~♥V4 Journal♥~


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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2008
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[SIZE=8pt]This is the Log part of my post. I will have a little piece on what actually happened, and my Tama's interpretation of what happened.[/SIZE]

This is my Red Origami V4 Tama's log. My Tama's name is Mike and he is the Meme family character that looks like a bumblebee. I will post photos sometimes of him.


[SIZE=8pt]Hi my name is Mike. My trainer gave me this journal to write in. I usually like to draw, but this pen that my mother, :p Shawn, had is neat! I'll get used to writing I guess.[/SIZE]

Yesterday I successfully gratuated from school. I couldn't get a job, though, because I hesitated too long. I guess maybe today I'll have more luck.

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(By the way my Tama is a Simasimatchi!)

Anyways later yesterday Mike got a job as a preschool teacher. These are his stats now:

Intelligence: 15

Art: 34

Social: 85

Weight: 39 lbs

Age: 5


The Matchmaker brought Mike the Tama that is like a dinosaur the other day, and he fell in love with her. Her name was Dana.

Dana: Hey Mike!

Mike: Wow!

*I selected "YES"*

Then they kissed and there was a fireworks display!

Mike has a baby! He is a boy and I am going to name him either Barry or Jason after other TT members' Tamas who passed away. I think I will name him JB to combine both names! (It sounds like "Jonas Brothers" too!) I think Mike is going to TamaTown tonight though.


I have been much busier than usual with my son, JB, that I haven't been to work in a while. Well I will have lots of time when I go to TamaTown soon. I will probably have to leave tonight or tomorrow. There is so much more I wanted to do though... But I guess it will have to wait for TamaTown.


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~This is just a little piece I feel the need to add in this Log/Journal~

To All Tama Owners who have experienced the loss of a Tama:

I feel your pain. I just want you to know now that you are not alone. Before Shawn (Mike's Mother :furawatchi: ) My Tamagotchi was a wonderful Togetchi named Ryan II, named after the first generation of their family (he was also a Togetchi, strangely). He was generation 16 and had a baby boy.

But Ryan began and ended this long-going family. Unexpectedly, I left my Tama alone for maybe an hour or so. When I got back to him, he was just- dead. No warning, no anything. It was so sad I cried.

So to all you TT members grieving over your Tamas, I hope you read this and feel better.


Mike hasn't left for TamaTown yet, but he is expected to leave tonight. He is a good Tama and I will probably miss him, even though I will have my hands full with taking care of JB.

These are Mike's stats now:

Training: 2 (How'd that happen??)

Intelligence: 23


Social: 98

Weight: 60 lbs.

Age: 7

Generation: 2G


Wow, I think I'm finally going to TamaTown tonight! I hope JB will visit Dana and I frequently. I haven't visited Shawn in a LOOONG time so it will be great to see her. I can also tell her I got to use her special pen.


P.S. This is JB:


I have this picture to hang in my house in TamaTown.


This starts the Journal of Jason Barry (a.k.a. JB). He was named after the Tamas of two of my TT friends, TamagotchiGurl18 and Raichi. Unfortunately their Tamas have died, so JB is named in memory of those Tamas who have passed away.


(This is just random)

To get a picture of a male Babytchi on your Tamagotchi Log, press keys Alt and 2 at the same time!! For a heart ♥ press Alt and 3.



JB Babababa reebaba. Googoo goobaba?? Gagagoo...(More baby nonsense)

Translation: Where is Daddy? He's gone?! *cries* Hi I'm JB. What am I supposed to do with this pen anyways?

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JB is a toddler now. Yet again, I can't remember what the character is called.

Here are his stats now:

Training: 3

Intelligence: 12

Arts: 20

Social: 14

Weight: 25 lbs.

Age: 0

Generation: 3G


Now JB has evolved into a teen. He is a Young Kuchipatchi! :( I've been getting lots of skill points for him so someday he will hopefully become the secret character, Nonbiritchi. These are JB's current stats:

Training: 8

Intelligence: 56

Arts: 49

Social: 147

Weight: 28 lbs.

