♠My V4 Log♠


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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2005
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I got two V4s for Christmas. One is the sunrise and one is the sunflowers. The sunflowers one will not connect. I'm taking it back to the store.

I was so excited when I got it. It was the first thing I opened.

I hatched it and it was a girl. I named her Kayla.

She evolved into a kid. She looks like the example of a kid on the instuctions. I have taken her to TamaTown twice. I entered all the shop codes. I like the game Jump Rope. I have beat it B) I like mimic too. Her Items: Pen, !!, Honey, Cell Phone.

Theres not much to do at Tamatown for the V4s. I took her to Pre-school and she danced with her teacher. I like how when you enter the code to login, your character is on the screen on tamatown. It's cool B) Kayla is 1 years old.

[SIZE=6pt]*Edit - If you wish people to reply to your log then you should be looking at taking an account at Blogagotchi as we don't allow replies here*[/SIZE]

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I haven't had time to post for a while. Kayla evolved into a Ringotchi yesterday! She looks like a cute little apple. She is now 2 years old. I like the game dance. It's fun because I can beat it almost every time XD She went to school and a lizard thingy showed her a pencil and three boxes. She had to guess which one it was in. I tried three times and I still can't guess right ^_^ I'll keep trying. I went to Wal-Mart to replace the other V4 but they didn't have any more. I got a refund and I'll get another one when they get them in stock. That's about it.

Come back tomorrow for more news about Kayla!

Kayla evolved early. She was only three! She evolves into a happy Hanatchi! She is so cute. I have a V1 boy Kutchipatchi so I'm trying to get them married. It's funny how on the V4, the heart is white when Vamp (my V1) gives it a present. It was always black on the other versions. Anyway, I took Kayla to Tamatown and got her the Passport, Brochure, and some goodies like crepes and fried chicken :rolleyes: She is taking a bath now. You know how I said that when she went to school I could never guess the box that the pencil was in? Well I guessed right today! It made her so happy. She is still in the tub. Must have been dirty XD Anyway, that's it. Bye!

Theres lots to tell!!! Kayla and Vamp got married! They had two baby boys. Kayla got a job at a bank. The mini game is just like "Get" on the V3. I bought her a skirt at the shop and she wore it like a collar XD It looked like one of those thinkys they put around your neck when its broken. On new years eve, at twelve O' clock, Kayla left :D She was such a good tama. This morning, I named her baby boy Alec. I like that name :( He is still a baby because I paused him.


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