~♥V4 Journal♥~


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Jacob got his job! He should be marrying Patty soon.

These are Jacob's stats:

Training: 9

Intelligence: 117

Arts: 40

Social: 22

Weight: 40 lbs.

Age: 4

Generation: 7G


I just graduated from school. Now I have a job as a TV news reporter. I can't wait until Patty gets her job so then we can marry.

I haven't gotten a SINGLE piece of mail at all. Please send me mail peoples and/or their Tamas!!

I'm going to call my Dad, Henry, on my Cell Phone.


"Hi Dad!!" I said.

"Jacob! Oh how you've grown!" My Dad cried. "GOOD!"

Now I'm calling my Grandma, Aqua.


"Hi Grandma!" I told her.

"Hi Sweetie! Thanks for calling me!" said Aqua. "See ya!"

My family is awesome!



Yesterday Patty and Jacob were married. They have twin girls! I'm probably going to name Jacob's girl Mia. That name sounds cool!!

Jacob's stats:

Training: 9

Intelligence: 125

Arts: 51

Social: 31

Weight: 49 lbs.

Age: 4

Generation: 7G

Journal time later!!!

Here's the Journal part!!


I have enjoyed caring for Mia today. When I go to TamaTown I'll sure miss her!

We got our Christmas tree today. It appeared on the screen and started talking to me.

"Happy Holidays!!" it cried happily.

"Oooo!" Mia giggled. "Tree!" She is learning so fast.

"You too," I said cheerfully to the tree.

"What is your name?" it asked me.

"Jacob," I replied. "You?"

"Treevee." Real creative huh?

I aslo was going through my inventory and found a lamp! I rubbed it, and out popped a Tama-Genie.

"What do you wish for?" asked the Genie.

"Present!" said Mia.

"Mia-" I began. I wanted to ask him for some Gotchi Points.

"Here," the Genie said, and handed me a wrapped box. Inside was a ??? (Clone). I already have one, so I sent it to my wife Patty.

"Thanks honey!" Patty thanked me for the gift.

Then the King came and sent me a Ring!! I also sent that to Patty, and she LOVED it.

I'm probably going to TamaTown tonight. My owner has arranged for Mia to marry my brother Tycho when she is older. Sounds weird, but all of my owner's Tamagotchi Connections are related (except for the V5). And I don't want the Matchmaker to have to come. Well, I guess it's Mia's choice.



Jacob went to TamaTown yesterday. :( I was up late last night and I watched him leave at midnight with Patty.

But on the bright side, Mia is here now! She is the Kuchi Family toddler. I want her to be a Maidtchi when she's an adult.

Here are Mia's stats:

Training: 3

Intelligence: 23

Arts: 12

Social: 16

Weight: 22 lbs.

Age: 0

Generation: 8G


Hi Hi!! I'm Mia. As you know, my daddy was Jacob the Tosakatchi and my mommy was Patty the Mimitchi. I can't wait till I'm an adult because then I can call Daddy on my Cell Phone! (And I can properly use this pen).

I'm in Preschool now. Also I met a toddler named Tycho today. He is supposed to be my partner.

See ya!



Mia is still a toddler, but I expect she'll evolve soon.

You know what's weird? Mia and Tycho are the same character, and they are supposed to be partners. Then Beth and Jonny (my two V4.5s) turned into the same toddler character!! Heehee that's strange.

Anyhow, These are Mia's stats:

Training: 3

Intelligence: 23

Arts: 12

Social: 16

Weight: 23 lbs.

Age: 0

Generation: 8G

Tycho has been annoying me lately. He doesn't seem to like Mia.


Mia again! I can't wait to be a Tama Teen!!

I am continuesly (spell??) being connected with Tycho. He is cute since he looks like me, but sometimes he is annoying.

Like today, for example. This is what happened.

When we connected, I decided to ask him a question I've wanted to ask since I met him.

"Hey Tycho?" I was almost nervous to ask him.


"Do you- do you love me?" I asked.


Finally he said, "What?"

"What I said," I answered. "So you answer. Do you love me Tycho?"

"I don't know," he replied. He nervously turned away.

"Why not?" I took that answer as a not really. But why didn't he love me?

"I, well... I- um..." Tycho began, "You're my niece and, well..."

Then he blurted, "I like Beth!"

"You haven't even met her!" I said in dismay and hurt.

"Well I haven't, but she's hot!!" Tycho said.

I ran back to my house and cried. I heard my owner talking to Tycho.