Age: 2

Generation: 3G


Now I can actually read and write since I went to school, I can tell you about myself.

Hi, I'm Jason Barry. You can call me JB though. That's what is stored in my case because it can't have more than 5 letters. My dad's name was Mike and my mom's name was Dana.

Lately I have been working hard and excercising to get skill points. I want to be a secret character when I grow up! Probably Nonbiritchi bacause I am, like my mother, in the Kuchi side of the family.

Well, catch you later!



JB turned into a Kutchipatchi :angry: yesterday!! I only have to earn about 100 Social points for him to become the secret character.


I fell in love yesterday. Well, I couldn't have.

Yesterday when my owner was finished with my training, she let me have a little break. Then she went to the connection menu. I thought maybe I was going on a visit to see my dad, but she scrolled down to "V4". Who was I connecting with??

Then I saw her.

She was a Masktchi ^_^ , about my age too. So I went up to talk to her.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"Hi." she said, "Who are you?"

"My name is Jason Barry. You can call me JB though." It seemed like she wasn't nervous at all. Why was I?? "Who are you?"

She was so pretty. My heart was pounding.

"My name is Aly," she replied, "And this is Carol."

Then she showed me.

She had a DAUGHTER? So much for love.

Apparently she saw me staring in disbelief. "I married right out of high school. To Jon. He's a handsome and dreamy Ura Mametchi."

I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Well it was nice meeting you," I said,

"You too." was all she said.

I floated back home.

I still think its love. She doesn't like me though. Dumb Jon guy.

Oh well,



Here are JB's stats, by the way:

Training: 9

Intelligence: 57

Arts: 49

Social: 207

Weight: 37 lbs.

Age: 4

Generation: 3G


Aly visited me today. At first I was mad, but when I looked into her eyes... then I was sad. She loved Jon. There was no love in her eyes that I could see.

"Jon," Aly started, "I-I know. I can tell. I just hope we can be friends." I tried not to look at her eyes.

Then she just set down a box and left.

I opened the box out of curiosity. There was a daisy. Some present. I bet she gives Jon bouquets of flowers. I tossed it aside.

Later, my owner went to the connection menu again. I told her I couldn't connect with Aly again now.

"No, not Aly," She said, "You'll see."

That only ment one other Tama. Dumb Jon.

Grrr. Why was she doing this to me?

"You'll see," she said. Can owners read your thoughts?

I floated into the room, expecting to see this, evil Ura Mametchi with a beutiful child. But he was nice to me. I kept my temper in until I heard his daughter crying in the next room. He went to go take care of her and I left.

Back at my room, I sadly picked up the daisy from Aly. I started picking the petals.

She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not, she... LOVES ME? Was that a coincidence? I asked my owner to connect with Aly again.

"I picked off the petals of the daisy," I said, "and it said... you LOVED ME?? You're married."

"Oh Jason," Aly said, holding my hand. I shivered. " You're sweet. You're hansome. But I am in love with Jon. I sent that to you because I do love you- as a friend. Please understand."

That was absolutely it. I turned to leave.

"Jason!" she called "Come back!!" She didn't even call me JB.

I'm going to delete Jon from my friends list. I am so MAD. Everytime I see Aly-

Then I remembered.

All those times I saw Aly, I did see love. The love of a friend. But when I saw her last time, she.... she.... looked like she actually loved me.

OK I'm crazy. Crazy in love with a married Tama.



I acheived my goal finally. JB is a Nonbiritchi now!!! He has a lot of skill points. I think the Matchmaker is visiting him today. Wonder how that'll turn out.

Here are his skill points:

Training: 9

Intelligence: 66

Arts: 54

Social: 415

Weight: 45 lbs.

Age: 6

Generation: 3G


I am a few years older now, and a lot has changed.

First of all, I haven't put anything in my mouth for about 2 years. Does that sound weird? Well since I am a Nonbiritchi now, the bird on top of my head eats everything for me. It's convenient, but also a bit annoying at times.

