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  1. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    So I've realized, that I've been saying four hearts, and v5s have five hearts. xD Wow. Go me.   Anyway. Solar has become a Sunnytchi. I don't know who I will mate him with yet. I guess it all depends on if I want an all space family, or if I want to go in a new direction. =/ Hmm.   Stats...
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    ~Usagi Family!~

    Solar is now a Mikazukitchi. ^_^ He is so cute. I am glad I got him, though I still wish he had more siblings or something. D: I can't wait until he is an adult now! I am very excited. Hopefully I can go out this week sometime and buy another tama.   Stats: Hunger: Four heats...
  3. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    Once again I was busy so my tamas were put on pause. Two of my friends and I went out to find my one friend a prom dress. Just thinking of prom makes me nervous. My Hoshitchi,Solar, is a boy. His mother is a Mamametchi and his father a Planetchi. I wish Solar wasn't an only child. He probably...
  4. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    Today I mated my Violettchi, Bells, with a Sunnytchi. I was orginally going to mate her with a Sukatchi to get a pur family, but I just couldn't pass up the Sunnytchi! They had one child, who is now a Hoshitchi. So cute! I forget what gender the child is. D: I had to pause all of my tamas...
  5. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    Yeay! I am finally able to unpause them all today.   Over the past couple days of pausing and unpausing, my Usagi Family grew into adults! James is a Furikotchi.Bells is a Violettchi.Kenny is a Mumutchi. I got another mumutchi! I wonder if he'll show up again in the next generation. O.o  ...
  6. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    I haven't been updating because I have been very busy. All of my tamas have been on pause but I did order a v4.5 today. Hopefully I will have more time soon. I will probably be able to unpause a few since school is starting back up.   Sorry guys! D:
  7. X

    Tamagotchi Angel

    Tamagotchi's Name: Futagotenshi, Twin Angels. Tamagotchi's Age: 14 tama-years Date of Birth: ---- Date of Passing: 03/26/2008 What Generation? 1G Your Comments: My futagotenshi was born last year when I was raising my tamas. I had put them on pause until recently when I started them back...
  8. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    Since I don't wake up early for school right now, I had to come up with a way to take care of my tamas and get some sleep. I found my solution. I wake up at 7:01 AM to check my v5. I make sure it is okay and then go back to sleep for an hour. That means I wake up at 8:01 the next time. I check...
  9. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    I've deciced to start typing in a color. That way you guys don't get too bored. Anyway I now have six tamagotchis running at once. It is kind of exhausting. Lol. Hopefully when school starts up again I can get two more. I am buying them from my friend since they aren't being used. After that I...
  10. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    I mated Taylor yesterday, and I didn't realize that the matches don't work backwards. xD Oh well. At least now I know for later matings. He mated to a memetchi and they had three babies. Two boys and one girl. While waiting for the time that he could mate, I entered codes for all of the meals...
  11. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    I looked at some of the charts, and I think I might actually mate Taylor. If I mate him with someone, I forget who, I can get the Meme Family. :D I will have to look up his mate later. Probably tomorrow when they are allowed to mate.
  12. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    Yeay! Today in sixth hour they became adults! Kenzi is an Onputchi, Taylor is a Mumutchi, and Jenny is a Yonepatchi. I think Kenzi and Taylor look reaaaally cute! I think I will marry off Kenzi when I decide the time is right. Thank you mommy! I can't wait to meet my husband! Please pick me out...
  13. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    I've noticed that the v5s don't age as fast as the v4s. I started my v5 and v4 in the same day. And today my v4 became an adult while my v5 is only a teen. Neither have been paused and the time has not been played with. I am not sure what to think though. Today I checked the travel channel for...
  14. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    Of course I brought my tamas to school again. Things went fairly smoothly, except I didn't have as much time as I did yesterday to check on them. They made it though! I looked at my familitchi at the end of sixth hour, just to make sure everyone was doing fine. To my suprise I saw different...
  15. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    Oh goodnes! I forgot the stats. Stats: Hungry: 4 hearts Happy: 4 hearts Bonds: 10% ((Still? D:)) Blended Family Usagi Family Generation: one Money: 9990 Kenzi= Sakuramotchi= Daughter Taylor= Mattaritchi= Son Jenny= Belltchi= Daughter
  16. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    I took Kenzi, Taylor, and Jenny to school with me today. They were up before first hour! O.O I think they woke up around seven then. The v4s, at the same age, don't wake up that early, or at least the ones I have had did not. Anyway! The children weren't that much of a hassle. I had a bit of...
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    ~Usagi Family!~

    I am guessing it is about bed time for them. My three tamas are standing in a line next to a window and yawning. They have been doing it for some time now, they must really be tired xD Stats: Still the same as before.
  18. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    Right now they are getting clean. It keeps rotating from a bath to a shower. You can barely see their little heads over the side of the bath! Awwwh.
  19. X

    ~Usagi Family!~

    Hello, I'm Shelbi. Please do not post comments here, send what you want to say in a message instead. Thank you! Today, March 16, I bought my first v5. It is the "Love My Family" design. I had the "home" out of it's plastic container before I even got home during the fifteen minute car ride. I...