"What is the meaning of this?!" she questioned angrily. "You've NEVER met her! Now you've made Mia cry! She loves you Tycho. But you just broke her little heart! You're only toddlers! You may not be my Tama, but I can assure you, I don't EVER want to connect you with Beth. Why don't you apologize to Mia- now!" My owner was mad.

Tycho trudged over to my house. He said sorry, gave me a flower, and left.

I don't know if he's really sorry.



Mia evolved this morning! Even though I wanted her to be a Young Mimitchi :( she somehow evolved into an Ichigotchi :p . Probably got her dad's Tama Meme Family genes. They usually get the mom's family though... I don't know.

Here are Mia's stats now:

Training: 3

Intelligence: 30

Arts: 24

Social: 20

Weight: 22 lbs.

Age: 1

Generation: 8G

Journal time later!!

[SIZE=14pt]LOG: [/SIZE]

:D Mia is still a Tama Teen. Not too much else to say.

Here are Mai's stats:

Training: 4

Intelligence: 32

Arts: 45

Social: 22

Weight: 39 lbs.

Age: 2

Generation: 8G


Sorry I couldn't write in my Journal sooner.

As you know, I'm an Ichigotchi now. Not too much has happened; I'm just basically waiting to evolve into an adult. Tama Teens are boring. I connect every so often with Tycho, but he pretty much ignores me. Maybe I should try to make him jealous. Ha! That might work... but I don't know. I need a plan.

No one has PMed me yet. Someone please PM me!



Sorry I haven't posted with updates. I should've sooner!

Well, since my last post:

• Mia has evolved into a Memetchi :huh: yesterday morning. Hooray!!

• She also got a job as a Hair Dresser today in the afternoon.

These are the stats for Mia:

Training: 5

Intelligence: 38

Arts: 95

Social: 26

Weight: 43 lbs.

Age: 4

Generation: 8G


I'M A MEMETCHI!! *smiles*

It's great to be a Memetchi. I probably won't become a Makiko, but that's fine with me.

I will become something else though.

Well you see, yesterday I evolved into a Memetchi. PonytchiLuv soon connected me with Tycho again. He was a Togetchi. But he looked nervous. We continued to connect, and then...

"Hey- Mia?" Tycho said. "Well, I'm, I'm sorry for saying I liked Beth."

I was still mad at him. "It's OK," I found myself say anyways.

But it was time to come back to my house. I begged to connect with him again. Was my owner surprised! Happily she connected us again. I brought a Flower over to Tycho's house.

"Mia!" he said, still nervous. "You came back?"

"I couldn't stand five minutes without you, Tycho. I love you!" I couldn't believe what I had just said, but I meant it.

"Mia-" he started to say to me, but stopped.

Then he kissed me, and I kissed him back. I left him the present and had to leave.

Next Tycho came to my house with a present.

"i'm so glad it's almost time to get our jobs," I told Tycho.

"Well- um, about that..." Tycho said.

"What?" I got nervous. "Did you marry ANOTHER TAMA?!?!?!"

"No!" he reassured me. "No no! I love you Mia! It's just that, I can't marry you for awhile."

I almost started crying, "WHY?" Tycho patted me on the back.

"My owner said she wants me to become an oldie since she's never had one before," Tycho explained.

"You want me to be an oldie?"

"It wasn't my idea!" he said, then quieted down. "I'm sorry."

I kissed him and he gave me a flower, then he left.

Tycho hasn't gotten enough skill points so he doesn't have a job yet. I don't want to be an oldie, but I will for Tycho.



Finally another update! Mia is really old now.

These are her stats:

Training: 5

Intelligence: 80

Arts: 157

Social: 56

Weight: 45 lbs.

Age: 9!

Generation: 8G

Mia also has 64637 Gotchi Points!! That's awesome in my opinion. Well Tycho has had more before.


Hi! I get to post again!

Treevee continues to visit me. It is really close to Christmas. Wonder if Santaclautchi will visit my children or grandchildren.

I'm going to be an oldie soon, hopefully. I haven't been allowed to connect with Tycho for the longest time! Lately my owner's friend has been connecting with her V3. Kipy is pretty nice. She is a Tama Teen presently. I win every game, though. Then she gets mad and sends me mean presents.

Oh, how I long for Tycho. I think V4s become oldies at age 10, so I think I'm pretty close. Tycho is a little bit younger than me. I wonder how long this will take.

Happy Holidays TT!!



When I checked Mia (as well as Tycho), they evolved into the oldies!! I connected them just now, and they mated. They have twin boys.

These are the stats now for Mia:

Training: 5

Intelligence: 82

Arts: 162

Social: 59

Weight: 50 lbs.

Age: 10!

