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  1. L

    Identical twins!

    :furawatchi: every one at my scool calls it the blob :furawatchi:
  2. L

    Baby Eyes gropu hatching group

    im extremly sorry but my tama broke and i cant find any any wher else so i will have to quit :blink: :lol: ;) :D :D :P :( :( :D :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :unsure:
  3. L

    hello i am new

    hi im new too! please be my friend! if you decide to be my friend please fill out this form name tamas name user name (if V3) version coutry and possibly state p.s my name is lucas i am from brazil but i live in the usa.
  4. L

    Baby Eyes gropu hatching group

    I will be happy to join!but mine is(awake) a kid on the 1st generation ,so will i have to reset mine :) ?any way this is my form LUCAS V3
  5. L

    help me plz

    try going to! they have lots and lots of codes .