♥My Tamagotchi Log♥


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Well-known member
May 20, 2009
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Hello everybody reading my log!

This is going to be a log about my Tamagotchis! I will probably be posting more about my newer versions then older versions! Okay on one of my Music Stars, there is a boy called Chester, he is 2 years old! His instrument is a drum set and his toy is a skateboard and this is his life pattern : Petitchi(m) -> Kuchitamatchi -> Kikitchi -> Togetchi.

On my other Music Star, there is another boy called Skeeter. His growth pattern is: Petitchi(m) ->Kuchitamatchi

He is currently a Kuchitamatchi, he plays the guitar and his favourite toy is his helicopter. He should be evolving soon! I hope that he will turn into something good because I don't want another Tarakotchi! :furawatchi:

I will post when something exciting happens!

TamaPunky :D

Skeeter just evolved into a Hintotamatchi! He is still waiting to be accepted into Music School. He still plays the guitar and Chester still plays the Drums. I am also Lollipop Lover aswell, I will just not be using that account anymore! So I will continue to post my Favourite food graph etc.

I will post when something new comes my way!

TamaPunky :)

Sorry I haven't replied in a while, nothing new really! Skeeter should be evolving today! :D I am trying to get his skill points up like mad! He is also in a band called "Gagaz" with a ichigotchi named Elaine and a kikitchi named Daniel. Chester is in a band called "Royal" and his band members include a Makkiko called Thu and a Kuchipatchi named Daniel.

Well I guess I have nothing more to post about, so I will post when something exciting happens!

TamaPunky :)

Nothing has happened! My tamagotchis are so boring when nothing happens to them! Anyway, my friend and I are planning on connecting our tamagotchis so that they have little eggies together! Cause she has a girl and I have a boy, I think I will let her girl marry Skeeter, cause Chester is too old! Skeeter is happy the way he is at the moment and when he evolves I will be hoping for something cool, nothing something like a Tarakotchi. Skeeter just got somebody at the door and it was the mailman :D It was 4000 gotchi points! I will post when something new happens!

TamaPunky :D

Sorry! Nothing has happened to any of my Music Stars! Skeeter hasn't evolved yet and I am wondering if he ever will! I hope that when he evolves that he will turn into something really nice like a Mametchi or a Kuchipatchi! Stats check!



Age: 1 Year

Weight: 25lbs

Stress: 60 (need to get that down!)

Tone: 331

Rhythm: 346

Original: 360

Genre: Rock 'n' Roll



Chester is going fine at the moment! He is at the marrying age (5 years) and he really wants to be married to either a maidtchi or a chantotchi. The mailman came before and gave him a Sushi Roll, it was so cute! Anway, I will report when he gets a wife, or when Skeeter evolves, what ever comes first! :D

TamaPunky :p

Okay so Skeeter evolved last night into a ... Dorotchi! But I had such good skill points, they were all in the late 300's! I really want the tamagotchis, when they get married, to have a baby girl because whenever I get my tamagotchis married, they always seem to have a baby boy and I am sick of it!

Chester is still trying to find a nice girl that he might like to marry. His band still hasn't passed auditions yet and I am kind of getting sick of it! I think that I will let Skeeter evolve into an oldie just so that I can see what they are like! Anyway I will post when something new happens (If it ever does)!

TamaPunky :D

My tamagotchi (Skeeter) left me! ;) But it is alright because now I can start a new family and get a girl! Okay, so I got a girl who plays the karaoke machine and her toy is a koala (bear)! I named her May and she has just evolved into a Tamatchi!

TamaPunky ^_^

Okay so May evolved into a Chamametchi and the guess what she evolved into?? A MEMETCHI! :D She is so cute and she is in and all girl band called Babes and there was a ichigotchi named Lisa and a ringotchi named Veronica, Lisa turned into a Masktchi :ph34r: and Veronica turned into a Chantotchi.

Chester got an offer from guitartchi for him to marry an Onputchi but Chester didn't like her, so he got another offer which was an... onputchi... :( 3rd time lucky! CHANTOTCHI! YES! They had a baby girl.

TamaPunky :huh:

Chester left me! I don't honestly know why they are leaving me, but I think because my brother and I has changed the time so that they are asleep when we are but Chester wasn't asleep! :( Anyway, starting again! 1 little egg, 3 presents it was a girl who played the karaoke and her favourite toy is her mirror! I named her Lola. Lola evolved into a Hitodetchi :hitodetchi:

TamaPunky :D

Tamagotchi's Favourite Foods List (Music Star):


Tarakotchi : Fish

Mimtchi : Ice-cream

Hintotamatchi: Tacos

Hitodetchi : Fries

Kuribotchi : Ham-burgers

Nonopotchi : Ham-burgers

Kikitchi : Steak

Memetchi : Milk


TamaPunky :D

Okay, Lola evolved into an ichigotchi :lol: She got accepted into Music School and she is in a band called "Smileys." In the band there is a hintotamtchi named Louis and a kikitchi named David. Lola isn't very happy with me at the moment because of her high stress and her low music skills. I will try and increase them later!

