEEEE!" Then start running towards them until you catch them, then strangle them.

34. Kill someone. A law that you really SHOULDN'T do. (I know it's not funny, but it's 1,005 Things NOT to do in public.)

35. Go to the shop and rip off a mans beard and say you didnt pay for this!

36. Say to a statue and have an argument with it because it isnt speaking back to you.

37. Try and eat a car.

38. Talk about Tamas (you will be labeled as a loser for the rest of your life)

39. Sing karaoke badly.

40. Walk up to a random couple, shout in one of their faces "How could you?? I thought we had something special!" and slap them. It helps if you slap the other person too.

41. Walk up to a random old person and shout in their face "GRANDPA! YOU'RE ALIVE! IT'S A MIRACLE!"

43. Nom on some random person's hair.

44. Go to a store and go to the dress up section. Put on all the costumes and walk around all serious-like!

45. Go to a fancy restaurant and stick your face in someone's food. Then say "This food is rotten. You should get a refund!"

46. Wear a ski mask and ask people on the street if you can borrow their gun.

47. Dance the Caramell dance.

48. Follow a random person.

40. Walk up to a random couple, shout in one of their faces "How could you?? I thought we had something special!" and slap them. It helps if you slap the other person too.
You kinda copyed me mate.

49. Tap random people and when they turn around look at them and say "What you looking at punk?"

50. Sing really loudly then when people start looking yell at them for not joining in.

51. Dance to a street preformer. Naked.

52. Throw pictures of men in the air and sin "IT'S RAINING MEN ECT"

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54. Carjack a car, and throw the person out of the window.

55. Once that car is trashed, get out before it catches on fire, carjack another car.

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