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  1. M

    What does a Fishing Rod do?

    Thank you very much! I was wondering why my Tama was quite happy after catching a large fish! Your information was quite useful. :3
  2. M

    What does a Fishing Rod do?

    I heard somewhere on the boards that it you use it, you can get points. I also thought it was like the plant or lamp in the same respects as in it disappeared. But I have used it many times. So, what does it do?
  3. M

    A Beginner's Log (v3)

    After much looking around the area where she was taken, I gave up. Then later one day, I found the Tamagotchi in my desk, paused, overweight, and on full hearts. Saia was never overweight in my care, nor do I put her in my desk. Oh well, she is home again. And during her return, she was...
  4. M

    Poor Innocent Saia

    Tamagotchi's Name: Saia Tamagotchi's Age: Possibly 4 or 5. I know 2 days of being thrown over a fence or stolen without any food is painful, but hopefully you went peacefully. Tomorrow I will try and find the Tamagotchi itself. But I know I can't bring back you. :P So long, and be good.
  5. M

    A Beginner's Log (v3)

    :D I think I know who took her, and it was the owner of Sammy. I have no idea why, but I heard beeping during class. I'm suspecting a girl named Melinda took her. ARGH! I am so mad right now!
  6. M

    A Beginner's Log (v3)

    Today was horrible. One, she woke up with 3 hearts. and 2, she was stolen. It all happened in Gym Class. After she was fed and played with I set her down by a bush with a paper of mine. When the baseball game was over, I wandered near where she was. The paper was scattered and ripped about...
  7. M

    A Beginner's Log (v3)

    So I shall start with stats, since you gotta know the tama before reading about it. Name: Saia Gender: Female Generation: 1 Type: A Billotchi Training: Full bar! Today I awoke Saia (who was a young Mameitchi) to discover she had evolved~! She looks like a black duck with a white spot on...