Generation: 8G


I just evolved into an Otokitchi (Matchmaker-looking oldie), AND married Tycho.

After I evolved, I got so excited. Since Tycho and I were already partners, we mated right away. Then we had twin boys (as expected). I still haven't thought of a name for my child.

Being an oldie Tamagotchi is strange. But I am because I love Tycho. Soon after all this waiting we can live together in TamaTown.

I am calling my dad now.

"Hi Dad!" I said, "I'm an oldie now."

"Nice," he replied. "( ^_^ )"

Now I will call my grandpa.

"Hello!" I said.

"How are you?" asked my Grandfather.

"Great!" I replied. "I'm an Otokitchi now."

"Um, OK..." he said. "GOOD."

I don't really know if they like that I am an oldie. Too bad though, I evolved for love of Tycho.



Yesterday Mia also retired from her job. Awww... I guess I didn't really play the Rockstar game anyway. Her first job was cooler.

Here are her stats:

Training: 5

Intelligence: 85

Arts: 168

Social: 59

Weight: 54 lbs.

Age: 11

Generation: 8G


Hi people and Tamas!

It's kind of strange that I haven't gotten mail in a LONG time. I don't think this Log has recieved a piece of Fan Mail for a few generations.

Treevee hasn't visited me since I evolved into an oldie. Too bad.

Well, I'll be going to TamaTown soon. Hope PonytchiLuv finds a good name for my son!!



Mia left and went to TamaTown yesterday. I named her son Jared.

Since I mated the two oldies, Jared evolved from a Babytchi to an Oyajitchi (is that what it's called), an Tama adult character. He now has a job as a Fireman, but he is not even a Tama Year old yet!!

Stats for Jared:

Training: 4

Intelligence: 25

Arts: 12

Social: 29

Weight: 32 lbs.

Age: 0

Generation: 9G


Hi TT!

This is Jared here. It's kind of cool that I totally skipped the Teen and Toddler stages of Tamas.

My owner PonytchiLuv wanted me to marry this V4 toddler named Kelly, because she didn't know I would skip that stage. Instead i fell in love with Beth, a Ura Young Memetchi on one of PonytchiLuv's V4.5s. she evolved into a Teen this morning. Plus Kelly thinks I'm ugly.

I've kissed Beth a few times. We want to marry now, but we have to wait until she becomes an adult because my owner doesn't like when adult Tamas mate teen Tamas. Beth wants to mate now, too. She was going to mate this Daiytchi named Jonny, but she loves me now.

OO! Treevee came for a visit!

"Hello! You must be Mia's son Jared!" Treevee greeted me. "Mia was a sweet Tama. I knew her when she was a Babytchi."

"That's cool," I told him.

"Nice meeting you!" Treevee told me, and disappeared.

I hope Beth evolves soon. She said she wanted to be a Ura Violetchi as an adult.



When I connected Jared and Beth a few minutes ago, they mated and had twin boys. But Beth hasn't evolved into an adult yet, and she can't now. Jared thinks she's old enough to know that they are in love, but I just had to discipline her. She called for help and didn't even need it! I wanted her to become a Ura Violetchi. But Beth and Jared tricked me into connecting them sooner.

I'm thinking about what to name the twin Tama boys.

Jared's stats now:

Training: 4

Intelligence: 31

Arts: 15

Social: 34

Weight: 42 lbs.

Age: 1

Generation: 9G


I finally mated with Beth! Ha PonytchiLuv! She doesn't like how Beth married young. She wanted her to become an adult. Beth was on PAUSE for so long that she never went to Preschool or school! I didn't either, but that's normal for an Oyajitchi.

We now have two adorable baby boys. But now there is only one girl and four boys! My owner said that my son could marry Kelly, though. Tycho, Kelly, and Jonny are on PAUSE right now.

I used to have lots of Gotchi Points, but a Piano came up for sale in the Shop and I bought it. I don't think PonytchiLuv has ever raised enough to buy a Piano with leftover money. I like the piano too, though the guitar is also cool.

I'm excited that Chrismas is coming soon. Wonder if Treevee will come and see me before I go to TamaTown.



Guess what? Treevee came to visit recently.

"Hello Jared!" greeted the jolly tree.

"Hey Treevee!" I said.

Treevee turned to my son. "And who's this?" he asked me.

"He's my son," I replied. "But I don't have a name for him yet."

"Well, I have to go now," said Treevee. "See you soon!"

"See you!" I said.


Lots of updates!!

For one, I named Jared's son Derek. He is a Tama Teen Young Androtchi now :ph34r: . I hope he can become a Mametchi <_< .


