♪My Music Star Log♪


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Active member
Jul 29, 2008
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Hey this is about the rising star design music star tamagotchi I recieved yesterday : ) now loggy time.


None yet :D

Loggy Time

Yesterday my mom and I were running around everywhere to find a music star I have currently had 2 one was actually a rising star design which...broke same with the glam rock design. So we were at the ToysRUs in...well I actually forgot where >_< I have a bad memory. So I got the tama and some ringotchi charms my mom opened the case with her case which left it mangled. I pulled the tab put the date, time, username, and my birthday in. So I waited and waited then the egg hatched and it was an adorable Puchitchi I named him Jasper and played lots of games with him. He plays the grand piano so later that day he changed into a Kuribotchi.

So today as I was getting Jasper to play some games he changed now he is so cute he is a Nonopotchi so to me he looks like a penguin. I played sound block with him the most since that is my favorite game and thats actually the game I'm best at. Also for a toy he has a train, so today he was sick and I cured him and his stress was at 50! So I played with him and made him play with his train so right now it is at 12, which is much better.

Stat Time



Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3


Tone: 60

Rhythm: 68

Original: 88

Classical Music


3900 gp.

If you are enjoying my log please pm me and I will post it in the mail part of my log : ) we don't want to break any of the rules here. So byeeee! I'll update when I can and next post Jasper will talk about being a teen.



haiii wanted to say I liked your log

and I love to hear about tamagotchi music stars :0

[SIZE=7pt]I rly want one..[/SIZE]

but yeah so i lyk it


Loggy Time

Okay, so after I added my post to my log the music teacher came to see Jasper and he gave him a saxophone. Then I went to the door icon and pressed away he appeared infront of the music school and an ichigotchi named Lydia and a kikitchi (did I spell that right?) named John was there. They are now his band mates I named their band The Cause (if you saw Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist you would get it). They played at school then I made Jasper play some games then he went to music school again. I might take him to Music City, I have an account but I have to find my notebook for my info. Oh yeah Jasper gets to talk now : )

Jasper- Hi, everyone! Umm I hope whoever is reading this pm's my awesome owner so we can put you in the mail part of the log.

Me- Well said.

Stat Time



Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Stress: 16

Tone: 108

Rhytm: 100

Original: 110

Classical Music





i like the log i have a music star too
if you ever see a AV5149 that is me =]
Jasper- Thanks papakizatchiX

Loggy Time

Big News! Big News! Big News!! Jasper change into a drum roll please...Kuchipatchi!! Not the best but hey he's not ugly he's extremely adorable. I can't wait for the band manager to come so he can get married and have a little bundle of joy.

Jasper- Yeah changing diapers and curing sickness whoopie.

Me- Shut up you dope.

Anyways his bandmates changed as well Lydia is a pretty memetchi and John is a dororotchi you know what I'm mad about there isn't a growth or character chart! So I don't know which characters I can get I check tamagotchi.com every single day but whatever. I'll calm myself down.

Stat Time



Hungry: <3 <3 <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3


Tone: 631

Rhythm: 912

Original: 702

Classical Music


694,180gp. (OMG!)



None today... :eek:

Loggy Time

The best thing happened to me today in 8th period at school! The band manager who I have named Gee came with a mate for Jasper! So it was so unexspected I suppressed the need to dance around the Ecology & Our World room and my bestie Ryan was looking at me crazily. But whatever, he has a beautiful wife named Madeline and a cutie of a daughter. Now I shall play the scene of his marriage to Madeline.

A Couple Hours Earlier!!(Jasper's POV)

I'm there bouncing around my home looking at my grand piano and my train when someone is knocking on my door. I open it and it is Gee who is smiling like crazy I ask what's up and he brings out a beautiful makiko she is blushing and my mouth dropped open. "This is Madeline, you still don't want to get married?" Gee said to me winking Madeline just blushed. "Hi Madeline, I'm Jasper." I said and she nodded. "I know I am a big fan of your music I like to sing." Madeline said we got along great and then we had a big fairy tale wedding. Then we had a beautiful baby girl!


How sweet...so now the couple and child who I don't know who to name...are going to talk Jasper is blue Madeline is light purple Baby pink.

This isn't as bad as I thought

My life is amazing.


Stat Time


56LB.(Fatty!! :eek: )

Hungry:<3 <3

Happy:<3 <3 <3 <3





Jazz Music



Star Ranking:1st




None today either! :lol:

Loggy Time

Nothing really intersting today the family is still there Madeline, Jasper, and the baby girl who I am naming Maddie. But yesterday I forgot to mention that Jasper got an award for 1st place in Jazz Music. Also today I was at applebees with my mom and he got an award for Classical Music I was really happy. So today I bought Jasper alot of stuff he can give Maddie when he and Madeline leave. Which I think will be tomorrow. I bought him lobster, teraki chicken, deluxe pudding, and some other desert.

Stat Time


49LB.(Still fat! :lol: )

Hungry: <3 <3

Happy: <3 <3 <3 <3

Stress: oo

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Classical Music



Star Ranking: 1st




None again... *sigh*

Loggy Time

Okay so Jasper and Madeline left Maddie 2 days ago, I had forgotten to log about it since my friend slept over yesterday anyway. She is now a chamametchi and before that she was a tamatchi. First time I ever got that one so she had a band with Louis who is...umm the one who looks like a fire head and a nonopotchi I think and his name is Ryo. The band name is the TingTing suppose to be the TingTings but whatever close enough. Also today I got another Music Star the rock city design. It was a girl and I named her Alice I haven't connected Alice and Maddie yet but I will soon. Currently Maddie is bopping around the screen and Alice is playing with her...timpani? Whatever, Maddie is doing good I'm going to try to get her to like pop music or rock 'n roll so she could get an award. Now Alice is bopping around the screen her toy is a mirror just like Maddie now Maddie wants to talk.

Hi guys, I feel so grown up now that mom and dad aren't here. It's awesome!

Now Alice wants to say something.


Well said.

Stat Time




Hungry:<3 <3

Happy:<3 <3 <3

Stress:40 ( ^_^ )

Tone: 388

Rhythm: 369

Original: 367

Classical Music






Hungry: <3 <3

Happy:<3 <3 <3 <3





Hip-Hop Music



xXxEvilKittenxXx (Don't forget to PM me if you are liking my log!!)
