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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2005
Reaction score
I lost track of my old one and didn't feel like looking through the sea of tama logs some 1,000 pages back. So I'm starting out fresh. Hmm..I like that word..Fresh. F-R-E-S-H...*Is knocked out for being stupid*


Okay, anyway....I currently have 30 tamas. Original, V1, V2, V3, Angel, Mothra...Blah Blah Blah. All those types. You probably don't wanna hear that cause' It's boring.

Anyway, only 3 have working batteries in them right now. I had 4 but one's battery just died today.

So, they are all Hinotamachis. You know, the teenager that looks like its heads on fire. I have a V3, and 2 V1s going.

One's name is Lolly.


Lolly's Stats

Hungry ♥♥♥♥

Happy ♥♥♥♥

3 Years Old

29 Pounds

2nd Gen.


She is currently asleep


Zuki's Stats

Hungry ♥♥♥♥

Happy ♥♥♥♥

1 year Old

39 Pounds

2nd Gen.


He is currently asleep


Tropa's Stats

Hungry ♥♥♥♥

Happy ♥♥♥♥

3 Years Old

40 Pounds X_X

3rd Gen.

He is currently asleep


Well..that's all for today. See ya tomorrow!

Well, Lolly's battery died today X_X

So now I only have 2 tamas going.

The battery died in church. Nothing really eventful happened today exept Tropa evolved into a Maskchi. I really don't like those guys. I got it because I didn't wake up early enough on the weekend and it got sick. So.....


Tropa's Stats

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

3 years old

59 Pounds

Gen. 3

(Currently has a poopy floating around. *Cleans it up*)


Zuki's Stats

Hungry: ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

2 years old

54 pounds

Gen. 2


Today I took my tamas to school today and found a girl that had a V2. So I connected Tropa and Zuki with hers. Now they have a new friend! Zuki is currently singing and Tropa is playing with his new cape that Zuki gave him. The Matchmaker should come for Tropa tomorrow. I hope he has a girl! Oh, hold on...*Cleans Tropa's poopy* Lol. That was funny. He poops almost every time I start righting >.<

Anyway, here their stats:



Hungry ♥♥♥♥

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

5 Years Old

69 Pounds X_X

3 Gen.



Hungry ♥♥♥♥

Happy ♥♥♥♥

3 Years Old

53 Pounds

2 Gen.


Today I took my tamas to school and Zuki evolved into a Sekitoritchi at lunch! He looks like a guy in a hula skirt XD The MatchMaker didn't come for Tropa =(

Maybe tomorrow. Anyway, heres the stats:





6Years Old

91 Pounds X_X (I need to play a game with him)

3 Gen.




Happy ♥♥♥

4 Years Old

50 Pounds

2 Gen.

See ya later.

It's been a while since I posted XD Anyway, Tropa's battery died =( But I bought some more and I started some other ones.

I still have Zuki, which by the way, got married and had a boy.

I have an Ichigotchi named Vamp, a :angry: named B B B don't ask XD and a Masktchi named Ally! Zuki left and I'm raising his baby boy named Toby. I namec him at lunch today.

My friend suggested that name.

I'll post the rest later!


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