May is going good! I am trying to get her band to pass auditions and then take her to the band manager! She just pooed and now there is somebody at the door, it is the mailman and he gave me a heart in the mail! I will reply when something good happens! :D

TamaPunky :lol:

Lola should be evolving very soon! I think that I am going to get a bad character, I know I will! :( All of her music skills are still under 100, I am so ashamed. Anyway, I have been taking good care of her, so I am hoping that the points won't come into that much of an affect. So if she does turn into a bad character, I will just let her grow into a senior because I have never had one of them before.

May is still an adult, though she is about to be off the market! She got married to a Mametchi and they had a baby girl. :wub: If anyone is reading my log, can you please PM me with names of what I should call the next little girl? Please! And also, if you do PM me, can you please suggest ways that I can improve my log, thanks?

TamaPunky :furawatchi:

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Lola evolved into a Maskitchi! :wub: WAAHHH!! Her band memeber, the hintotamtchi evolved into a Kuromametchi and the kikitchi evolved into a dorotchi.

TamaPunky :furawatchi:

Tamagotchi's Favourite Foods List (Music Star):


Tarakotchi: Fish

Mimtchi: Ice-cream

Hintotamatchi: Tacos

Hitodetchi: Fries

Kuribotchi: Ham-burgers

Nonopotchi: Ham-burgers

Kikitchi: Steak

Memetchi : Milk and Cupcake

Mametchi: Milk and Cupcake

Masktchi: Hamburgers


(If anyone is caught copying I will report! So please don't this is my own work, there are also other charts with more information then mine)

TamaPunky :)

May left her baby this morning! I named the baby Chrissy and she plays the karaoke. Stats check!



Age: 0 years

Weight: 5 lbs.

Stress: 15

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Tone: 170

Rhythm: 186

Original: 181

Genre: Rock 'n' Roll





Age: 3 years

Weight: 20 lbs.

Hungry: ♥♥

Happy: ♥♥

Stress: 65

Tone: 141

Rhythm: 178

Original: 131

Genre: Latin



Lola died! :( :) I am kind of happy and sad because I never liked! her Well, now I can start a new generation! So I reset and I got a baby girl who plays the drums and her name is Lisa. Lisa's favourite toy is a horsey! Lisa is now a hitodetchi ;)

Chrissy was a Ringotchi and now she is a.... MAIDTCHI! Anyway, in her band there was a ichigotchi named Elaine and a kikitchi named Ryo. Ryo evolved into a togetchi and Elaine is a onputchi!

Lisa evolved into an ichigotchi :ichigotchi: Sorry! Nothing else has happened and I am getting really annoyed! :(

Okay! So I have reset both of my tamagotchis. I am hoping for a boy and a girl, so that they can grow up together and have little babies! :D I got a boy and a girl, they both play drums! I named the girl Bec, and the boy Casper. I want Casper to be a Mametchi or Kuromametchi and I want Bec to be either a Makkiko or a Chantotchi.

You may be thinking? Why the hell did she reset her tamas? Well! It is annoying because I will have one tamagotchi going to do auditions and I will have the other one at preschool, so now, at least I will not be doing 100,000 things at once. I will reply when they evolve! Which shouldn't be too long! ;) And if any of you readers were wondering, Lisa had evolved! Into a masktchi! ;)

They evolved! Bec is now a Tamatchi and Casper is now a Kuchitamatchi. I cannot believe that I got bad characters, because I took awesome care of them! :mametchi:

Woo-hoo! They evolved! Bec is now a Chamametchi and Casper is now a Kikitchi. They have been connecting together a lot because I want them to marry when they are adults. Oh yeah, and they will be doing journals on here aswell, so here they are!


Dear Diary,

Casper is so cute, and mummy told us that

we get to marry eachother! I am so happy! I

think that we will make a perfect couple.

I am so hoping that Casper likes me back! If

he doesn't I will be really upset! :D

Bec! ♥


Dear Diary,

Bec looks really cute! Mum was telling us that

we had to get married and at first though, I

was nearly sick, because Mum mentioned it

when she was a tamatchi! But now that she is

a HOT chamametchi, I think that things will

work out! Unless she turns into something ugly,

like a Sebiretchi, then I will ask if I can marry

through the matchmaker. :p

Casper! ♂

