♥ TororotchiTama's v5 Log! ♥


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Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
Hello, and welcome to my first ever Tamagotchi log!


Today morning, I have taken the battery out of my Music Star, and put it in to the v5 Familitichi.

Three eggs appeared on the screen. I waited for them to hatch. I decided to name the family Price, because this was the first name that came into my mind that had five letters.

Two girls and one boy appeared. I fed them, and then I had to go, so I entered the Travel Show.


When I came back home, I looked closer at the Tamas, and decided to name the two girls Helena and Gabi, and the boy Vinni. Just after I named them, they evolved into a Sakuramotchi (Helen), a Tororotchi (Gabi) and Ahirukutchi (Vinni).

Then, I have found out the hours on when Tamas call for attention, to gain Bonding Points (thank you, Tamatalk!), and, although I shouldn't cheat, I did set the hour a few times...

After a while, the three little Tamas went to sleep. ^^




Nothing very important had happened todaym except that I now have... 80% Bonding! I think it is the highest I ever got to! I'm soo happy! And when you press the C button, the little heart animation is really cute.

Price Family's Stats:


Stage: Child (two days)

Bonding: 80% ( Blended Family)

GP (Gotchi Points): 440GP

Generation: 1

Helen: Sakuramotchi

Gabi: Tororotchi

Vinni: Ahirukutchi


Gabi, Helen, Vinni, would you like to write anything in your log? I don't want the log to be boring!


Helen: Oh, hello, everyone! Thank you for reading this log, and... erm... er..

Vinni: Oh, whatever! I'm Vinni, and I am the most intelligent, amazing, and brave tama in the whole worl...

Me: *rolls eyes* Ok, Vi, please... let Helen write something else, if she wants to.

Helen: No, it's OK ^^

Me: Sure?

Helen: Yes. What about Gab...

Gabi: Hellohellohellohello, Tamatalk! Yay! I LOVE logs! Though I never actually have written one, as SHE (meaning TororotchiTama) was too lazy to even start writing one!

Me: Not my fault. *puts on a innocent face*

Gabi, Vinni, Helen: *together* See ya!

Gabi: WAIT! You haven't posted our photo yet!

Oh, yes, I haven't. So, this is a photo of my v5, with Helen, Vinni and Gabi: https://img140.imageshack.us/img140/2271/tororotchitama.jpg ! (Photo taken by me, TororotchiTama, please do not use it without my permission, thank you ^^)

Would you like to comment? DO NOT write in this topic, but PM me! But, nothing offensive/ breaking TamaTalk rules. If this happens, I will report you - sorry, but these are the rules.

~ TororotchiTama :)

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Hello! Thanks for the 12 views. I hope you like reading my log :D


It's April Fool's day! And eleven days 'till my birthday - I hope I will get a new Tama, maybe. I really want one of the vintage ones, such as the Angelgotchi or MesutchiOsutchi... Or a new leash, so I can have more Tamas with me at the same time. And, of course, batteries! I soo need batteries for my Music Star.

Nothing amazing happened today with my Tamas, except for that we went to the Tama&Earth Expo (Famitama Tamatown), and won 300GP. Oh, and I have typed in some codes for food and items.

Yesterday, the Bonding dropped to just 70%. I made a big fuss of it, and got mad. Luckily, the Tamas just called for attention, so the Bonding is 80% again. Yay!

I took the Tama Addiction Test I found on an website, and i got JUST 53 out of 100! Next time I take the test, let's say, next month, I'm aiming to get minimum 60 or 70, out of 100.


Ok, If anything else happens today, I will update. I'm fairly excited, as I plan to buy new batteries for my Music Star.


UPDATE: I've got 100% Bonding!

~TororotchiTama :blink:

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Hello, everyone!

At the beginning, I'd like to thank PonytchiLuv for the fan mail! ^^

I never thought of actually getting a fan mail, and I didn't even know if anyone is actually reading this log. I would like to thank anyone who's reading this.


Well: the Price Family evolved into...

Gabi: Chamametchi!

Vinni: Mamekatchi!

Helen: Ichigotchi!


Soo happy. I wish I could get Mametchi... he's my favourite "adult" character. I would also like to get a Pure family, but I'm not sure if it is possible now.


Also, I finally bought batteries for my Music Star. I've now got a boy called Vincent (one of my favourite names, kind of the longer version of the name Vinni - don't get mixed up!). His toy is a rocket, and the instrument he plays is... some kind of... weird thing. I think it's some kind of drums. He's sleeping now, and I don't want to wake him up just to see what kind of instrument it is.


I n f o :


PRICE Family

Gabi ♀ Chamametchi

Helen ♀ Ichigotchi

Vinni ♂ Mamekatchi

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds Per.: 100%

Gen. 1G

Stage: Teen

Gotchi Points: 720GP


VINCENT (Music Star)

Vincent ♂ Kuchitamatchi

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 00

Tone: 5


Original: 10

Yr.: 0

Lb.: 15

Gotchi Points: 3090GP

Jazz Music


That's all for now...

Vinni, Helen, Gabi, TororotchiTama: *together* Bye!

Vincent: Zzzzz *snores*... What?! Oh! Yes, bye, everyone! See ya!

~ TororotchiTama & Price Family & Vincent :)

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Hello, and welcome to my log. ^^


I have some a m a z i n g news!


Vinni evolved into a...



Gabu evolved into a...



Helena evolved into a...



Vincent evolved into a...



Soooooo happy! I never got these characters in v5! Now I will try to get a Pure family, if it is possible.




PRICE Family

Gabi ♀ Chantotchi

Helen ♀ Hotteatchi

Vinni ♂ Mametchi

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Bonds Per.: 100%

Gen. 1G

Stage: Adult

Gotchi Points: 1060GP

Friends: Vincent ☺☺☺☺☺ ( 5 smiley-faces )


VINCENT (Music Star)

Vincent ♂ Kikitchi

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Stress: 04 ( got to lower it down! )

Tone: 44

Rythm: 93

Original: 110

Yr.: 0

Lb.: 20

Gotchi Points: 5430GP

Rock'n'Roll Music

Friends: Price Family ☺☺☺☺ ( 4 smiley-faces )


And I finally know what Vincent's instrument is - it is a singing robot! :angry:

~ TororotchiTama & Price Family & Vincent :mellow:

U P D A T E !

Just a quick update on my Tamagotchis.


Music Star - Vincent


Batteries went dead yesterday, so I have to buy new ones. Vincent has now got a band called Nights. He also evolved into a Shimashimatchi. Also, on his first concert, he got... PRO DEBUT! :rolleyes: Yay.


v5 Familitchi - Price Family

Gabi married a Memetchi. They now have two daughters, and one son. The daughter's names are Sally (Ichigotchi) and Leonore (Shelltchi), and the son's name is Allen (Korokotchi). They currently have no bonding, and I am working on it.