Second of all, I have learned to accept that Aly doesn't love me any more than as her best friend. I'm OK with that now. Especially since She left for TamaTown with Jon last night, I'm a little sad, but the Matchmaker will hopefully bring me my true love so I will be happy. But let's backtrack a while back first.

After I became a Nonbiritchi, my owner took me to visit Aly. I thought maybe Aly would be impressed by my looks now instead of "Dumb Jon".

"Wow JB you're... different," she said, looking me over.

"Yeah I've trained really hard," I said.

I waited awhile, but she didn't say anything. She looked sad.

"What?" I asked. "Are you OK? Is it me? Is it Carol?"

"Well," Aly began, "Tonight I- I have to leave."

"LLLeave? What?" Where was she going???

"I have to go to TamaTown tonight with Jon," she said, looking a little happier after she said the Dumb J word.

She was leaving me? Her friend? Why? I started crying.

"It doesn't have to be tonight," she said, coming over to comfort me. "I'm staying for one more day, to spend time with my bestest friend in the world, who I care about more than anyone else."

"Jon," I sobbed.

"No," she said, "I will have the rest of my Tama life to spend with my partner. I'm really going to miss you."

"Me?" I asked. I smiled. So did she.

"I know what will cheer you up," she said. I looked up questioningly.

"Ice cream!"

Yes! I really liked ice cream, and she knew it. So we went to the Ice Cream Parlor. It was great.

At that moment, I found out I didn't need her as my partner to make me happy. I had the bestest caring friend any Tama on Earth or Tama-Planet could ever possibly have.

But at the end of the day, I was sad again. She was leaving.

"This was the best day ever," Aly said.

"Don't leave!" I cried.

"I have to."

"See you soon!" I said quietly.

"I hope the Matchmaker brings you someone special," she said, "You'll always be my best friend forever."

Then I went back to my home.

"Did you have a good day?" My owner asked. She smiled. I think owners can read minds and predict the future.

Owners do always know best, I guess.



The Matchmaker visited JB today! She brought him the girl universal character that looks like a mouse. Then he fell in love with her. Now they have a daughter!!! I'm going to name her Luna.

JB retired from being a carnival worker and went to get a new job. At the first job he interviewed at, the Preschool, he was excepted! He likes his new job.

Here are JB's stats now:

Training: 9

Intelligence: 103

Arts: 65

Social: 449

Weight: 49 lbs.

Age: 7

Generation: 3G

He has lots of skill points!!!


I feel really old now since I am on my second job. And at first I thought the Matchmaker wouldn't come since she visited when I was 7. Usually she comes when Tamas are 6, but she probably thought I was going to marry Aly.

When the Matchmaker came, I was really nervous. Would my partner like me? I've always looked older than I am since I am a secret character, but she would be a whole year younger than me! And would I love her? Although I was truly happy with Aly and I being just friends, would I be able to let go?

Then the Matchmaker brought me someone I didn't expect.

She was absolutely beautiful, and my past feelings about Aly felt like a child's crush. I knew she was the one.

"Hi!" this Tama said shyly, "What's your name?"

"Jason Barry," I said, "But you can-"

"Call you JB for short?" she finished, giggling. "I'm Tiara."

"That's a nice name for a nice Tama," I said. We kissed. Then Tiara had a baby girl!

"Let's name her... Luna!" Tiara said.

The Matchmaker tapped her foot impatiently.

"I have to go now," Tiara said, "See you in TamaTown!"

She floated away. So did the Matchmaker.

Now I've been caring for my daughter. I can't wait to go to TamaTown to see Tiara and Aly!!



JB left Luna and went to TamaTown last night. He wrote in his journal right before he left though. And these were his stats:

Training: 9

Inntelligence: 114

Arts: 71

Social: 454

Weight: 47 lbs.

Age: 8

Generation: 3G


I saw Aly again when I was playing Mimic today.

"Hey JB! I've missed you!" she said, "Has the Matchmaker came to you yet?"

"She brought me a Pyonkotchi," I said, "Tiara." She seemed so young and carefree. Maybe you don't age in TamaTown.

"The Matchmaker knew how much you love universal characters." She punched me playfully in the arm.