These are Derek's stats:

Training: 9

Intelligence: 88

Arts: 42

Social: 71

Weight: 24 lbs.

Age: 2

Generation: 10G


Merry Christmas TT!

I suppose I haven't introduced myself properly. I'm Derek, the Young Androtchi, son of Jared the Oyajitchi and Beth the Ura Young Memetchi.

My brother's name is Nate and he is a Crackertchi (V4.5). Maybe he can become a Ura Mametchi and I can become just a Mametchi. PonytchiLuv says that would be great! Although she wants Nate to be a Secret character.

I've been connecting with this Young Dorotchi (Is that the character's name?) named Kelly. She wants to become a universal character so she is 82 pounds! That's better than a Kuchi Family character though.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!



More much-needed Log updates! Sorry I haven't had time to post.

First and foremost, Derek married Kelly the Yattatatchi and they had two daughters! Derek's daughter is now a Young Mimitchi named Haley. I am hoping she can be a Maidtchi since she was accepted into Arts School.

Here are Haley's stats:

Training: 4

Intelligence: 26

Arts: 54

Social: 22

Weight: 32 lbs.

Age: 1

Generation: 11G


I'm glad to finally write a Journal entry like my Tama Ancestors!!

Hi TamaTalk, I would like to introduce myself. I am Haley, the Young Mimitchi :huh: . My dad is Derek the Mametchi, and my mom is Kelly the Yattatatchi.

I hope to become a Maidtchi when I grow up. I read somewhere that Maidtchi is pretty and gets all the guy Tamas.

PonytchiLuv says I get to choose who I marry. But I don't know.

• There's Joe, a V4 Oyajitchi. I don't know if he's my type, though.

• Also Jonny, a V4.5 Daiytchi. He wants to become a Ura Togetchi, and they're pretty cute.

• There is also another V4.5, a Crackertchi named Nate. He's my uncle, but incredibly dreamy. When he grows up, he wants to evolve into a Ura Mametchi, then the Secret Character! I like him the best.

Which one should I marry? PM me with your ideas. I could always wait for the Matchmaker, but I don't know. As I meet each of them, I'll post in here.

This Journal is great!!


[SIZE=14pt] :( [/SIZE]

My Tama ran out of battery, but when I replaced it, it reset itself! I'm so sad. Everything is gone now. And I miss Haley.


This is the beginning of a new family of my V4 Tamas. Josh is a Tama Teen from the Meme Family. A Hinotamatchi or something like that. That might not even be right, I don't know.

Anyways, here are Josh's stats:

Training: 3

Intelligence: 25

Arts: 30

Social: 19

Weight: 30 lbs.

Age: 2

Generation: 1G


I'm the start of a new Tama Family. It's pretty cool, but the previous one got to 11 generations!! I definately respect that.

Hello! I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Josh. There isn't too much to say, but I like this Journal. Reading the Journals of the Tamas before me is interesting.

Well, I'll write more later!



Grr!!! I shouldn't post with fast reply because I had this entry written, and it deleted it all! Wow.

Josh doesn't have too many skill points so it was hard to get him a job. Plus he needs to work down his weight.

These are Josh's stats:

Training: 5

Intelligence: 39

Arts: 41

Social: 25

Weight: 76 lbs.

Age: 4

Generation: 1G


Hello again! Josh here.

I can't wait until the Matchmaker comes! A few days from now, I could be paired up with a Memetchi! Or even hotter, a Maidtchi! But Maidtchis are uncommon with the Matchmaker, and I'm not worthy of a Maidtchi. They are so hot though.

I'm not in great shape. I mean, 76 POUNDS! I should only be in the middle 40s pound range! A major work out for me is needed.

I'll write more soon!



I forgot to tell you! Josh is a Togetchi.

I've tried to work down Josh's weight. Not working too well.

Here are his stats now:

Training: 5

Intelligence: 46

Arts: 45

Social: 25

Weight: 74 lbs.

Age: 5

Generation: 1G


I've only lost 2 pounds. probably because I get hungry a lot.

While I was playing Mimic today, during Round 4, a Maidtchi came to compete.

"Wow, you are pretty," I sad.

"Hi Josh," she said, "I'm Amy."

"How- how did you know me?" I asked.

"I have enlisted with the Matchmaker, and she is thinking about sending me to you."

"Really?" I was so excited.

Pretty soon I won the round.

"Nice to meet you Josh," Amy said.

Then she returned in Round 6. But I lost that round.

I really hope that the Matchmaker will bring me a Maidtchi to marry. Amy specifically.

