♫ Kickthekan123's Tama Tales ♫


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Dec 21, 2008
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[SIZE=15pt]Kickthekan123's Tama Tales[/SIZE]

Welcome to Kickthekan123's Tama Tales, my Tamagotchi Log about all of my Tamagotchis! Right now I have a V4.5 with a Ura Memetchi named Abby. She is 4 years old and should be getting married tomorrow. Mom watches her for me while Im at school.

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Leave it to me to kill my almost-married Tama. Seriously. When I came home from school I saw a dead Tama angel waiting there.

RIP (Rest In Peace) Abby the Ura Memetchi.

Right now I have a baby boy named Bubba on pause (yes, that name is weird) and I dont wanna unpause him yet. Ill post when I unpause Bubba.

Ugh. Blogagotchi is giving me issues again (or maybe it's just Google Chrome?) It says "Oops! Link not found!" When I try to log in and I WAS JUST LOGGED IN! I'm so mad. And I cant use Internet Explorer either because it never remembers the password like GC (Google Chrome) does!! Sorry I wont shut up about GC giving me issues. Ugh, just so mad! So I copied and pasted Kickthekan123's Tama Tales (Blogagotchi) new entry (its not posted yet so if you go to the site you won't see it. When I tried to post it it said "Oops! Link not found!") so here it is.

Kickthekan123's Tama Tales("Good morning!") Bubba can talk properly now! Hes still a Tamatchi and is bouncing around on the screen at 14 pounds. Ive unlocked a new game and its Tug-of-war. Im playing it with him right now :ichigotchi: ... Oh yeah! Bubba won and was awarded 500 Points for doing so good! ("Aww, mommy, stop! Im blushing!") Now he has 1300 Points!! Todays been going pretty good. Nothing special, but I need to go update my TamaTalk log, ♫Kickthekan123's Tama Tales♫. ("Bye bye, readers!") *Giggles* Bubba is so cute!! ("Thank you!") *Giggles again* Ill post later on when he evolves into a teen. Bubba says bye too. Bye!
Anything in parentheses is what the Tama is saying [right now the Tama is Bubba] and anything in these funky looking lines --> [ ] <--- is what Im saying that should be in parentheses but it cant be cuz what the Tama says is in parentheses. Confused? XD

When I press 'enter' on Blogagotchi while adding a new entry it'll go but when it actually is posted it doesn't show up at all. Ugh, what is wrong with Blogagotchi? Or GC?! So here I don't have to worry about Enter not showing up. Bubba, would you like to talk?

Bubba: Yes... thank you. I'm a Tamatchi and I love it! I wanna be a Mametchi when I'm older and be a scientist or something COOL!

Cool. Usually I'll change the colors so whatever is in a different color and says Bubba: or (Insert Tama's Name Here): that's what he's/she's saying. So it might be blue, who knows? I might be talking in purple! I don't know yet. I'll post later when he evolves into a teen. And when (IF) Blogagotchi is working right. Bye!

At exactly 9:00 AM this morning when Bubba woke up, he evolved into a Ura Young Mametchi! But I won't have Bubba for too long because I'm doing the **August Hatch** with ChocoToken and Gumdrop37. You can hatch any version you like and we are set to hatch on August 1st at 12:00 (Noon). ChocoToken is doing a V4, I think, and Gumdrop37 and I are doing our V4.5s. I will reset Bubba--

Bubba: WHAT?! :huh:

Yes, Bubba... if it's a girl I'll name her Luna and if it's a boy I'll name him Mars, probably. I'm going for an 'Outer space' theme so they'll have names like Mars, Luna, Stela (Stella won't fit), Moon, Sun, Venus, Earth... things like that. Earth is a boy and girl name I think, so I might do Earth for the second generation. But when the time comes for the hatch to start, I'll give the link so you can see what ChocoToken, gumdrop37 and I are up to. 'Til then, peace out!

I'm unsure if I still wanna do the August Hatching because on my Music Star (I put the v4.5 battery into the Music Star) is an adult Sebiretchi named Eclipse. I don't like this bloggeh (I'm talking lolcat from Icanhascheezburger) so I'm going to start a new one. Please read it :hitodetchi:

Eclipse: Peace out homedog! :)