"It's great to see you again," I said, "With all the games to play, places to see, and Jon in TamaTown I thought you would just forget me."

"Forget my bestest friend in the whole Tama World and Earth? Impossible!" she laughed, "I haven't seem Jon that much anyway. He's always in Mame City for his job."

"Isn't he a DJ?" I asked.

"He got me into my singing career," Aly said.

But soon I won the Mimic round and she left.

Then the rest of the day I had to take care of little Luna. I don't know who I want to see more, Tiara or Aly. They will both be amazing to see.

Well, I gotta go. Hope Luna visits me.



Luna is a cute Tama. Right now she is a Kuchi Family toddler (What are those called...??). I hope she will become an ichigotchi.

Here are her stats:

Training: 3

Intelligence: 9

Arts: 8

Social: 15

Weight: 20 lbs.

Age: 0

Generation: 4G


Hi I'm Luna. My daddy was JB the Nonbiritchi and my mommy was Tiara the Pyonkotchi. After I read Roxygirl26's log, I decided I want to be an ichigotchi because Bella is cool :eek: .

I like my preschool teacher. She is nice.

My owner told me this pen was my great grandmother's. Cool!


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I've read quite a few Tamagotchi Logs. But the one I liked the most was

♥Roxygirl's Tamagotchi Log!♥

It is so funny! I like how she interprets the characters. I even sent Bella some "fan mail"! LOL!

I think you should read her log because it is really good. (Send Nick and/or Bella "fan mail" too!).

Honorable Mentions:

Flame's NEW Tamalog!♥

My Tams DiArY! OMGEEZ!

november's tama diary

These three are also very good logs! Take the time to read them!

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Don't forget you can PM any of the characters in my log. All of the ones they connect with are real; but the ones they meet in school or Mimic may not be.


Luna is a great Tama. This is the first girl I've had on my Red Origami V4 for a couple generations. I think she will evolve into a teen soon!

These are Luna's stats now:


Intelligence: 7

Arts: 12

Social: 15

Weight: 22 lbs.

Age: 0

Generation: 4G


I met a Mizutamatchi at preschool today! She is really nice!

"Hey what's your name?" I asked.

"Lena. What's yours?"

"Luna! That's sooo cool! We have almost the same name!" I said.

Then Lena said, "Let's be Best Friends!"

"OK!" I replied.

I have a BFF now! Yay!



Ever wonder what happened to my other Tamas after Jon and Aly? This is how they are now:

Globe V4.5 (Jon's daughter): Night is a pretty Ura Young Violetchi now! One of my friends also has a V4.5 Tama who she will hopefully marry. I am trying to earn enough Beauty points so she could become a Uru Memetchi.

Pink Splatter Paint V4 (Aly's daughter): Carol is a Young Dorotchi (darn, I was hoping she'd be a Young Mimitchi). She will probably marry my sister's Tama.

Other Tamas:

My sister's Yellow and Green Camo V4: Pepsi (yeah one of my friends named him) is currently a Young Mametchi. I think he will evolve into a Mametchi. Carol is his most likely partner now.

My friend's Purple Paint Splatter V4.5: Noah is a nice Ura Togetchi who is probably going to marry Night.

Clear Green with Purple Stripe V4.5: Alex is that peacock character. I don't really know what character he should be. Maybe a Celebtchi or that one Elvis head Tama. I am hoping he will marry Luna.

For more info PM me about one of them!!

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Starngely but awesomel, yesterday Luna evolved- into a Ichigotchi!!! YAY :) !! I thought she would become a Young Mimitchi or a Ringotchi. I am trying to get her to become a Ponytchi (Favorite Character!!!).

She also met Alex (see above notes), her future mate. Not too much of an approval from her, but Alex is wild over her now. I may have to use her love potion on her when she is an adult.


I evolved into an Ichigotchi yesterday. YAY! Now I'm like Roxygirl26's Bella was when she was a teen. Bella is so cool.

My said I am going to be a Ponytchi when I grow up. Ponytchis have the awesomest hair!!

Also the other day my owner went to the connection menu.

