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  1. Linnie

    Petz 5

    I used to love these games! I've been tempted to start them up again. I still have a bunch of pets saved somewhere, too. :wub:
  2. Linnie

    Pocket Duck?

    Oh wow, looks like it has the same guts, just a different shell. Going to keep a look out for those!
  3. Linnie

    Pocket Duck?

    Dang, that's disappointing. Mine's so unresponsive I can't play any of the games with my band.
  4. Linnie

    Pocket Duck?

    Speaking of unresponsive buttons, I need to open up my V6 to investigate it's buttons, haha. I got all the screws out except one really badly stripped one. Not sure what happened there, since it's not one you would regularly unscrew. Makes me wonder if I had asked someone to try to fix it when...
  5. Linnie

    Pocket Duck?

    Looking around the forums, I'm going to try seeing if it's the batteries not sitting correctly in the case. I'm also going to see if there's a way to open it up without damaging said case, and see if there's anything lose. Something seems to move around in there. I wasn't the nicest to the...
  6. Linnie

    Bandai America Releases 2017 Tamagotchi Mini Wave 2 (Series 2)

    Has anyone seen these in Canada yet? ^_^
  7. Linnie

    Pocket Duck?

    I've seen that video too, that's how I was able to identify mine since it doesn't have any markings (at least, not anymore!) Mine's orange and I remember it working exactly the same. Well, I remember one line of the screen's pixels died, and now it won't turn on at all. I'm not entirely sure why.
  8. Linnie

    Pocket Duck?

    Did anyone have these growing up? They were an offbrand Gigapet-like device and really cute. Unfortunately, mine is broken. I want to see if I can fix it... but I don't have much for digital pet repair skills! (Let me know if you are selling one. :P )
  9. Linnie

    Tamagotchi V5 and V6 memory problems!

    I've been using big brand batteries, and when I replace them, I don't get the "Download" and "Reset" options even if I try multiple times (maybe that is a mistake as well?). I don't think I've bumped them, but sometimes I have had to put them in a backpack when I travel. They probably get a...
  10. Linnie

    Identify These Pets?

    So I was taking a picture of my vintage virtual pets and realized... I can't identify two of them. Link because the image is fairly large: The ones in question are the little dinosaur watch one, and the one that says "pocket...
  11. Linnie

    Tamagotchi V5 and V6 memory problems!

    I haven't played with these tamas much out of all the ones I own because of something that bothers me... Neither of these tamas seem to "remember" major events! The batteries die and I have to start completely from scratch.... So is there something special I need to do with these tamas, or am...
  12. Linnie

    +++++Wat language do u speak?+++++

    My first language is English, but I've been learning French at school since I was 6. It's useful to know French if you live in Canada!
  13. Linnie

    How many tamas do you have?

    I have nine! See signature for further details. ;D
  14. Linnie

    Hello! ;D

    Nope. I seem to be figuring out everything on my own. Thanks for offering though!
  15. Linnie

    Hello! ;D

    Alright! ^^
  16. Linnie

    Hello! ;D

    Thanks! I feel welcome already. ^^
  17. Linnie

    Hello! ;D

    Yes, I am a huge Tamagotchi fan! I got my first one when I was eight, and I got pulled back into the obsession about a year ago. I've been looking around TamaTalk for awhile now, but I just got the courage to sign up today! I used to frequent another Tama board, until it became unavailible...