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  1. A

    My Tamagotchi Log

    >YAHOO!!! I got the matchmaker I'm not certain what it mated with and I got another boynow it is the 3rd generation! Since it's a boy I'm naming it KEDUR. Until next time!, *~*Anneliese652*~*
  2. A

    My Tamagotchi Log

    >OK so I accidently put my tama to sleep early and it acctually went to sleep so I figured out you can make your tama go to sleep early and for me it was 30 min earlier. So try it whenever you can. So my tama is asleep right now. I'm not certain what it's called but it a flying tama at the...
  3. A

    My Tamagotchi Log

    >Hey! I have an adult right now. She is 4 years old. 37 pounds. 6 out of 9 training bars. It is a boy and his name is BRYAN. He has all hearts. He is wearing the rare costume. I'm hoping the matchmaker is be cming soon. If I get a girl it will be named CARLA and if another boy KEDUR. Oh and...