"Are we visiting Mom and Dad??" I asked.

"Well, today I want you to meet someone special. His name is Alex," My owner replied.

"Is he cute?" I asked over and over again.

"He's a V4.5," my owner said.

I started to say, "But they're always so stuck up. Lena met her future partner and she says-"

"Well he might be different," interrupted my owner.

Wait a second...

"You ARRANGED my MARRIGE!" I shouted. What happened to love??!!

"You have to at least meet him," she kept insisting.

"I'm not going anywhere!" I argued.

(Ugg... teenagers)

"Well," my owner finally said after I gave her the silent treatment for a few minutes. "There's always the other option. You had BETTER BE POLITE! He will be your guest."

Alex floated onto my screen.

"Hey," he half whispered. He blushed.

The only thing that was going through my head was kiss up... kiss up... kiss up.... V4.5's are annoying.

We sat there for a moment in silence. Well there was a faint buzzing in the air. Was he talking? I wasn't paying attention.

After awhile, I heard him say something like, "I think you're beautiful." Likely.

I kind of went along with the whole thing after that, and tried to smile and respond.

Pretty soon he had to leave.

"It was nice meeting you," Alex said.

"You too." He blushed again and left.

I noticed he left me a box. Was this a trick? I carefully opened the box.

There was a flower inside.

That was it? I was expecting candy at least. Dang.

My owner is still talking to me constantly, trying to get me to love him.

According to Lena, it doesn't work like that. She's supposed to marry this brainless daiytchi when she is in love with this Young Kuchipatchi in her Social School. She is a Young Memetchi and wants to become a Violetchi. Lena is the best when it comes to Social "ins" and "outs"

Owners need to learn a thing or two.


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By the way Congratulations to Roxygirl26's Bella! The Matchmaker visited her and she has a baby boy!


Luna evolved this morning and she became- a PONYTCHI!!! I'm so excited!

I fed Luna love potion and connected her with Alex. She fell so in love with him. She is really happy now.

These are her stats:

Training: 9

Inntelligence: 114

Arts: 41

Social: 48

Weight: 35 lbs.

Age: 3

Generation: 4G


I'm a Ponytchi! It's great! And I love my shiny red boots.

Also this morning after I ate my toast with honey I had a desparate need to see Alex.

"Where is he?" I asked my owner, "I NEED him."

My owner grinned and connected me to him. I went over to his house to visit.

"Good morning Luna!" Alex greeted me. He was that gorgeous Elvis Tama. "What brings-"

I pulled him into a kiss.

"Wow!" Alex said after our kiss. Then we kissed again, that time much longer.

"Did I ever tell you you're amazing?" I told Alex.

"You just did," he replied.

After the shortest time, I had to leave.

"Wanna come over sometime?" I asked him.

"Can't wait!" Alex said.

Then I left him a flower and left.

Since then I've been with Alex. We've been visiting each other and giving each other cute presents.

Alex is amazing.



Luna and Alex married and had baby girls! I don't know what to name them though. PM me if you have any Tamas of yours you would like them to be named after and tell me why.

Luna got her job and she's a School Teacher!!!

Here are her stats now:

Training: 9

Intelligence: 144

Arts: 50

Social: 51

Weight: 35 lbs.

Age: 5

Generation: 4G


When I graduated from school, I was soo excited! I knew soon I could officially marry Alex! It was too bad Lena ended up being forced to marry a Tenpatchi.

I was king of sad though when I left school. I was an official adult now. I know I evolved into an adult yeaterday, but I was a TRUE adult.

Also I had to leave my teacher. Mr. Turtlepedia inspired me so much. Then I decided I wanted to be a school teacher. The panel of the King's judges accepted me, and the King himself visited me!!! It was wonderful to get such an honor.

Then it was time for me to get married. I got dressed in my prettiest skirt and Alex came to visit me. After the ceremony, Alex went back to his home. But I felt funny. Then suddenly there were fireworks on my screen and I had twin girls! I fed them both and sent one to Alex. He was delighted!!!

I might leave my daughter and go to TamaTown tonight.

