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Feb 6, 2009
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Sunday, February 8, 2009.

4:40 PM

Dear world,

My name is Tom and I was born yesterday.

I barely remember what happened at all throughout yesterday, it all seems so distant to me. But today is a new day. I am now a young Kutchitamatchi, and I'm ready to experience life.

I feel very lucky to be where I am. I live in a pale blue Rock City case, and I really like it; it makes me feel safe here. My owner, DLong, has been nothing short of a perfect parent to me. Well.. human parent, of course. She knows that I was to pursue a career in music, so she has been working hard to supply me with more than enough instruments and toys to get me started and keep me happy. So far, my favourites would have to be my skateboard, my UFO, and my electric guitar. I've been practicing my chords all day and I'm getting better all the time!

Oops, I have to go, someone is at the door. I have to get DLong's attention, I'll write more later!


~Tom. :D

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4:49 PM

It was the mailman at the door, and he had an envelope for me! So guess what was in the envelope?


I guess someone out there doesn't like me very much. Now I just feel upset.. maybe playing my guitar will help keep my mind off of it.

Talk later,

~ Tom. :D

Monday, February 9, 2009.

7:31 PM

The rest of yesterday was definitely eventful. I am now a teen Kikitchi, and DLong tells me I better not become rebellious! She was just joking though, because I'm usually a very well behaved Tama.. most of the time. :p

Last night DLong got a phone call from her boss at work, letting her know about a staff party that was happening without her. She had forgotten all about it! Last night DLong was feeling rather down because of a few different things that had happened over the course of the day, so that would explain her forgetfulness.. but when her boss offered to come and get her, she gratefully accepted. I think it was probably a good thing to help keep her mind off things for a while.

So by 7:20 PM yesterday, she was leaving the house to go have some fun with her friends - and me, of course!

The car ride there was longer than I expected, but I passed the time by playing some more guitar. I think I'm getting really good, I can't wait to be a rock star one day!

When we first got to DLong's boss's house, I was a little timid, but DLong introduced me to a couple coworker friends of hers who seemed to instantly love me. One of them even played a few games with me, it was wonderful!

Later, we ate dinner and then played some board games.. but by the time we started the first game I got so tired I fell asleep! A bit later, one of DLong's coworkers woke me up and I got in a bit of a bad mood, so to prevent getting anyone else in a bad mood, I eventually just turned out the lights and went back to bed.

Overall, it was definitely a wonderful experience for me.. and I'm so happy that I got to come along and be a part of it.

This morning I got up extra early to go to school with DLong! She only had one class today, Psychology 12, so it was an easy day. She kept me on her desk the whole time, and since I didn't have much to do I just played with my UFO for a while and practiced a bit of guitar.. but then guess what happened?

I got a knock at the door! It was my new band manager, she let me meet two new friends who wanted to start a band with me! I was so excited!

I got to know my two new friends a bit while DLong finished up some of her coursework in the class. I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!

Well, I should go now, I need to take a shower before bed. I'll write more tomorrow!

Rock on!

~Tom. B)

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